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  • Happy Birthday :D
    I generally loathe those self-help/motivational things and avoid them like the plague, but the Ted Talks link that (I think) Dekka posted is totally worthwhile ;)
    *Puck's head explodes* ROFLMFAO!!!! Help me remember the remarks about charity and blackmail for future use, okay? I'm going to be giggling over that ALL day.
    As far as your "asshat" mode is concerned...I wouldn't worry about it. Some of the blatant stupidity completely amazes me.
    This is a good companion to Sun Tzu; much of it deals with the qualities of a leader. While I don't agree with all of it, there's much of value, and the difference in time and culture has to be taken into account. LaoTze - TaoDeJing
    BWUAHAHAHAAA!!!!! I notice you're checking out the "What Makeup Do You Use" thread :rofl1:
    I love the way you're taking care of Typhanie (Cinderella). Thank you so much . . . for being you. :)
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