Chazhound Dogs - 1/52 VOTING

SO TORN between Mia, Finn, and Frodo! lol

I'm going to have to go with Mia... not only is she covered in sauce, she's ON the table.
4, 7, 8, 13, 18, 23.

Please tell me I don't have to pick just one.

If I absolutely have to, it's 7 - Mia.

This is hard... it's between Finnegan 7 Frodo....

Yeah, Frodo. He's giving the "what's the problem?" look LOL!
ahh I'm stuck between Finn, Fozz and Frodo!! You people need to get less cute dogs :p

I think I'll go for Fozz though
OMG... Finn and Frodo are both so hilarious! And both my favorite chazdogs! But I LOL'ed a tad bit harder at Finn. Almost wet myself at that expression. P; SO 8. FINNEGAN! yee

I can't believe so many of you voted for Fozzie B! aww, I love my lil nawty dawg.
17. Trike -- because he looks the most out of character and totally chagrined.

This one was REALLY hard! It was between . . . ALL of them, lol, and then I got it pared down to Luce, Wilson and Trike, but neither Luce nor Wilson had the Naughtydog face that Trike does. Those two were totally unrepentant, lol.

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