Well, Jackson is going to live forever... sooo...
I don't think I'd ever want more than 2 dogs on my own. If I had a BF/hubby whom I lived with or something, and he wanted his own, or already had his own, then maybe 3 or 4 would be doable. Or same situation with my parents and their dogs. But yeah, on my own? 2 tops.
I go back and forth a lot. I really really want a herder at some point. I just really have meshed with the few I've spent time around, more than most other breeds. But then on the flip side, I think Jackson would really enjoy having another similar-sized terrier around to play with. But I just want to branch out a little bit more, as well, for myself personally. And Jackson does enjoy the herders he's spent time around much more than any other breed.
So my combos range from
1 small terrier (Silky, or Border most likely) and a herder (BC or Mini American Shepherd most likely)
or 2 terriers (Jackson + Border)
But god, then I spend time around a really easy toy dog and sometimes wish I had a dog so easy :rofl1: We babysat a Chi for 2 days that was just... SO easy. But also SO tiny. I just didn't even know what to do with her. She was freezing and didn't want to spend more than 2 seconds peeing outside. Lol, but sometimes I think how nice it would be to have an easy dog that didn't necessarily NEED the stimulation and exercise that Jackson and a herder would need. But, if I'm being honest, I DO like 'doing' things with my dog, so in the long run, I think a little cuddly easy dog would be nice, but is not my thing at the moment. Plus Jackson tried to bark at her once to play and she was so scared. He definitely needs a dog that is willing to play with him and his loud self.