What the kennel property was used for.

Aug 14, 2007
This board is AGAINST anything puppymill.

Can I ask how many dogs you have French?

Anyone that uses that type of style of setup is absolutely a puppymill. Oh and you can be a puppy mill even if it IS clean.

Why are you defending that property.

And what is is the definition of a puppymill. There isn't one. It's a matter of opinion.

The number of dogs that I own is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

And again, why is that type of set up a puppymill? Is anyone who owns a bullybreed a drug dealer? Anyone woman who wears a short skirt a hooker? Boyscout leaders are all pedophile (this was actually the OFFICIAL FBI deduction when they did a "profile" on those likely to be pedophiles and it was used to convict a man for 15 years until he was retried and found innocent)

Why does me logically examining the concerns of others about the probability and possible uses of the properties constitute me as "defending" anything.

Why can't anyone give me a logical explanation and factual basis for the belief that anyone with that type of set up is a puppymill? And if so, then why is it that ANY ONE else breeding in any other type of set up, that irresponsible breeders have used, is also not classified as a puppy mill (i.e. two dogs in a back yard, two dogs in the house, four dogs in concrete runs? etc?). And if they are...then who is left that is not a puppymill?
If it is a number that dictates a person's position as a puppymill then what is that number? Who decides it?
According to PETA there is no such thing as a responsible breeder any one who breeds is killing shelter dogs.


The place was a puppymill. Period. We know that FOR SURE now.

Why was it a puppymill? Because they had umteen tiny little wire cages that can house up to 150 dogs. 150 that were used for breeding.

A puppymill, to me and most everyone on here, is a place that has a bunch of dogs and is breeding for profit. "Proffesional" puppymills are set up that exact way. People here rescue dogs and deal with that type of set up often.

A backyard breeder is someone that has a few dogs and breeds for profit or for the fact that they "like puppies".

Aussie Red

Rebel With Cause
Jun 8, 2006
FrenchKissed I really thought that after what I had just been through today I would come on and keep it to myself and suffer the pain in silence. After taking care of a mess as I call it of some epic proportions I am no longer able to stay out of it. Yes it is your right to stand up in favor of mass breeding true enough but you and your kind are the ones who make me and my kind go through what I had to today and I have to be the one seeing the faces of them as they are gently put out of their misery. You obviously have not gone and witnessed what I had to go take care of today. If you had you would never take the stand you take. I have to find a way to tell myself over and over today that I did the right thing and then convince myself that what I walked into today is a one in a million thing, yea that is what I say every time I see it and clean it up. I will spare Chazzers the details and keep that in my mind because that is what I chose to do. All I can say is places like this keep ripping to shreds daily any hope I have of mankind getting the message.
Aug 14, 2007
The place was a puppymill. Period. We know that FOR SURE now.

Why was it a puppymill? Because they had umteen tiny little wire cages that can house up to 150 dogs. 150 that were used for breeding.

A puppymill, to me and most everyone on here, is a place that has a bunch of dogs and is breeding for profit. "Proffesional" puppymills are set up that exact way. People here rescue dogs and deal with that type of set up often.

A backyard breeder is someone that has a few dogs and breeds for profit or for the fact that they "like puppies".

They had about 15 wire cages indoor outdoor, there were more large, on the ground, spacious runs than anything else. Ground level runs that are much like those belonging to any hobby breeder or serious enthusiest.

The place was licensed up too 150 dogs.
It does not mean that's how many dogs were there. When you apply for a dog license they usually go in numbers like that. X amount for up to 100 dogs. They don't have X amount for 1 dog or 3 dogs or even 5 dogs. Any one in the state of GA with a breeders license is liscensed for up to 20 dogs automatically it does not mean that is how many dogs that a person has. If you board dog the minimal license is 100 dogs (or so last time I checked).

And even if it did actively have 150 dogs on the property. Explain to me why that number or any number means they are puppymill. If a number determines ethics now or implies intent, then all those places passing a 3 pet limit law must be correct when they say anyone with more than 3 pets of any kind is a horder. I mean after all, if it is the opinion of a few people that no one could take care of more than 3 pets it must be right.
Aug 14, 2007
Also, many hobby breeders in my state break the law because they do not want to be licensed. Their reasoning for this is because of what the licensed is called for some one who breeds one litter a year (even if it is one puppy) OR studs out a dog. It is called a pet *dealer* license. They feel that the word pet dealer, automatically makes them a broker or puppymill. Therefor they break the law and breed illegally. It never seems to dawn on any one that it is simply a title for the license, it does not influence how they conduct their business/doggy ethics.

Angel Chicken

French, read this:

Puppy mills (known as puppy farms in the UK and Australia) are dog breeding operations that are deemed disreputable and hazardous to the health of the animals in their case because of the substandard conditions on their premises.[citation needed] The term originated among investigators and opponents of such operations. The small-scale operations, where dogs neither receive adequate health care, nor are provided adequate sanitation are usually called backyard breeding; the terms are akin but not synonymous.
So, there isn't a definition for "puppy mill", eh?


They had about 15 wire cages indoor outdoor, there were more large, on the ground, spacious runs than anything else. Ground level runs that are much like those belonging to any hobby breeder or serious enthusiest.

The place was licensed up too 150 dogs.
It does not mean that's how many dogs were there. When you apply for a dog license they usually go in numbers like that. X amount for up to 100 dogs. They don't have X amount for 1 dog or 3 dogs or even 5 dogs. Any one in the state of GA with a breeders license is liscensed for up to 20 dogs automatically it does not mean that is how many dogs that a person has. If you board dog the minimal license is 100 dogs (or so last time I checked).

And even if it did actively have 150 dogs on the property. Explain to me why that number or any number means they are puppymill. If a number determines ethics now or implies intent, then all those places passing a 3 pet limit law must be correct when they say anyone with more than 3 pets of any kind is a horder. I mean after all, if it is the opinion of a few people that no one could take care of more than 3 pets it must be right.
A dog is man's best friend. If you are keeping a hundred dogs how are ANY of those dogs your best friend? How are you going to give each and every one of those dogs the attention that they need and want every day of their lives? You can't it is impossible! Dogs shouldn't be a way for someone to make money. I don't give a rats a$$ if the "facility" is clean or not. If someone has a bunch of dogs, living in cages for the purpose of profit IT IS A PUPPYMILL!!!!!!!

I have a feeling that the reason you are standing up for this place is because you have a substantial number of dogs that you are breeding to sell. Am I right?

Maybe you should go with Aussie Red one day and see what she has to do because people like the people that owned that place do what they do. Maybe you should be the one that has to put the needle in those poor innocent dogs that will give them their last breath. All because some idiot thinks it is a good idea to breed dogs to support themselves.

Maybe, just maybe if you had to clean up the mess of a puppymiller you wouldn't be so quick to think the way you think. I am sorry, but I have seen puppymills in person before. I know what they look like! And it disgusts me and quite frankly anyone that basically says well its law so its ok disgusts me too.


Oh and I just went back and counted cages....or as many as I could.

There are about 50 of those tiny cages and OVER 20 larger outside kennels. I also counted 8 (what look to be) whelping pens.


I have half a mind to go buy the place and rip it down. I am going to talk to Scott tonight and see if he will put the money up. I am sure the land is worth something.


I just emailed the realtor to get more information about the property. Does anyone here live near Silver Lake that could tell me what property is worth?

I would like to rip that place down and subdivide the 10 acres into smaller acreage plots.


Hahaha, I would but it wouldn't be for me. I would just buy it and rip it down and sell the property.

Are small acreages around there as popular as they are here? People here are obsessed with like 2 acre acreages. You get to live in the country and don't have all the upkeep.


Ouch, I just did some checking and it looks like land isn't really worth much there. It seems like the land doesn't matter and the house is what you are paying for.

Maybe we could move there for a bit and build a couple houses on 5 acres. My husband is a construction worker sooo........


New Member
Aug 4, 2005
i live in oklahoma :) and the town i live in most people in city limits don't have like a ton nof lad but ev eryone has fairly large backyards. city limits isn't very big and most people here in my town have atleast two acres. it's not much but they git big yards :) i have about three three and a half acres. my friends who live near me have over 100 :O i LOVE going over there. they even have a creek that runs through it and about four or five ponds


Wow! Even houses are cheap down there.

I am going to have to do some real sweet talking. I hope I am able to do this.


Chihuahua Power!
Oct 3, 2006
Central Florida
That would be so cool, Jaclyn!

If I lived in Kansas, I would look into buying the property and turning it into a dog rescue. Of course, I would rip down and redo all of those cages.

A 1/4 acre plot of land here is worth almost as much as that house is :yikes: My parents have 1 and 1/4 acres in South Florida, which is a TON of land down here.


New Member
Aug 4, 2005
if you do get it and you're willing to put me and yoshi up for a couple days i live in ok and i'd be willing to roadtrip up and help fixit up with you :)
Aug 14, 2007
What does that have to do with puppymills and BYBer's???

people can make their own choices, whether they are right or wrong it doesnt matter in the end they will be the ones to deal with the consequences..

dogs on the other hand CANT make their own choices, but they still have to deal with the consequences..
Thats my .04 cents and Im done

Because Gay marriages etc, are all about "ethics". Some people perceive them as being ethically wrong and immoral. The statement has been made just because something is LEGAL it does not make it *ethical*.
It has everything to do with large scale breeders (which have been titled on this list as puppymill)...which many have voiced is *unethical*. The statement has been made simply because it is legal it does not make it ethical.
Children cannot make their own choices either. Some feel that spanking children is unethical and immoral, that children growing up in a same sex marriage is unethical and immoral....These children have no part in what is being chosen for them....
You are telling me that "puppymills" (which is anyone you deem that that title should applied to) are unethical and immoral.....my question is...how is any of it any different?


Chihuahua Power!
Oct 3, 2006
Central Florida
How is it NOT any different? Your logic is lacking sense.

Dogs being forced to live in outside cages in hot and cold weather with no human attention and love, dogs being bred over and over again, dogs not being able to live their lives because they are owned by a greedy miller... now THIS is unethical.

People who are gay, people having children out of wedlock, etc are not hurting anyone else. That has nothing to do with ethics, that is a matter of opinion. People can make decisions for themselves... animals cannot.

Now if I were to keep children in cages, that would be unethical. If I were to keep a bunch of people in cages and breed them to death, that would be unethical.

I don't believe in spanking or hitting ANYONE, whether it's a child or a dog. I believe in positive reinforcement.

Now please explain to me how keeping 150 dogs in those cages is ethical?


Kaleidoscopic Eye
Jun 9, 2006
Exactly, Jessie.
It's a great deal of difference. One affects overpopulation and the quality of a being's life, and the other has more to do with the people involved and as it has no harm on anything else living, it's not the same thing at all or anyone else's business what other people's significant other's gender is.

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