Another difference between Canada and The United States


Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
Lancaster, PA, USA
We can buy these here....



Early birthday present to myself. Bushmaster A1-M4 Carbine. It was on sale for $650 and I just could not pass it up.
A difference I can be proud of!

But glad you got yourself something you like.

ETA this is also the difference between the US and the UK, The US and Germany, the US and Norway, the US and Australia, the US and etc etc
We can buy these here....



Early birthday present to myself. Bushmaster A1-M4 Carbine. It was on sale for $650 and I just could not pass it up.

Yeah, but they're under the Prohibited status here for a reason. Lots of great hunting rifles to be bought here simply by flashing my PAL. :)

But that's a cultural difference we're gonna agree to disagree on. It's a nice firearm, regardless!
Its nice because it will be one i can handle should i ever need to. With my short arms i have to use a juniors shotgun lol bt this one can be adjusted so even i can use it if i need to
I'm going to enjoy a rare day off...

But yes... Be proud Canadians/Europeans. Be proud that your nanny state(s) do not trust its own citizens. Lemmings... LOL END HOPLOPHOBIA!!!!

We can have another "gun control" debate if you want to. But I won't get at it until later.
Gosh Puck you really do like to stir **** up don't you? Who made a derogatory comment to you? Anyone? Bueller? The only "slight" you received was the information that the U.S. is in fact the odd one out of the bunch. Get over it and quit acting like a child in every potentially heated thread you start OR enter at some point. You throw your opinion at everyone else and then start with the insults as soon as someone doesn't agree with you.

Glad you got yourself a present. It isn't like you're going to parade it around on the street, I don't think you could hide that thing if you wanted to. And if you could... I'd be afraid to ask where. Plus, I believe you're pretty stable and not the town hall crusader type, so have fun with it.

By the way, yes I'm Canadian and I knew plenty of people with guns when I lived there, just not as ferocious looking as that one because they were hunting rifles. I don't care either way about guns or the status of my lolcountry.
But yes... Be proud Canadians/Europeans. Be proud that your nanny state(s) do not trust its own citizens. Lemmings... LOL END HOPLOPHOBIA!!!!



ETA: Okay really, this argument probably isn't about me because I shoot guns regularily. LOL. But the namecalling? Also, most of Europe has verrrry different gun laws than here. Much stricter.
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What are the gun laws like in Canada? (I'm actually curious, not trying to stir the pot.)
Nice gun you got there. :D

Frankly, as far as I'm concerned, the Canadians can have whatever gun laws they vote for, as can Europe and everyone else.

We're different because the right to bear arms is guaranteed in our Constitution, and thus it takes more than a simple majority to legally strip that right. But I don't see any problem with countries that do not have that provision in their Constitution passing whatever gun laws they like. Might not be my choice, but I don't live there.
What are the gun laws like in Canada? (I'm actually curious, not trying to stir the pot.)

Short story: All firearms have classes.

Rifles and shotguns are non-restricted firearms, they can be obtained rather easily, have looser storage restrictions and do not have to be registered.

Pistols and revolvers and other handguns are restricted firearms. They must be registered, have stricter storage regulations and you have to have an authorization to transport to take it to ranges for shooting.

There's also a prohibited class, which contains everything else, including assault rifles, sawed-off barrels, and other stuff.

You don't need any license to use and fire firearms, but you need a Possession/Acquisition License (PAL) to purchase guns and store them in your home. The license is acquired by taking a single weekend firearms safety course. You can take just the one day for a non-restricted license, or the full weekend for both non-restricted and restricted.

More info than you could ever want here. :)

I have a PAL. The boy is taking up hunting, and I enjoy weekend range shooting.
over compensation for what? he's married now... size no longer matters and he can't afford a divorce :rofl1:
$650 could buy almost 8 six week agility sessions... Which is a better use of money to me, but to each their own.

Or 9.25 large bags of a high quality dog food... Or 10 vet office visits.

Oh well... I enjoy Canada, you enjoy the USA. Happy early birthday.
yeah agility is a big waste of dough here lol. Belle has no concept of agility and Beezer would spend the entire time barking at all the other dogs and being a nut case so yeah agility would be a huge waste to me lol if I were going to spend that kind of money on the dogs I guess it would be for a new couch for Belle to sleep on (although she is on the floor right now and Beezer is on the couch... not sure how that happened)

Also it should be noted that that particular rifle is normally $1500 + it was on sale for only $650 (or something like that) and if we ever really needed that money we could sell it for more than we paid for it :)

Plus I can't use the shot gun if I ever needed to protect myself or Hannah in this house. It's too big for me. unsafe. This one however I can use and I'm much better with a rifle than a shot gun. you should see the difference in my targets :rofl1:

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