Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

Right there with you, though I'm waiting 6 more weeks to let everything get back to normal after the IUD before we stop preventing completely. Crazy feeling isn't it?!

Absolutely terrifying!!

We've waited a few years and come to realize nothing will ever be perfect, timing-wise. I turned 27 a month ago and while the clock has been ticking for awhile, it struck me how badly I want to have a child before I'm 30. Not that 30 is old, but I picture my husband and I being the hip young parents that do cool stuff in addition to being parents.

I dunno. I still have so many things that I want to do with my dogs, my career, our personal goals and desires....but I do know that we also want a child, at least one.
Absolutely terrifying!!

We've waited a few years and come to realize nothing will ever be perfect, timing-wise. I turned 27 a month ago and while the clock has been ticking for awhile, it struck me how badly I want to have a child before I'm 30. Not that 30 is old, but I picture my husband and I being the hip young parents that do cool stuff in addition to being parents.

I dunno. I still have so many things that I want to do with my dogs, my career, our personal goals and desires....but I do know that we also want a child, at least one.

My parents were 36 and 38 when they had me. I knew I wanted to be younger than that, but I also wanted us to be in a stable place so I could take a year off after the wee one is born. If all goes as planned, I'll be 30 when s/he arrives, and that feels pretty perfect. I've been researching and planning for about 4 years now!
I have to say the stuff I am learning about natural child birth and natural ways like delayed cord clamping and other stuff is fascinating. Its nice to find something I am interested in other then dogs ha ha.
I bought Ina mays Guide to child birth and it is so interesting. I can't put It down. It also makes you realize child birth should not be a scary thing, but is natural.

Yes x1000 for this. I'm always so surprised when people have kids without doing any research. I'm definitely not saying it makes them bad parents or anything, but I would NOT be comfortable doing no research. Especially since books like Ina's changed a lot of my thinking about pregnancy and infant rearing. Luckily I have a good friend who has similar philosophies and we hope to have children around the same time.

It's still 2-3 years away for me but I'm getting really excited.
Yes x1000 for this. I'm always so surprised when people have kids without doing any research. I'm definitely not saying it makes them bad parents or anything, but I would NOT be comfortable doing no research.

Me, too. Haven't read May's book, but it's on my list!

All the pre-conception reading and research I've done has really reduced some of my fears about the whole process and given me some concrete things to work toward. :)

I'm looking forward to taking a class or two, too.
Zephyr decided to come yesterday, 24 hours of labor (3x longer than her sister!) and a lot of pushing, but she is here and she is perfect. 8 lb 8oz 21 inches long (at 37 weeks 6 days! Can't imagine if I'd find to term!!!) We are in the NICU baking low blood sugar right now, but hopefully we'll be out soon and can all go home. Here she is. <3
What a cutie!

How'd you come up with her name? I like it!

Hope your all home soon!
Thanks everyone! We are still in the NICU, may have a chance to go home tomorrow. Her sugars are stabilizing, but not her bili count is up. :/

Zephyr came from the "unusual" section of some random baby name book, LOL. It means west wind. <3
Thanks everyone! We are still in the NICU, may have a chance to go home tomorrow. Her sugars are stabilizing, but not her bili count is up. :/

Zephyr came from the "unusual" section of some random baby name book, LOL. It means west wind. <3

Congratulations!! I hope you get to go home soon - she is beautiful and I also love her name! :)
In case you're wondering, no I haven't had the baby yet lol. Nearly 42 weeks :) stubborn little bugger, not sure where it gets that from :D off to see the consultant today to plan what monitoring I will receive from now if baby continues to not want to be born! I'm hoping they scan me today but won't hold my breath!

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