What are the gun laws like in Canada? (I'm actually curious, not trying to stir the pot.)
Short story: All firearms have classes.
Rifles and shotguns are non-restricted firearms, they can be obtained rather easily, have looser storage restrictions and do not have to be registered.
Pistols and revolvers and other handguns are restricted firearms. They must be registered, have stricter storage regulations and you have to have an authorization to transport to take it to ranges for shooting.
There's also a prohibited class, which contains everything else, including assault rifles, sawed-off barrels, and other stuff.
You don't need any license to use and fire firearms, but you need a Possession/Acquisition License (PAL) to purchase guns and store them in your home. The license is acquired by taking a single weekend firearms safety course. You can take just the one day for a non-restricted license, or the full weekend for both non-restricted and restricted.
More info than you could ever want
I have a PAL. The boy is taking up hunting, and I enjoy weekend range shooting.