No. There isn't. Unless they are wielding a weapon. That kid was much smaller than the woman, and you can see in the video her dragging him around. If she had stopped beating/attacking him, he was clearly NOT going to go back after her or harm her. Plus, in charter schools, I'm sure they have security. I don't know of any school that doesn't have security.
In what probable instance do you think assaulting a child is justified?
If that was my kid, I would absolutely be pressing child. But the kid would also be in trouble for what the heck he did to cause that.
*raises hand* The high school I went to doesn't have security. Small town school with maybe 400 students in it. Most of the charter schools I've seen are really small so maybe there is no security?
I found a TON of articles that all have different information in them concerning this story. A quick rundown of what I think are important points then I'll post links: the charter school is for emotionally troubled and neglected children, the teacher thought that the kid was picking on a special needs girl in the classroom, there was actually an arrest warrant out for the teacher for a criminal mischief charge, there were three (3) other teachers standing by watching her whale on the kid, the parent of the kid is suing both the teacher and the school district and one of the teachers who supposedly witnessed the event and did not report it has resigned from the school.
Charter school also blamed in beating
When adults hit kids at school
Sheri Lynn Davis: Teacher that beat 13 year old student sued
Houston teacher who saw videotaped beating quits