It HAS to be better than being the only two dogs in your height back to back all the time.
I think that's one of those area-specific things. Here every height class, even at the little trials, is at least 20 dogs so you can run 2-3/height and still have 10 dogs between. Running Mira and Kim is no biggie as long as I warm them both up well before the class starts and put their coats on so I can do an abbreviated warmup before each actual run.
Whereas if you have dogs in different height (or difficulty) classes, it makes for REALLY long days. When I was running Mira and Webster (24", 16") They were always at least 7 hour days, not counting drive time, since both classes are usually 30+ dogs and the 20" class is in between with 40+ dogs (for two ring/judge trials, the class sizes are more like 60, 90, 60). When I ran an 8" dog a few times for a friend, they were more like 10 hour days (2 ring/judge trial). Which is just a lot when you're asking your dogs to hang out in a crate for that long every day and only actually run for less than two minutes (plus warmups and such).
But yeah when I lived in a lower trial numbers area, running two dogs in a height class was really hard since the class sizes were only day 2-10 dogs. Fortunately that was pre-Mira so I never had to do it, but I held dogs for other people fairly often as they tried to deal with the problem!
Yeah, I like Didgie's work ethic a ton but god I love knowing Traveler does something just because I asked :rofl1: Girls just seem better overall for sport but there is something about boy dogs that I just love so much. If I was only going to have one dog it would be a boy.
But, I think Traveler's heart would break if I added another male Koolie.
Interestingly, most of the top agility dogs that I can think of are boys. And many, many of the top obedience dogs too. But then they are often intact and don't have to take time off for heat cycles so that helps too.
Proposed solution: send me your other male Koolie. OR send me Traveler. Actually, just go ahead and send me Traveler.
Probably some completely random dog will drop into my life at some point and make me love them, too.
Sometimes I really wish I had made Webster's registered name "Best Laid Plans" or something like that, haha.
I think eventually I'd like to get down to two dogs, though hopefully that won't happen for a long long time.
^This is very true. I would love to have only two dogs, but I really really want my current dogs to live forever. All three of them.
Illogical, but true