What are some good, informative resources that you guys found useful to help you prepare for conceiving, pregnancy, birth, and everything in between?
Ok, so fair warning, I'm preeeetty crunchy so my resources all slant toward natural, but here's my list of things I checked out in my initial research phase.
I kind of take the "take what you can use, lose the rest" tactic with many, so ymmv. I also haven't checked all of them recently, so there may be some dead links.
Books/DVDs (I found both books at the local library!)
DVD: "The Business of Being Born" - documentary on birth in america. About 90 minutes in length and I found it very informative. Available on netflix streaming.
Book: "BabyCatcher" - great, relatively easy read about the life of a midwife. I found it incredibly educational while also being entertaining.
Book: "Pushed" - book on modern american maternity care. Lots of great research-based info, but could be a bit startling for someone who is looking at birth in the near future because it does point out the flaws in the system.
http://www.yourbirthright.com/ - source of *free* telecourses on various pregnancy/birth topics.
http://www.pregnancybirthandbabies.c...th_stories.htm - positive birth stories of all kinds.
http://www.hypnobirthing.clairebushell.co.uk/ - info on the HypnoBirthing method.
http://bringbirthhome.com/ - extensive site on all things homebirth.
http://atyourcervix.blogspot.com/ - L&D nurse's perspective on birth.
http://www.scienceandsensibility.org/?p=663#more-663 - research-based blog from Lamaze International
http://www.theunnecesarean.com/ - blog striving to reduce unneccesary ceseareans by educating consumers; also publishes c-section rates for states in the US.
http://thefeministbreeder.com/ - much more extreme blog than what I usually gravitate toward, but I do find it very interesting and she has a great VBAC story IIRC.
http://obnurse35yrs.wordpress.com/ - another OB nurse's perspective.
http://enjoybirth.wordpress.com/ - hypnobabies instructor, mother, etc. blogging about all things birth.
http://rixarixa.blogspot.com/ - one of my fav blogs, but I don't know exactly why...LOL. The author did a dissertation on unassisted child birth, so a bit more extreme natural birth than my own preferences, but I find it fascinating.
http://nursingbirth.com/ - a fairly slow blog written by a nurse. The "Don't Let This Happen to You" series is what started my odyssey into birth education, but can be a bit overwhelming in and of itself, though I found it quite educational.
http://birthingbeautifulideas.com/ - doula authored blog.
http://crunchydomesticgoddess.com/ - The name says it all!
http://momstinfoilhat.wordpress.com/ - mom in medical school. A bit more snarky than some of the other blogs, but the perspective she has is very interesting.