Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

Round ligament pain is the most annoying thing ever. Not painful at all, but so bloody irritating. Grrr!! I'm also getting dull cramping throughout the day, and it's worse at night good news is my nausea has settled dawn mainly. I can't wait for my first prenatal dr app on Friday, and hopefully I get in for an ultra sound soon.
Running into my basement to wash diapers is 200x easier than packing up a child and taking them to a store for diapers. Maybe if you're hella organized with shopping and can actually remember to pick them up during grocery shopping, but that's not me

It's called amazon subscribe and save. Lol.
It's called amazon subscribe and save. Lol.

This. Plus you get a discount that way... I used to get a 20% discount with Amazon Mom, but not sure what the rate is now... I never paid full price for diapers and generics did just fine until the kids were 14 months or something.

I wanted to do cloth diapering initially but we got no warning and with twins it was just too much already, I would have lost it if I had to do extra laundry too. So my time and sanity was worth the extra cost for me, lol (plus I hate having to make laundry soap, but that's definitely worth the $$ savings for me).
Yea there's def a reason we're waiting to start CDs until munchkin is a bit older - didn't want to throw learning to diaper with cloth into the mix of new mom-hood. I don't think I'd want to try it with twins, either - soooo much laundry!
I've been using cloth diapers since Nora was about 1 month old. It's so hard in the beginning, especially with the number of times they poop! I'd definitely recommend stocking up on newborn disposable diapers. Even if you don't use them you can always return or donate them!

We used BumGenius newborn diapers for the first few months since Nora was so small. We use BumGenius 4.0 pocket diapers now. I'd totally recommend them (be sure to get the snaps!). They actually just released the 5.0s and the 4.0s are on major clearance right now with free shipping:

Also, congratulations to all of the new pregnant mamas! I rarely come on here, but I try to lurk this thread weekly!
I think cloth diapering is a lot harder in the beginning but also seems way more overwhelming than it is. It can take a few tries to figure out a good laundry routine and you probably have to try a few different diaper styles and brands til you find one you love, but idk...I thought it was so much better/comparably easy that I'm doing it a 2nd time around, and while I didn't start with Lil as a newborn, I'll be starting with this baby pretty much right away.

The Internet makes it sound way way way more complex and like more work than it actually is (provided you have washer dryer access and are staying at home).

*i never exclusively did cloth with Lillian, I always used disposables when traveling, at night, and after 15 months when she started day care.
I've been using cloth diapers since Nora was about 1 month old. It's so hard in the beginning, especially with the number of times they poop! I'd definitely recommend stocking up on newborn disposable diapers. Even if you don't use them you can always return or donate them!

We used BumGenius newborn diapers for the first few months since Nora was so small. We use BumGenius 4.0 pocket diapers now. I'd totally recommend them (be sure to get the snaps!). They actually just released the 5.0s and the 4.0s are on major clearance right now with free shipping:

Also, congratulations to all of the new pregnant mamas! I rarely come on here, but I try to lurk this thread weekly!

Gah, I wish I was that was in canada, or that canada's dollar was not so shitty right now :( Although, it might still be cheaper as I can get it shipped to montana and pick up. Those Diapes are 40 dollars here.
I used mainly sunbaby pocket diapers, they're made by mommas in China and shipping took a while but they're cheap and I thought the quality was quite good. I don't think they're as nice as the more expensive bum genius and fuzzibums types, but as good as the Alvas and much better than the brands on Zulily.

I seriously wish I just did prefolds and covers, though. Pocket diapers seem really easy but they're barely easier than prefolds to put on, more laundry, more money...the only time I found them useful was for babysitters.
They want me to have an ultrasound done for dating since my last period was a little irregular... Which is irregular for me lol. So I have my first US on Thursday! I'm so excited. This pregnancy hasn't seemed ReAL yet lol. Last time I was so sick and had that constant reminder that it was in fact real and this time other than a little upset tummy now and then and some headaches... I keep thinking it's going to turn out that I'm not actuallypregnant
We have cloth diapered from the day Ferris came home. Love it. We had a newborn stash (prefolds and covers) that I LOVED and worked absolutely perfectly (not one blowout) but once he started daycare I switched to pockets. That's all that daycare gets (Glow Bugs and Happy Flute, a few few Alvas) and they've been doing really well with them (they did fine with the prefolds padfolded into covers too). At home I use Nicki's AIO, Funky Fluff AI2, and WAHM AI2. We have covers for nighttime diapers with fitteds or prefolds. I haven't had one issue with laundry, super lucky. Hubby is great with the cloth too. My Mom was positive I would be overwhelmed and not want to cloth when he was itty bitty but I'm used to being super duper active so I had LOADS of time to cloth diaper, do laundry, keep the house clean while I was on my 6 week leave. Sometimes now I get overwhelmed but the three of us go through a lot of laundry, plus diaper laundry, 5 dogs etc etc. That's life though, overall I LOVE cloth. Daycare loves our cloth. Hubby's only experience is cloth, besides the two days we were in the hospital and Ferris was out-peeing the newborn diapers daily.
I seriously wish I just did prefolds and covers, though. Pocket diapers seem really easy but they're barely easier than prefolds to put on, more laundry, more money...the only time I found them useful was for babysitters.

I would have definitely stuck with prefolds and covers if we didn't do daycare 5x a week. Better than any of our pockets for sure!
Grrr!!! I am utterly completely stressing out here. I ended up going to the ER last night, by a suggestion of my bf who is a maternity nurse. I've been feeling lower right groin pain, like the mound you would have public hair but it's not what I would call pain. It's more annoying and aches. Feels like I just need to stretch it out. I've also been getting cramps Mainly on my right side, nothing major though. Anyways, the ER dr last night, who is young and male was freaking out about and ectopic pregnancy, and he has terrible bedside manner. After doing a pap, which was normal, feeling my tubes and ovaries, which where normal, feeling my abdomen, the only place that was tender was my uterus.

At the end he said it's a slim chance of an ectopic, but he wanted blood drawn in the morning to see if my numbers are high enough to see anything in a u/s. Did I mention that I said I was having mild cramps in my uterus almost like mild period cramps and he said "that's weird"

So I got blood drawn in the morning and In the mean time I went and saw the dr who was female who was covering in for my dr. She was not concerned. She called my said my levels are really good. 8000 and the normal I think she said was 1500 and she booked an u/s in Tuesday and I would need one anyways. At this point I was feeling better, way better.

So this evening I get a voice mail on my phone from the ER dr, he sounded panicked and that he got my results in and that I need to go in for a u/s tomorrow!!! So now I'm back to feeling panicked and terrified. I'm terrified that it might be an ectopic.

I feel like it's not, and just muscles moving and expanding. At least I am hoping.
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(((Hayley))) I'm glad you can go in tomorrow and get this resolved - mixed messages are so not helpful! I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way!
Baby Fleura was born Tuesday - 6lbs 11oz, perfectly healthy! I had a (mostly) smooth labor and delivery. I'll post a pic as soon as I get a chance.

Hayley, if it makes you feel better, I had mild-medium menstrual-feeling cramps in both pregnancies, and my only early symptom with my first was awful hip/groin pain/cramping. It sounds more like the ER dr is inexperienced (and awful with pregnant patients) than anything, especially since I think mild cramping is really common early on so very odd he'd say it's "weird". I'll be thinking of you, but unless it's very very painful it sounds normal to me?
So this evening I get a voice mail on my phone from the ER dr, he sounded panicked and that he got my results in and that I need to go in for a u/s tomorrow!!! So now I'm back to feeling panicked and terrified. I'm terrified that it might be an ectopic.

I feel like it's not, and just muscles moving and expanding. At least I am hoping.

That Dr was probably just super nervous. I had horrible cramping, and loads of ache-y pain in that area for the first probably 2 months AFTER I found out I was pregnant. My Mom flipped out and wanted me to go in and blah blah, my bestie said she had cramps the whole time at first too. Sure enough, went to see my regular dr and no problems. Take a deep breath. Someone that knows what they are doing will help you soon!

Baby Fleura was born Tuesday - 6lbs 11oz, perfectly healthy! I had a (mostly) smooth labor and delivery. I'll post a pic as soon as I get a chance.

baby fleura was born tuesday - 6lbs 11oz, perfectly healthy! I had a (mostly) smooth labor and delivery. I'll post a pic as soon as i get a chance.

Hayley, if it makes you feel better, i had mild-medium menstrual-feeling cramps in both pregnancies, and my only early symptom with my first was awful hip/groin pain/cramping. It sounds more like the er dr is inexperienced (and awful with pregnant patients) than anything, especially since i think mild cramping is really common early on so very odd he'd say it's "weird". I'll be thinking of you, but unless it's very very painful it sounds normal to me?


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