Do You Enjoy Pooping?

Do You Enjoy Pooping?

  • Yes, most of the time.

    Votes: 23 48.9%
  • No, I usually don't.

    Votes: 12 25.5%
  • WTF Saurus?

    Votes: 13 27.7%
  • Chocolate smoothie.

    Votes: 4 8.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Bored Now.
Dec 22, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Yes, I'm serious. We haven't had a poll like the buttrag thread in a few years, and I need entertainment. ;) All poll options are anonymous for those who want to vote but are too uncomfortable to discuss.

This stems from a disagreement with the BF as to whether I should enjoy pooping or not. He insisted that I'm abnormal, and most people really enjoy it.
Compared to the alternative, yes.

Seriously, I dig what he means. It's not exactly that I enjoy pooping, but there is sometimes a pleasant physical sensation of relief afterwards, like having scratched an itch. If humans somehow never had to poop again I wouldn't miss it, though.

The relief of feeling lighter and not bound uo is awesome , but the best thing is the kids have finally decided my poo DOES stink and wont come in there.

SOOOO I tell them i have to poo and get a quick 15 minutes of down time!
I don't enjoy the physical act, but I do like feeling like I *don't* have to poop anymore. Lol

DH says he considers it a chore.
I know some women orgasm during orgasm during pooping a thing? If so I could see why THEY would enjoy it lol
For the most part, it's the only time I get any peace and quiet. Plus, better out than in.
I wouldn't call the feeling of pooping a general 'enjoyment'.... but I am happy to not feel 'the urge' afterwards....

I could understand why guys would enjoy it though, apparently - they have a G-spot in there. lol.

Asked hubby; he said No..... followed by a "wtf is wrong with you??" expression.
This reminds me of the thread about peeing in the shower :rofl1:
Why is there no "sometimes" option?

Generally it's relieving and feels good. But I also have flare-ups thanks to the Giardia I got last year. So. I guess I'm in the "most of the time" window. XD
Most of the time as long as I've had enough fiber!

I hate it when you wipe and wipe and wipe...ugh.
and I also hate it if I don't have any wet wipes handy!

but otherwise I like it, I get to catch up on instagram lol
This reminds me of the thread about peeing in the shower :rofl1:

That is the reason I always wore sandals in the showers at the track ... yuck. Hell I disinfect my own shower every day because I think of it like ... my germs of the day get washed off in there and ... ew just ... ew.
This reminds me of the thread about peeing in the shower :rofl1:

Dude, I love peeing in the shower. I'm so weird. My friends and I had a long discussion about on our 8 hour drive to SC last weekend, LOL. Sometimes in the mornings, I actually hold my pee and wait until I get in the shower... it just feels more... satisfying.... I only do it in my own shower though. I'd feel wrong and icky doing it in someone elses.

and yeah I kind of enjoy pooping so long as it's not stomach achy or ate bad food pooping. But normal regular pooping? Yes, I usually catch up on reading or social media and take my time sweet time :rofl1:
I want to reply to this but I'm more concerned about my poop habits being recorded on the Internetz forever more and being retraced back to me in years to come.

*sits in tin foil hat*
Yeah, I wish there was a more neutral option.

I wouldn't say I ENJOY pooping...I'm not like "OH YAY, TIME TO POO!" *trots off to bathroom smiling*...but I also don't DISLIKE it...I honestly don't think it effects my mood very much.
I want to reply to this but I'm more concerned about my poop habits being recorded on the Internetz forever more and being retraced back to me in years to come.

*sits in tin foil hat*

I'm more concerned about why anybody CARES whether I like to poop or not. Pretty sure I'll always be doing it alone, and if I do or don't like it there's not much anyone else can do to change it.


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