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  • Hi Smexy Pibble, I saw you posted about Indian Hemp in 2010, that your sister used it and had sticky,waxy and clumsy hair. Now, I am also going through the same problem. So, can you tell me what can I do to get away from this? I am really worried :( :(

    Thank you in advance.
    Find a way to make this birthday a happy one . . . And remember -- you're one year closer :) (((((((((HUGS&LOVE))))))))))
    Hey hoebo lol
    add my new myspace. i deleted my old one cause i was having some issues with it. new one DakoDUH (Kotah Bear) |
    love you!
    He is addicting and oh so purty. lol
    I already have my "i dont give a ****" attitude. lol
    Thanks to you miss thang I have not been able to stop ****in listening to Eminem, LOL. My current favorite song is his "Superman" song. LOVE IT.
    Send me the link when you get your thread made. I've got to log off for awhile, but I'll sticky it as soon as I get back if someone else hasn't already :)
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