Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

I had morning sickness during my first trimester, but besides that I felt really good during my pregnancy.

Actually, I had never felt better in my life! My asthma even improved.

Why do babies grow so fast?

Nora turns 8 months old tomorrow. She is into EVERYTHING. She stands, crawls, even stood unassisted (no hands!!) for a few seconds a couple of nights ago.

_DSC0343.jpg by Chihuahuaesque, on Flickr

She was so proud of holding up this legging lol:

_DSC0289.jpg by Chihuahuaesque, on Flickr
Here every shopping cart has a warming label not to do that, and I think the side of our car seat carrier did, too!!

I'm only 8 weeks, but I SWEAR I felt the baby move last night. I've read mixed opinions on if it's possible to feel it so early, but I'm 99% sure it was the baby :)

I'm not sure if it seems like they grow faster when they're tiny or as they get bigger. Today I was surprised when I asked Lillian what she was building with her blocks and she said "a house!". I was expecting her answer to be "BLOCK" or "PUPPY" or "AHHHHHHH MINE". She also said I love you (or rather "I luh loo") for the first time. Every day I'm surprised by something she knows how to do or say.
A question for Chaz moms:

In two weeks (10 weeks pregnant) I'll be going on a wine tour for a bachelorette party.

I didn't drink one sip of alcohol during my last pregnancy. I'm on the fence about tasting wines - I'm thinking I'd likely have the equivalent to half a glass of wine. I think if I was past my first trimester I'd feel better about it. Most studies I've seen have said that small amount of alcohol would be fine, but I'm still hesitant. Would you do it, or did any of you drink lightly during pregnancy?
A question for Chaz moms:

In two weeks (10 weeks pregnant) I'll be going on a wine tour for a bachelorette party.

I didn't drink one sip of alcohol during my last pregnancy. I'm on the fence about tasting wines - I'm thinking I'd likely have the equivalent to half a glass of wine. I think if I was past my first trimester I'd feel better about it. Most studies I've seen have said that small amount of alcohol would be fine, but I'm still hesitant. Would you do it, or did any of you drink lightly during pregnancy?
I got totally wasted on wine my first trimester, before I knew I was pregnant with Zephyr and worried the whole pregnancy that something would be wrong. I think it's more of a personal choice then anything, because my OB said a glass of red now and then was just fine, but I couldn't bring myself to do it because I was afraid of causing problems.
Is it too soon to want another baby??! Lol. I'm not going to but I've never been so broody.

I also felt the best ever being pregnant!! And I didn't even get morning sickness!!!! Go me. I feel stiff and awkward a lot now though. And my stomach... Oh my. And obviously I'm sporting a nice scar. You have a to leave your body worries at the door once that baby has popped out or you'll go INSANE. I'm trying not to think about it and will address it in April once I'm healed more.

In first trimester I personally wouldn't drink at all. I actually didn't drink my entire pregnancy because I couldn't see the point lol. And I kept thinking about that tiny body processing that tiny bit of alcohol. It's more their little liver I worried about. That being said, drinking in pregnancy here isn't AS frowned upon as over there and lots of people have a glass of wine a week or so. My friend did and had little boy is the smartest, brightest, cutest, healthiest kid I've met (and I've worked round kids since I was 18!). And I did drink a lot before I found out I was pregnant.... And I do have the odd glass of wine now I'm breastfeeding.
I'd avoid 1st trimester stuff just because is something did go wrong, you'd be blaming yourself. I don't think a half glass at any point in pregnancy would do anything really, but in Tri 1, lots can go wrong, and often at 10 weeks people have been pregnant and lost the baby for all sorts of reasons, not relating to anything other than it wasn't viable and nature took over.

Before all the early testing, most people didn't even know. Just for my own sanity, I'd probably wait till after trimester one, but a drink now and again isn't going to do anything.
I chose to wait through my first trimester. I have had a half glass of wine in my second and a sip of my husband's beer if it's a new one. That's about it and all I felt comfortable with. I was really nervous my first trimester to do anything.

She was very fussy and clingy today, poor baby. She's cluster feeding again and doesn't seem to be feeling particularly fantastic, so I put her in the Moby while I tried to get some chores done (unsuccessful) and she finally nursed herself to sleep. I hope my poor princess feels better tomorrow.
^ Ditto. Poor Zephyr! :(

Hope she feels better soon!!

Ivy! <3 <3 <3

After a fairly good time with nice, long naps, Finn has only been taking micro naps during the day. Today, he started crying and fussing but soothed himself. Yay! But now I'm hearing phantom crying every 5 seconds and when I check the monitor he's still snoozing. lol
But now I'm hearing phantom crying every 5 seconds and when I check the monitor he's still snoozing. lol

This was awful for me when she was a newborn to the point where I thought I might be hallucinating. It got way better after like 6 months
I was mad that dairy Queen wasn't open at 2am. LOL what are you craving other then bread sticks? I always find people's cravings interesting

I think I was the only pregnant woman to not have any cravings during my whole pregnancy. And I was so looking forward to that, too!

On a side note, I always hated the "you're eating for two, here have 3000 more calories!"
I had zero cravings with Lillian except maybe root beer but that wasn't much a craving, just all I could keep down.

This time basically just carbs. Bagels. More bagels. Olive Garden breadsticks. I think that's it.
Oh, my other craving (much to Shane's horror) is Taco Bell chips and the fake cheese. If they have anything other than the fake cheese I want to puke but I keep going to Taco Bell to order multiple servings of only chips and cheese and getting mad I didn't order more.

Did anyone (especially second pregnancy) show really early? I'm 9 weeks and have a definite bump under my shirt and look like I gained a bit of weight even with clothes on.

With lillian I didn't show even to myself until 5 months and didn't look pregnant until 7 months so it's kind of worrying me. I looked up reasons you might show early and none of them applied to me but it said you can show early with twins and I'm so terrified of having twins (and really high risk).
Oh, my other craving (much to Shane's horror) is Taco Bell chips and the fake cheese. If they have anything other than the fake cheese I want to puke but I keep going to Taco Bell to order multiple servings of only chips and cheese and getting mad I didn't order more.

Did anyone (especially second pregnancy) show really early? I'm 9 weeks and have a definite bump under my shirt and look like I gained a bit of weight even with clothes on.

With lillian I didn't show even to myself until 5 months and didn't look pregnant until 7 months so it's kind of worrying me. I looked up reasons you might show early and none of them applied to me but it said you can show early with twins and I'm so terrified of having twins (and really high risk).

I craved (still do) peaches!

I am on a couple of forums that show "bump" pictures and it seems like EVERYONE who has had one child shows earlier in their later pregnancies. One of my BFF's is super duper tiny and fit, she didn't show until about 5 months (and then only to her) with her first, but way earlier than that with her second.