Mini Ausses/Mini Americans


I'm All Ears
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
Just an FYI since I've seen this around this forum and my other a bit recently. Mini aussies have been accepted into the AKC Foundation stock service program under a new name- the Miniature American Shepherd.

Breed club here:

The breed standard is 13-18" and 20-40 lbs. The reason for the name change is because the ASCA does not accept a size variant in their breed and the AKC no longer accepts varieties for previously accepted breeds. So the MASCUSA decided to set off to make their dogs their own breed, known as the Miniature American shepherd. MASCUSA studbooks close in Dec 2014. As of right now you can transfer dogs registered as aussies to MAS.

There is a breed club that disagrees with minis becoming their own breed separate from aussies and thus they have chosen to NOT change their dogs' names and not register with the AKC FSS program. They view their dogs as a size variety of the aussie. That breed club is this one:

These are separate from the 'toy aussies' completely. I know nothing about these dogs but their club is here:

Or at least I think I do :rofl1:

I'll be following this thread :)
I fully agree with the Mini American Shepherd bit(I have zero problems with new breeds if they own up to it), but not the sticking to mini Aussie bit. I'd also love to own a Mini American one day.... BUT I know they currently have a major crapshoot on personalities(toys even more so). In the beginning they were so focused on size the temperment kinda flew out the window. I think it will be interesting to see how the Mini American develops, hopefully they wil start focusing more on temperment now. I have met some really great ones... But I've also met a lot of not-so-great ones. LOL.
I was super confused for a while but I think I get it now. The Mini American Shepherd is a definite possibility for me. I, for one, am glad for the smaller version as an option, as size has been a huge halt in me adding a herder. But I still can't decide between 3 breeds anyway buuutt MAS is high up there. :)

Thanks for the info. I've found a few breeders I really like.
I'm cool with this. I was really looking into mini Aussies before we got Lucy (sooo... probably 9 years ago?!) and seem to recall getting some flack for that on here! I've liked the ones that I've met.
In a hundred years everyone will look back and think WTF? :p

And wonder why there are Miniature American Shepherds but no American Shepherds (at least if things remain as they currently stand)
And wonder why there are Miniature American Shepherds but no American Shepherds (at least if things remain as they currently stand)

Nah I doubt it, no one ever wonders why there are no "Pinschers" even tho there are Miniature Pinschers. People just assume Min Pins are Miniature Doberman Pinschers LOL!
If I ever end up with a smaller purebred dog, Mini American Shepherds are on the (very) short list! I definitely support their breeding.
Personally the minis I've met have fallen right along the aussie spectrum of temperament. I've met a few shy/spooky ones for sure but also about half the aussies I've met are pretty soft and shy. Overall they've been realy similar in temperament. The toys I've met (only a couple well bred ones to be fair) have been nice dogs but quite different in looks and temperament than the minis.

I do think the name is kind of weird.... they were calling them north american shepherds for a while but I don't know why the switch to miniature american instead...
Just an FYI since I've seen this around this forum and my other a bit recently. Mini aussies have been accepted into the AKC Foundation stock service program under a new name- the Miniature American Shepherd...

And wonder why there are Miniature American Shepherds but no American Shepherds (at least if things remain as they currently stand)

I believe white GSDs are UKC recognized as American Shepherds, or maybe White American Shepherds, so that could be why.

And wonder why there are Miniature American Shepherds but no American Shepherds (at least if things remain as they currently stand)

And German pinschers.

And Doberman Pinschers.

Pinscher is German for Terrier. ;)
I've met dozens of mini Aussies. They're popular in sports circles and some are drivy as hell. However, I've met... 2 with stable temperaments. Both from the same litter. Most that I've met have been quirky at best and downright dangerous at worst.
I've met dozens of mini Aussies. They're popular in sports circles and some are drivy as hell. However, I've met... 2 with stable temperaments. Both from the same litter. Most that I've met have been quirky at best and downright dangerous at worst.

They're somewhat popular up here. There is only one of the many I've met that I'd even consider bringing into my home. That being said, we have an abundance of ASCA Aussies here as well, so I see a bunch of those dogs I would take home in a heart beat.
I've met dozens of mini Aussies. They're popular in sports circles and some are drivy as hell. However, I've met... 2 with stable temperaments. Both from the same litter. Most that I've met have been quirky at best and downright dangerous at worst.

This is the expierence I've had with them as well. I'm really interested in them because of their more manageable size... But with the personalities I've met so far they're off my list. I'm hoping now that they're getting more recognition maybe more focus will be placed on temperment... Although I know that's often not the case. :(
Curious if you know the breedings on these dogs? I'm wondering if they weren't well bred since my experience has been so different. I have not met a downright scary mini at all and most people around here seem to have very good opinions of them.
The only mini Aussie breeder I know by name is Stoverly. They're the ones who bred the two stable dogs I mentioned. I know of a couple flighty, reactive dogs from there too. I can't comment on the breeding of some of the weirder dogs. I had one on my flyball team that couldn't be handled by anyone but her owner -- she'd bite the heck out of you if you tried.

Stoverly had a breeder booth at the convention I was at a few weeks ago. I can't say that I was impressed with them trying to sell puppies to the casual pet owning public who tend to attend these conventions.

Basically, I wish I had better experience with minis and their breeders, but it's just not been the case. They're cool dogs in theory, but I think breeding for size above all else has caused some serious deficits in temperament.

E: All Stoverly dogs without fail have the most piercing, gut wrenching high pitched bark I've ever heard. And they're not afraid to use it.
I'm cool with this. I was really looking into mini Aussies before we got Lucy (sooo... probably 9 years ago?!) and seem to recall getting some flack for that on here! I've liked the ones that I've met.

I used to get flack for almost everything I did on here and now it's all stuff that's acceptable so you're not the only one! :o

The "mini Aussies" I've met have been extremely neurotic barky little dogs but maybe it's because they're like Aussies in temperament but don't get the exercise they need because they're smaller and the owners think they can get away with less? Or maybe just a bad line. Super cute dogs though!!
I've heard mixed things about that breeder. The aussie and BC people here all herd with a MAS lady. I've heard nothing but good things about their dogs. Wish I could have gone to their show but glad I didn't because of the tornados.
Anyone heard anything about them? These are some I've been looking into a bit:

I definitely don't prefer the look of the toy ones, with the more Chi-like faces. I also prefer a bit less extreme hair -- not super poofy.

I've always heard good things about WiggleButt. but I wonder if their dogs may be 'too much' for me, as they seem to be very sports-oriented?

Another I have looked into a bit: