SOMEONE is throwing food over my fence


feel the magic
Sep 7, 2007
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Now, call me paranoid (I AM when it comes to Ella), but this FREAKS me out.

First time, I let Ella out as usual, stepped out into the backyard with her, and she rounds the corner to go behind our house. I didn't think anything of it because this is where she usually goes poop. Well, I followed her around the corner because I don't trust that my neighbors' dogs have dug a hole under the fence big enough for their snouts to get under (but I tend to check for this stuff frequently, but with it being so cold out, I haven't been as up on it), because I KNOW Ella would bite their snouts if she could. So, I follow her, and we have a tree that has MAYBE 6" worth of space between it and our neighbors' fence. She had her nose between that and the tree, and I thought she was sniffing. I kept calling her, and she was NOT paying attention to me, so I walk over to her, and she's munching on what appears to be a loaf of french bread. I snagged that up so fast and ran it to the other end of my yard and chucked it back over my fence. Cursing the entire time.

Then today, I was out scooping up the winter's worth of poo in my yard, and I see Ella over by another tree, but this time I see the bread before she starts trying to munch on it, and I call her off it, run over, and chuck it over my fence yelling that if my dog gets poisoned, I will KILL someone.

I know it could be a million things as to how food got into my yard. It was bread both times. But some people fear their houses catching on fire while they're away and their dogs burning to death. MY fear is someone will try to poison my dog by throwing food over my fence and I don't catch it in time.

Ben just suggested that it might be squirrels carrying it and dropping it as they try to climb up the trees in our yard.
But the first loaf was HUGE. The second loaf wasn't AS big, but it was fatter.
It could be someone throwing the bread out there for the squirrels. But they really have no business doing so in your yard. I understand the worry and I hope all remains safe for you and Ella.

This just means I'll have to comb my yard before letting her out, or follow her around my yard wherever she goes.
It would freak me out, too. We had a neighbor when I was a kid who threw dog biscuits soaked in ammonia into our yard. They were teenagers who admitted to doing it.
Would like to think that it's squirrels or raccoons. Around here it's either/both, as the neighbour woman who is home bound, tends to fling whole bread rolls, bacon grease, pizza leftovers etc outside for the "poor little starving birds"! Don't think she's noticed that the **** birds have flown.. SOUTH!, and all that is left around here are the roaming four legged wildlife critters that drag her "scraps" up into our trees to stash/consume later. We have one "allnosenobrainsgottagetmegarbage" dog that depends on cr@p raining down on him in his yard.. grrr.

Hopefully it's nothing more at your place 'Becca. Hate to think of neighbours being intentionally antagonistic.
It would freak me out, too. We had a neighbor when I was a kid who threw dog biscuits soaked in ammonia into our yard. They were teenagers who admitted to doing it.

THAT'S the crap the scares me to death! We have a ton of teenagers in this neighborhood with parents who apparently allow them to roam all hours of the night, and they'll go get carry out drinks and toss them on the street, in our yard, as they walk by.
They're loud, too!

Little a$$holes!
I would trust NOTHING...........not even if I saw a squirrel drop it. I am like that too.

I don't let mine pick up anything on walks, I don't want strangers offering them things when I am right there, and I DARN sure don't want stuff tossed into my yard for them!!

I remember watching an episode of e-vet (or similar show) where this couple rushed their two dogs in.........I know one was a younger pup of some kind and the other was an older golden. They had been to the park and the dogs had found hotdogs in the turns out the hotdogs were poisoned! :eek:

The younger pup didn't make it, and the older golden looked pretty bleak for awhile but finally pulled through.

There are too many sick b@stards in the world for me to trust a stranger with stuff like that :(
Having lost Buffy to someone intentionally feeding her antifreeze impregnated meat . . . I'd be going door to door to find out where the bread came from.
We have this issue with squirrels. Our stupid neighbors feed them whole corn cobs and they bring them in the yard and do sometimes drop them. We actually have corn grow in certain spots where they bury the kernels and forget about them.

My biggest concern with them is not poisoning, but rather Jack trying to eat the cob whole and having a bowel obstruction.

Bread would freak my out though. Even if it isn't poisoned it can attract all kinds of unwanted critters to your yard that you don't want Ella to tangle with.....

I hope you get to the bottom of it and find out it's nothing.....
It could be something totally innocent...why not mention it to the neighbors... maybe they think they are feedin the squirrels with their old bread... maybe if you tell them you dont want your dog to eat anything you havent given her and they realize it is upsetting you they will stop... they may not be thinking about it at all.
I'd react the same way you did, and then go door to door asking, very sternly, where this bread came from, and why the **** was ending up in my yard around my dogs. Good luck, I hope it's nothing!
And as an aside teach Ella to never touch stuff on the ground; start (if you don't already) feeding her out of a bowl; never off the ground.

Dora will be learning that lesson this summer; she's good with not picking up on walks or in class; but since I feed whole raw; sometimes her food is on the ground; we have to make that a no-no; very dangerous for a dog to pick up anything off the ground.
I'd be super po'd too! And's possible its something innocent like someone feeding squirrels. You'd be surprised what they can carry. Probably going door to door (probably just the next door neighbors) and asking them in a polite way if they're feeding squirrels whole loaves of bread and tell them your concerns for your dog. If they are, perhaps they could make small pieces for the squirrels instead of throwing out big hunks that wind up under your fence. Face to face, you might catch if they're lying. But I guess for a while, you'll have to go through your yard everytime. If this is on purpose that the bread is being thrown into your yard, then this means you have some potentially dangerous, irrational neighbors if they think that's okay.

There's always video surveilance. Spyville Spy Cameras and Security Equipment Info

I hope this gets cleared up soon.
I would question my neighbors. ICK I wouldnt feel comfortable either.
I would be worried too.

My mother had a dog when she was younger, and she still talks about that dog. One night, the neighbor threw over the fence a piece of meat dipped in cyanide. She found the dog, too late, the next morning. :(
Having lost Buffy to someone intentionally feeding her antifreeze impregnated meat . . . I'd be going door to door to find out where the bread came from.

I placed a gorgeous little pit bull puppy that I had taken in (abandoned at the clinic after parvo diagnosis & treatment) and found it a wonderful home with my younger brother's best friend. Someone did the same thing to that puppy. The neighbor, who confessed to the police, gave him antifreeze laced raw meat twice in a single day. By the time Sonny got Cowboy to us, there was nothing we could do. He was basically D.O.A. Sonny never got another dog. :(

Crap like this happens all the time. In Sonny's case, his whacko neighbor didn't want a "vicious blood lusting pit bull" living next door to her and she was "afraid for her children's life" so she did what "any loving mother would do to protect her kids". And I remember quote for quote that those were her words. Mind you this was a 4-month-old puppy. She actually got charged with animal cruelty, but Sonny never got anything but his new dog's ashes in an engraved box that he keeps in his bedroom.

I would be super observant and comb the yard like a hawk before letting her out. I would also take the initiative and talk to the immediate neighbors about it. AND the next time it happens, keep the bread, put it in a ziploc container, and call your vet to see if they can send it off for testing. If it has been contaminated with something intentionally, I'd be all over the local news media letting it be known.

I wish you the best with figuring this out!

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