Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

Congrats, Dizzy! Ivy is adorable! I'm sorry to hear that you ended up with a c-section... if you do need to talk, feel free to send me a PM. I labored naturally for almost 30 hours at my birthing center before needing a c-section. At first I was upset because I didn't have the birth I planned for... but I've accepted it, and now I enjoy looking down at my little scar because it reminds me of Nora :)
Congrats on everyone's babies! :D I'm glad everyone is healthy and doing well. And I absolutely love the names!
Cutie dizzy!!

I am already telling Case to take it easy on me because his birth was dramatic enough! Maybe that's why he is such an easy baby and you'll get that to lol!
Thanks everyone!! We finally came home last night. Immense relief to be home!!! It's crazy how everyone tells you nothing can prepare you for this and it's SO TRUE!!!! She met the dogs today haha. Exactly how I expected it to go. Slowly slowly catch the monkey on that front. Well with bodhi, Fred is a lump and in love as expected.

Just have to get to know her now and heal up and start doing all the fun bits :)
Does anyone cloth diaper? If so which brands do you like? All of the stash I had with Winnie has disappeared and we're starting from scratch, but I can't remember all the brands I had, or which I liked best. :/
Thanks everyone!! We finally came home last night. Immense relief to be home!!! It's crazy how everyone tells you nothing can prepare you for this and it's SO TRUE!!!!

Just have to get to know her now and heal up and start doing all the fun bits :)

The farther I get/the more I read in this thread, the more excited I get. Take lots of pics! :D

Does anyone cloth diaper? If so which brands do you like? All of the stash I had with Winnie has disappeared and we're starting from scratch, but I can't remember all the brands I had, or which I liked best. :/

The ones that have been recommended to me the most by more than one person is Bumgenius. My friend uses different ones for when her kids get older and overnight sleeping.
First time outside. For her and for me since the section! Very short walk :)

Ivy is SO adorable! I just want to nibble her up! :)

Thank you everyone!! I am having so much fun being a mom... I mean, I have no idea where my days are going anymore... it seems like I am not doing much but feeding Finley, changing diapers, napping, and a few random chores!

He lost about 12% of his birth weight and we had some issues breastfeeding at first, but now he's a monster! He makes the cutest gremlin face right before latching on accompanied by this little growl. I love him so much.

Now if only my vagina wouldn't feel like a battlefield. I guess that's the price to pay for an otherwise quick delivery (it's two 2nd and a 3rd degree tear). Thank you for all the suggestions, too. I have already looked into the sitz baths.

And a picture from the other day... Finley's full head of hair!

Gah!! Newborns!!

I was just thinking today again give it another year before trying for #2 but so many cute babies :p
just wanted to pop on in and say that everyone's babies are adorable! I follow this thread all the time, but don't have anything to contribute, so I usually just sit back and read :)

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