Ive been quiet about this for too long....

Dec 20, 2003
Where the selas blooms
The thread you posted/quoted from was at the end of January. She was NOT looking to place Reggin with someone when she posted that. Yes, it was noted that Chaz would help if she needed a place for him--but she didn't at that time. It was almost a month later when she posted that she needed to get Reggin somewhere and it was two DAYS later when she needed him out of there. I don't think any transport had been set in stone at that point. I can TOTALLY understand why she did what she did and felt that she needed to.

If I needed to get my dogs somewhere I would NOT think to come here and ask for help. I would like to think that doesn't make me a bad person.
I would hope that you would now, though ;)

Sometimes the lessons we get in life cost a helluva lot more than we bargained for and we screw up; but sometimes the real lesson is in how we own our responsibility for those screw ups and don't repeat them.


Dec 2, 2006
Olympia, WA
And did it without having a second place she could quickly get him to.
In all fairness, I was supposed to take Reggin temporarily if anything bad was to go down. She had my number in her cell phone, but the SO smashed it in a fit of rage and so she didn't have it any more. That combined with limited internet access, etc. meant she couldn't get a hold of me.

And I was in Tucson that whole week without internet. I had ZERO idea any of it was happening until Strider's breeder called me and said someone from Chaz e-mailed her about a chaz dog needing transport and they couldn't contact me, so could she call me? The only other members nearby were smexy and dober, dober said she wasn't able to get all the way out there, and I don't even know if smexy would have been able to as she would be relying on her family for transport. Really, I was the only one who could have picked him up and I was 1500 miles away...

Reg, I'm sad about your dog too, he was a wonderful guy. I have to agree with Sparks 100%. When it's your children vs. your animals, you have to go with your children with your whole self.

I've thought about what would happen if I had the choice of saving Strider's life vs. saving Aurelia's life. I knew without having to think that I would pick my daughter. Then I thought about what Strider would choose. Strider worships Aurelia. There is no doubt in my mind he would lay down his life for her if it came down to it, as many dogs have done throughout their relationship with human kind.

When I see pictures of Madisen and Reggin together, I see that same kind of adoration. That he would give his life to protect that little girl. If Reggin could have comprehended the situation, I think he would have wanted the girls far, far away from that life threatening situation they were in. He was a brave dog, his ending was a sad one, but I don't think he would have wanted for the girls to put themselves in danger for his sake. And if something had happened to the girls, I don't think he would have been okay with that.


Wookie Collie
Apr 22, 2008
Ottawa, ON
It's hard for me to properly express how I feel about this entire situation. I do not forgive you for it. I'm not going to welcome you with open arms now that it's all said and done and over.

In my bunker, this is a case of too little, too late. There's a heaping amount of emotion that was poured into this entire ordeal, on all sides - those who were rooting for you, those who forgave you, those who hated you. It still causes rifts in this community - as the 9 pages of this thread are showing all of us - and to me, it's not something that an explanation and apology months later will so easily fix.

What you were going through, you got into yourself. Even before all of the Reggin insanity, I saw you come onto this forum begging for help - and everyone begging you to leave him. I've been in a very violent abusive relationship, and I know it can be tricky to listen - but to watch it all be ignored over and over was terrifying.

I understand that everyone makes these decisions differently, and that not everyone can get the guts to finally up and leave like I did, and like you eventually did. But watching someone ignore help over and over again is watching a trainwreck in progress. Then Reggin... it was the straw. Yes, we're just the internet, but when you open up your problems to us, it becomes more than that. We aren't faceless anymore. We become a part of it and part of trying to help you. And it hurts just as much when what was trying to be avoided happens anyway, y'know?

I'm replying here because this is directly addressing the situation that caused all of the trouble in the first place. I will not reply to your threads again. This isn't me trying to cause drama, but simply trying to avoid more, because that's how I feel.

That all said, I do not wish any ill upon you... I don't roll that way. I am happy that you got yourself out of a bad situation, and that you and your daughters are happy and healthy in your new environment. That is extremely important, and I sure hope you are away from that meth addicted, abusive man now and for the rest of your life. You owe it to your children.

I hope this all comes out as I intended. I mean no ill harm, as I said, but I also did not want to stay quiet about my opinions on the matter.


F150 and a .30-06
Feb 12, 2006
I agree with Sparks.

I got into a relationship with a great guy. I allready had Emma and Jazz. But guess what? He chaged into a bad person and I was allready prego. I tuffed it out, because he wasnt hitting me, but he had a wicked temper and was emotionaly abusive.

Finally I moved, the 4 of use (Katie, Emma, Jazz and I) into my parents house. However this home is NOT suited for a dog with severe DA, and one as large as Jazz. I turned to Chaz. I was being asked and pushed everyday to just sell Jazz, give her away, ect... It was not a healthy (Although safe) place for her to be. Chazz didnt help. They tried, and i am so greatfull for that. But in the end I returned her to her breeder who made bad decisions for her. I miss her everyday and I regret giving up one of my heart dogs. But I had to do what was best and SAFE for my family. My daughter comes before the dogs. Plain and simple. A place for my daughter to live comes before my dogs. I would not have a home if I still had Jazz.

Although I may not agree with everything Reggin did or didnt do, she did the best she could in her situation. You have no right to judge someone unless you can see it from there eyes. Everyone reacts to things differently based on thier life experiances and personality. Reggin did what she thought, at the time, was best for her and her children. I love animals but my child comes first. So untill you have walked a day in someone elses shoes you have no right to judge them


Bloody but Unbowed
Apr 11, 2007
new jersey
I think the one thing that is clear here is that the title of this thread is a total misnomer. There will never be closure on this issue. Airing it out does not help. The less said about it the better. Nothing good can come of bringing this up, nothing.

Island dog

New Member
Aug 18, 2007
I would hope that you would now, though ;)

Sometimes the lessons we get in life cost a helluva lot more than we bargained for and we screw up; but sometimes the real lesson is in how we own our responsibility for those screw ups and don't repeat them.


Not a lurker
May 30, 2008
Hell yes, first place I would turn to is the internet to solve my problem..........from people I have never met, only know on a forum (no disrespect intended towards people on this forum but........) and from a very large group of people that pior to this happening had bashed them to hell and back for the name of the dog.........
So hurt feelings should mean dumping the dog off at a shelter? I'm sure Reggin (the dog) would surely rather have his prior owner be a bit butt-hurt than be dead. Look at the option there, in all honesty, you're saying you'd dump one of your dogs off at a shelter before turning to people on a message board? So what if you don't know them, but you know that they are dedicated and care about their animals, otherwise why would they be on here? Most of the people on a forum are there because they have a want, will, and desire to learn more about something they feel passionate about. Besides, at a shelter, you don't know WHO the dog is going to, not at all, so really what's the difference?

I stayed out of this thread (and everything else she's posted) because I have some rather unpleasant feelings about that whole situation. It doesn't add up, and yes, I can speak from 100% experience on the situation - I had a drug using/selling ex, a small child, and I'd lost my job and been thrown out of my own apartment...but instead of having a pity party, I got my sh!t together, and nobody but my mother and I really knew the levity of the entire situation. That being said, I couldn't go home and live with my mom, so I HAD to suck it up and get things right. My mom still has my dog Jessie (and grew quite attached and didn't want to give her back) but in a heartbeat I'd have given her to a complete stranger on this forum before sending her to the pound.

There are people out there with a heart, as we've seen more than once on this board, I don't think it would have been unreasonable to ask around on here when everyone and their brother knows your life story because you've posted it.

As for her lease, it doesn't matter if it said she could be subject to be booted out in 72 hours if the landlord so pleases, that's why states have Landlord/Tenant laws, to protect both parties and I know for a fact that in most states it requires a forcible retainer from a civil court judge to have a tenant removed...at the very most the landlord could have called animal control for the dog being "abandoned" in said home, but it would take the police to go with and enter and proof of the dog being abandoned (seen that happen too and I was 20 minutes late snagging that poor dog up from the pound).

I'm not posting in the OP's threads anymore, she's beating a dead horse. I don't see in any of her recent threads where anyone brought up Reggin's untimely and sad death, the OP brought it up herself. I have no use for people that thrive on drama.
Last edited:


Sit! Good dog.
Sep 14, 2005
I think bad decisions are made by everyone.

But, I do think sometimes we get into a cycle and habit of making bad decision.

And Reggin - I hope you can see this... especially right now with your life.. Times haven't got easier have they?

Please make some tough decisions - think of your girls.

Think of the memories they are making RIGHT NOW and how they will look back and see this time in their life.
Jun 21, 2008
Glendale Arizona
I dunno guys. I just can't hold grudges as easily as people I guess.

It was a really crappy situation, yeah.

But aren't your emotions going haywire at 8 months pregnant?

And people really can't pull the stuff about why she didn't leave her ex. Sometimes, exes like that or guys like that have a HOLD on you. You cant just leave. Its not that simple. She had to choose leaving him, and being a single mom, or staying with him and trying to trust him.

I love chaz, but if I were ever in dire straights, I probably would not turn to an internet forum for help. My parents would take my dogs. My parents also have the luxury of owning their own house. If I had nobody, and chaz came to the rescue, and offered to take my dogs... that would be great. But it honestly would not be my top priority.

You guys she said during all of this he was BEATING HER. Her and her unborn child. She couldn't take Reg to her moms. Don't fault her for not having a backup plan. Those of us that do are LUCKY. We are LUCKY because most of us have family that WOULD take our dogs if need be. She wasnt so lucky. And neither was reg the dog.

I dare you all, every SINGLE one of you, to think back about your worst moment. Your ABSOLUTE worst moment...

did you learn a lesson from it? Did people forgive you?

Mine, was when I came home in May of 2008 to a dead cat. I did not take the proper steps, I was naive and thought it wouldnt happen again and not SIX months later, I came home to ANOTHER dead cat. That's 2 dead cats. Because of me. I can't change that, and my cats did not deserve that. But I swear to you I loved them. I feel terrible for what happened, and I am grateful to those who forgave me.

It is only a regret if you did not learn a lesson.

I'm sorry but if Reg the human had worried so much about Reg the dog and put him as her top priority, and something happened to one of her kids in the process? Like oh I dunno, her being at the house with reg and the ex showing up and hurting her... I'm pretty sure everyone would be thinking, "Why didnt she stay away from him?"

Sucks what happened, but I really hope that everyone can just move on. If you cant forgive her, fine, dont comment on her threads. But she is a member her, and if you are going to fault her for anything, fault her for sharing her personal life on this forum. If reg had been taken by her ex, and been hurt or killed or something, I think that would be a worse fate. I really hope that this can all just be put to rest, and I think its brave of her to post about it in the first place. But honestly guys, I get that the wounds are not fully healed..

But think about her wounds... why can't we help her heal hers? After all SHE is the one who actually KNEW reg. SHE is the one who doesnt have him anymore. Dont you think shes suffered enough?

ETA- where did she ever say she was back with her ex? Did I miss something?


Tru evil has no pantyline
Nov 27, 2006
I sincerely hope that all you high and mighties NEVER go through what Chrys had to go through.
She is a VERY young mother. She was literally fighting for her life and the life of her children.
I, too, am saddened by the death of an innocent dog. But PLEASE! Just drop it. Leave her be. You never know, we may be the last thread of support this young lady has. Don't alienate her, even if it is just for the sake of her girls.

She is not yet out of the woods.


Sit! Good dog.
Sep 14, 2005
I know she is going through a particularly rough time right now - and she HAS to start making decision for her girls and not for herself.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2005
New Jersey
Let me see... 8 months pregnant... scared of her ex... yeah of course I can totally see how it would be an option to leave the dog a week with the apartment she rented with him, running the risk to run into him again when trying to get the dog out, or that meanwhile he would give it away to some random meth addict...

Do people not see it? The difference between that and me and Jasper/Boris is that we didn't have to get the dog out asap... she did. People were trying to help, yes, but she didn't have full access to Internet and counting on people you've never met before to get you out of a crappy situation FAST is a crap shot. She didn't have the luxury to wait to see how it would pan out.

Sometimes it's easier to see other options when you're not in the middle of it.

Has anyone ever wondered what could have happened if he had been rehomed though? Even through Chaz? Obviously he loved his family, but if the shelter found him aggressive, who knows what could have happened if he had ended up in a home and got scared?

In the end I also hope that she didn't go back to her ex... because that would have made Reggin's death pointless. Or if she did... that he really got into rehab and is not using anymore (but 2 months for that to happen seems very unlikely).


Jul 9, 2006
I soooo agree with you Fran!

About Reggin being aggressive.... Ruckus loves his family, but there is no doubt in my mind that in a shelter situation he would become aggressive. Even if rehomed I definally think its a possibitily for him to become aggressive.

I am always scared that Ruckus will go missing and end up at a shelter, and I will be too late. However I know that is the first place to call in case he is missing. I bet you $100 NO ONE could get near him without him trying to bite.
Jun 21, 2008
Glendale Arizona
I can guarantee you that if Chance ended up in someone elses home, he would not do well and may end up being aggressive. Fear biting is not his thing, but you never know when put in that situation.


Active Member
Aug 15, 2005
Hasn't this already been hashed and rehashed? *sigh*

I think Reggin knows what she did was wrong and knows how everyone feels about it. If you don't like something, don't post on it. Don't just wait for her to mess up and jump on the opportunity to rehash this whole incident again. I really don't see a reason to talk about it anymore. If people can't move on then it's a reflection on THEM.

Reggin, some of us do care about you and your girls and all of your well-being. Please take care of yourself.
I agree!
And lets add, please let him/her who's lived a perfect life cast the first stone.
I'm probably one of those people who 'said those bad things'. I still don't agree with everything that was done, but I don't want to go on feeling like there is a huge wall between us.

So, if you'll do it too, I'd like to start over again. :) Kind of like forgeting/forgiving the past and moving on. . .
And Lizmo, have I ever told you that I heart you. :) What you wrote was very positive and brave. It takes a very strong person to want to wipe the slate clean and start new.


Magic, motherf@%$*#!
Jan 13, 2006
I am relatively surprised about the levels of compassion in this thread. I somehow fail to see how comparing your situation with Chrys' shows anything? The people that point the finger the most are the first ones that just recently cried for sympathy for their problems--- but y'all handled it sooo much better, right?! A bunch of hypocrites.. that's all I have to say for you.

I was heartbroken that Reggin was put down. But looking at the picture of the OP- the abusive fiance who gave her black and blue eyes, smashed phones, threatened the life of her, Madison, and her unborn child-- with no family support-- can I really sit here in my comfy computer chair and pour salt in the wounds? I have seen the remarks towards her when she posts, rarely does she post a thread without getting some sort of crap from someone here. And if she comes here, puts herself out there for a clean slate-- WHO are YOU to deny her the right? I guess a lot of people here are free of sin that they're casting the stones so easily.

People learn from mistakes... and I believe in the good in people... especially most people here. So, if you can't accept that people make mistakes, learn, move on.. that put Chrys on ignore and move on with your life.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
Let he who has never "sinned" cast the first stone.

(I'm not even a religious person, but that is, to me a darn good thing to remember)

If you are continually looking in the rear view mirror, you'll crash.

Mistakes or no mistakes is not really as big a point as you think. I think there were a lot of good posts. Sparks posts really hit the nail on the head for me.

I will say that under the circumstances, I may have done the same thing. I can see how sheer panic set in, how you, Reggin were pressed into a corner with all kinds of monsters coming at you. There was little time, (whether the timing was workable or not isn't the whole point). The fact is, with the information you had to go on at the time, your state of mind, all kinds of variables were what drove your decisions. If I were in your shoes, my dogs would have to come second too.

I'll tell you something. A couple of years ago, I made a HORRIBLE decision....a MONUMENTAL mistake which changed my life and almost completely destroyed my life. I don't mean just some emotional stuff or just some financial stuff. I mean something so hard to understand that if I were to dwell on it, it would keep me from living. I got lucky and things straightened out pretty well. I have forgiven myself and moved on. Life is good now. But during the time I was in extreme turmoil and extraordinary anxiety and most of it was due to my own faulty perceptions and actions. I never once mentioned it on this or any forum. I had no intentions and still don't of ever bringing any part of it up for the very reasons you've suffered.

I had a few blunt things to say to you back then in all that drama you had, but also at the same time understood and hoped you'd move ahead. I still hope you move ahead, learn from any mistakes, if indeed there really were any real mistakes (I'm not sure there were at all, anyhow other than hooking up with that b.f.) I hope you stay away from him and anyone else like him.

I also hope with the strongest sincerity that you have grown from the whole experience. These trials we go through, whether they're our fault or not....it doesn't matter... are for strengthening us and molding us into who we will evolve into being. There is more to these lessons in life than one might think.

So, never mind the continued hashing and rehashing. IT DOES NO GOOD. That isn't what teaches you. It's what you've already been through that taught you. Looking forward is what makes you grow. Stop looking in the rear view mirror and stop looking at all the people in your rear view mirror. You'll just keep crashing and won't ever get there.



New Member
Aug 27, 2006
I think this thread was a giant mistake. What went down was a rollercoaster ride of emotions for the whole board. We are never going to get to the point where we're all holding hands and singing "Kumbaya." Sometimes the best you can ask for is that the people who disagree with you keep a civil face and avoid the issue.

Three comments:

First, IslandDog is correct in saying that Reggin knew that help was being offered. Look at the 52 page thread, Reggin responds consistently for pages as people brainstorm and offer help. From page 1 to page 16 she's responding. There's been a lot of talk in this thread about "closure" and "moving on" but moving on doesn't mean rewriting history.

Second, we all make mistakes.

Third, I hope she isn't back with her abusive ex-boyfriend, for her safety and the safety of her kids. And for Reggin. He died so that she and the kids could get away, and I would like to think he wagged his tail on the Rainbow Bridge when he saw her escape.


Twin 2.0
Jul 11, 2005
Denver, CO
It's hard for me to properly express how I feel about this entire situation. I do not forgive you for it. I'm not going to welcome you with open arms now that it's all said and done and over.

In my bunker, this is a case of too little, too late. There's a heaping amount of emotion that was poured into this entire ordeal, on all sides - those who were rooting for you, those who forgave you, those who hated you. It still causes rifts in this community - as the 9 pages of this thread are showing all of us - and to me, it's not something that an explanation and apology months later will so easily fix.

What you were going through, you got into yourself. Even before all of the Reggin insanity, I saw you come onto this forum begging for help - and everyone begging you to leave him. I've been in a very violent abusive relationship, and I know it can be tricky to listen - but to watch it all be ignored over and over was terrifying.

I understand that everyone makes these decisions differently, and that not everyone can get the guts to finally up and leave like I did, and like you eventually did. But watching someone ignore help over and over again is watching a trainwreck in progress. Then Reggin... it was the straw. Yes, we're just the internet, but when you open up your problems to us, it becomes more than that. We aren't faceless anymore. We become a part of it and part of trying to help you. And it hurts just as much when what was trying to be avoided happens anyway, y'know?

I'm replying here because this is directly addressing the situation that caused all of the trouble in the first place. I will not reply to your threads again. This isn't me trying to cause drama, but simply trying to avoid more, because that's how I feel.

That all said, I do not wish any ill upon you... I don't roll that way. I am happy that you got yourself out of a bad situation, and that you and your daughters are happy and healthy in your new environment. That is extremely important, and I sure hope you are away from that meth addicted, abusive man now and for the rest of your life. You owe it to your children.

I hope this all comes out as I intended. I mean no ill harm, as I said, but I also did not want to stay quiet about my opinions on the matter.

What I am personally thinking and feeling is a lot less civil but I will give you this: You've got balls. The amount of balls it takes to come back to this forum and post a different version of the events that were still raw and painful is astounding. Try using those balls in a constructive manner, in a way that will positively affect your life. The fact that you're in Oklahoma, a state your jerkoff of an ex was facing immediate arrest in, makes me hope that you wised up enough to leave his @ss to his own problems and you aren't going to be dragging TWO girls through the same sh*t you've already put Madison through.

I hope your life is taking a different and better path.


New Member
Aug 25, 2006
This whole situation is just so sad. I don't think bad of Reggin because we don't know what she was going through at the time but it was a terrible mistake to put him in paws and it is obvious Reggin knows this.

I was in a bad situation and was not in my right mind and I made a snap decision that I live to regret everyday. Trust me Reggin has to live with her decision for the rest of her life and take it from me it does NOT get easier! The older and wiser I get I realize I could have avoided the whole situation and my dog may still be here. I do agree bringing up this old wound was not a good idea. Reggin I do keep you and your beautiful girls in my prayers!

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