Ivy is SO adorable! I just want to nibble her up!
Thank you everyone!! I am having so much fun being a mom... I mean, I have no idea where my days are going anymore... it seems like I am not doing much but feeding Finley, changing diapers, napping, and a few random chores!
He lost about 12% of his birth weight and we had some issues breastfeeding at first, but now he's a monster! He makes the cutest gremlin face right before latching on accompanied by this little growl. I love him so much.
Now if only my vagina wouldn't feel like a battlefield. I guess that's the price to pay for an otherwise quick delivery (it's two 2nd and a 3rd degree tear). Thank you for all the suggestions, too. I have already looked into the sitz baths.
And a picture from the other day... Finley's full head of hair!