Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

DRUM ROLL..........

I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning as I suspected I might be pregnant, had some spotting "implantation bleeding" sept 6

and yup, the test showed I was very much pregnant.


Yey, we can be first-time-pregger buddies. Hahaha

I told my parents and siblings while I was in town. They are super excited. I asked Mom if she had any morning sickness with her pregnancies and she laughed and said, "I vomited around the clock for the entire pregnancy, each time." Hooray. My nausea has been getting worse...still comes and goes, but when it hits it is getting worse. Almost puked all over my feet walking in to our hotel this evening. Fun times.

We go in for our 8 week/two week check up scan on Tuesday and I will definitely be asking about antinausea medication. This is getting rediculous.
Thanks everyone. I'm still in shock and incredibly happy. I can't wait to tell my family at Christmas-'if i can wait that long, but I probably won't see them till then anyways.

Who got early symptoms? So far I'm feeling low, mild cramping, almost like AF is coming. And mainly cramping on the right side so I with he/she implanted in the right side of my uterus. I've had loose bowel movements ever since I implanted in oct 6, which is kind of annoying and I'm always hungry. peeing a lot and my boobs hurt.

Andrea, I really hope your nausea gets under control. I had some the other day after I ran up a hill. It was not fun. Feel better.

Also, when did you all start hoarding, really planning??
Ugh I've been having heart palpitations the last two days, especially if I lie on my back. I am also sick with some kind of cold so maybe it has something to do with that? It's just annoying
Thanks everyone. I'm still in shock and incredibly happy. I can't wait to tell my family at Christmas-'if i can wait that long, but I probably won't see them till then anyways.

Who got early symptoms? So far I'm feeling low, mild cramping, almost like AF is coming. And mainly cramping on the right side so I with he/she implanted in the right side of my uterus. I've had loose bowel movements ever since I implanted in oct 6, which is kind of annoying and I'm always hungry. peeing a lot and my boobs hurt.

Andrea, I really hope your nausea gets under control. I had some the other day after I ran up a hill. It was not fun. Feel better.

Also, when did you all start hoarding, really planning??
I had early symptoms. -_- Nausea before I even knew I was pregnant, mild cramping, peeing a lot. Was tender on my left side, but my ultrasound showed a cyst there, so that makes sense. Boobs were super tender, much less so now, but still tender.

So far today I've been able to eat when I need too and that's helped a lot. I've realized when I start to feel ill, it's typically because my body wants food. I've been having to eat three substantial meals with light snacking every hour or two in between to keep from feeling poorly. Last night I ended up dry heaving and vomiting bile the hotel because I was running on empty. My appt is tomorrow so hopefully theu can give me something to help, or else work will be miserable.
Josh and I are now at a point where we are going to officially start trying. We talked about it when we went out for our 5 year wedding anniversary. Not sure this will be easy though as we technically haven't been preventing throughout our marriage, but now I'm going to start charting stuff and I'm cutting out crap in my diet to work on my health and start losing a little weight. Maybe one day. :)
Josh and I are now at a point where we are going to officially start trying. We talked about it when we went out for our 5 year wedding anniversary. Not sure this will be easy though as we technically haven't been preventing throughout our marriage, but now I'm going to start charting stuff and I'm cutting out crap in my diet to work on my health and start losing a little weight. Maybe one day. :)

Good luck, you have pcos correct. I think I remember you mentioning that. Ignored if that's not the case, but I'm part of a fertility awareness group, many of the woman have pcos and many of them for pregnant by charting, supplements. Let me know if you want to be added to the group.
Just simply regulating my period with bc and then coming off it helped me. On it a couple months and then attempt a couple months and do that in cycles.

People say they are going to get off bc and then try in a couple months but you are usually really fertile right after coming off(at least for us pcos people).
I had my intake appointment today and my due date right now is May 23rd :)

MINE TOO. :D We'll take bets on who has theirs first and who the biggest baby will be.

(I was originally told the 21st at roughly 5 weeks, but the 6 week ultrasound I had I was told the 23rd.)
MINE TOO. :D We'll take bets on who has theirs first and who the biggest baby will be.

(I was originally told the 21st at roughly 5 weeks, but the 6 week ultrasound I had I was told the 23rd.)

Haha too funny! I call Monday to schedule an ultrasound to confirm dates :)

Hannah was 8 lb 4 oz.... I was 9 lb 14 oz LOL so I might have the upper hand on big babyness haha
I'm betting Sparks will have hers first since first babies usually come a bit late. ;)

So fun that you guys have the same dates though!
I've decided to start researching cloth diapers, omg!!! I don't even know where to start, what to buy!!! So much information!!

Get used to it lol I'm cloth diapering for the second time around and I'm still like "how will I know which is best til I try them ALLLL". I used mainly pocket diapers (sun baby were great! And cheap) and a few prefolds with Lil but am going to try to use more prefolds now for cost efficiency and laundry/enviro efficency, plus I heard they just work better (they worked about the same as pockets regarding absorbency for me, but I used cheap cotton babies r us prefolds).

I just got a wool cover so I'm super excited about that.
Good luck, you have pcos correct. I think I remember you mentioning that. Ignored if that's not the case, but I'm part of a fertility awareness group, many of the woman have pcos and many of them for pregnant by charting, supplements. Let me know if you want to be added to the group.

Yup. I do have PCOS. That would be awesome actually. Definitely please add me to the group.
I've decided to start researching cloth diapers, omg!!! I don't even know where to start, what to buy!!! So much information!!

LOL I saw your posts on CD Chat and wondered! I also LOVE the Fluff Love fb group. I highly recommend lurking on both for a while and then starting a collection with a few different types and brands. I have 24ish diapers (we're starting with one size, not newborn) and something like 8 different brands and 3 different types so I can figure out what works for us before I make a big investment. As long as you maintain the diapers well they can be resold pretty easily to fund the ones you like best. :)

And there are lots of good sales around Black Friday from what I've heard... ;)
I applaude those of you who do cloth diapering. After having the puppies on towels for 4 weeks and not pee pads to save money, my belief that I did not want to cloth diaper was 100% proven. Haha I had never been so sick of doing laundry before.
I applaude those of you who do cloth diapering. After having the puppies on towels for 4 weeks and not pee pads to save money, my belief that I did not want to cloth diaper was 100% proven. Haha I had never been so sick of doing laundry before.

Running into my basement to wash diapers is 200x easier than packing up a child and taking them to a store for diapers. Maybe if you're hella organized with shopping and can actually remember to pick them up during grocery shopping, but that's not me

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