Search results

  1. Mayasmydobe

    Possible new Dobe... help me decide

    So, i was contacted by a friend about a Dobe for sale about an hour away from me... so I emailed her owner and asked a few questions... I'll post my email that I sent along with the owner's reply... Oh, and he has her listed on Puppyfind... her name is Abby anyways... here's the email I...
  2. Mayasmydobe

    SQUUEEEE Doberman Puppy Cam!

    so I stumbled upon this a few minutes ago... - D & L Dobermans' Webcam
  3. Mayasmydobe

    Squeeky barks?

    So I know I have kinda dropped off the face of the earth lately... but im still alive, the heart is still beating... Anywho... Fancy, the 10+ year old miniature poodlehas started having really "squeeky" barks. She has a fatty lipoma on her chest, but thats been there since before we got...
  4. Mayasmydobe

    My Campaign for Vice President for Phi Theta Kappa

    So I just found out, that as of this morning, there are NO other people campaigning against me. all the forms and stuff are due tomorrow... so we'll see :) you may be looking at the new Vice President of the NorthEast District of the Iowa Region of Phi Theta Kappa!
  5. Mayasmydobe

    what the **** is wrong with me that makes everyone hurt me?

    true to form, i've been hurt by a guy again... :( I just wish SOME guy would be decent and not hurt me like every other guy has done.
  6. Mayasmydobe

    awwww... how sweeeet

    William is currently playing dress up... with my jewlery... he keeps putting my necklaces on... lol... i need more gold so he can be Mr. T :D lol he's got about 5 neckaces on, two bracelets on each wrist... and he's trying to wear a ring
  7. Mayasmydobe

    so i spent the evening in the ER

    Thursday night, I started to have this AWFUL pain in my left side... So, I called my doctor and she told me that it sounded like I had pulled something... and to take 400MG Ibuprofin... Well... Fast forward to Friday evening and I am in such excrutiating pain... My mom forces me to go to the...
  8. Mayasmydobe

    Whoever said working with clay was therapudic....

    man oh man were they right! Im in a ceramics class at school... tonight i was in class, and I dont know why, but I was feeling depressed... just wanted to cry, scream, and so on... So, I decided that since I wanted to be alone, I would take my clay into the other room (its a HUGE art...
  9. Mayasmydobe

    :) awwww it's sweet to end the day with a huge hug from my Kyle :)

    so... OMG I AM ON TOP OF THE WORLD RIGHT NOW!!!!! So, I was talking to Kyle a little while ago. We were talking about how I was thirsty and he was craving ice cream, but I didnt have anything to drink and he didnt have any ice cream. So I told him that I was going to run to the gas station...
  10. Mayasmydobe

    OMG i just told Kyle I was gonna kiss him!

    And he didnt object!!! haha ok so William and my mom both have the flu... and I was telling Kyle about it and he said "Eek, stay away, I cant get sick right now" to which I replied "Nah, Im coming over to give you a BIG smooch!" uhmmm i really debated on putting his response becuase...
  11. Mayasmydobe

    my poor little boy...

    I was dropping William off at daycare this morning. We were standing by his cubby taking off his hat and gloves and coat when this little boy comes up to us. Everytime I go to pick William up from daycare he is always playing with this little boy, playing blocks or trucks or something. The...
  12. Mayasmydobe

    What do you do when you...

    ... are hurting becuase of a situation your in? You have two options, Speak up or stay quiet and hurt speaking up could either make the situation all better and take away the hurt... Or, you could end up really messing up the situation and leave you hurting even worse... :( This is...
  13. Mayasmydobe

    I need a hug...

    please :(:(:(:(
  14. Mayasmydobe

    Sub-Contracted Graphics Chick

    so I may have gotten myself a job, lol kinda. I'll find out soon. but the cool thing is... my "boss" is my best friend Kyle! :rofl1: Hey put in a uhmm "bid" i guess to redesign my city's website. He submitted a rough draft to them the other day. there are only two places that submitted...
  15. Mayasmydobe

    What do you do....

    when you are so sad you feel like you cant go on anymore the way things are? Especially when you really have no good reason to be sad :(
  16. Mayasmydobe


    How in the world do you get a 3 year old to stop grinding their teeth...??? Today William started to grind his teeth... but not like normal grinding... he clenches his jaw and "clicks" the bottom teeth back and forth. it seriouly sounds like he's going to do permenant damage! I tell him "no"...
  17. Mayasmydobe

    Remote Desktop Access....

    Ok... so i kinda got the feeling yesterday that you guys were upsett by the fact that I allowed Kyle to post a message via remote desktop... but... there are very usefull purposes for it... Kyle has it becuase he owns a computer repair business and this will help him not have to go on...
  18. Mayasmydobe


    this is jenns friend im testing out a remote desktop application so I have complete control over her computer even though im not physically at her house or with her laptop. just testing out what my program can do. she is also sitting at her laptop and can see everything I am doing. Say Hi...
  19. Mayasmydobe

    *Facepalm* Sledding works SOOO much better if you have a, ya know... sled!

    lol SO my dad had a jobsite he needed to go look at, so we all drove over to look at it. It was in a state park. I wish I had my regular camera instead of my cell phone becuase I want to take pictures, it was pretty and creepy all at the same time. For instance, there is this long fence that on...
  20. Mayasmydobe

    I dont want to hurt him.... but I cant do this anymore... :(

    He's in Iraq...we talk alot... flirt alot.... I think he honestly believes we could be together, but... it not possible. He lives in Chicago, I am not moving there and I cannot ask him to move back here when he's done... :( When he's done in Iraq he comes home for a little while and then...