a defintion does not have to be dictionary based. [/QUOTE
As I stated, it can be from other reputable sources. However, it can't be based off someone's random thought, either. But you don't even list this definition that you're referring to. So, what is it?
So it would be valid to you if I wrote down numbers worked out the sd etc and put it up on the net as a study? Really ....
Yes! Or AT LEAST state that it is IN YOUR OPINION in the original post! You never state that in the original post. You only stated it after I "got it out of you".
In your original post where you use this random statistic you are insulting a person, telling them what they're doing is wrong, and, I would hope, trying to "convert" them to do the RIGHT thing, correct?
Then you are taking two steps back by pulling out a random statistic - one in which you list no basis for (you don't even say it's in your opinion!). How is this person supposed to find you trustworthy if you are, from the standpoint of the original post, "making stuff up" just to belittle them?
I once had a conversation with a person on Craiglist who posted a terribly hateful post in the Community: Pet section. They posted it towards back yard breeders. I e-mailed them and told them that I agree with their point of view, but I did not think that the should be posting in such a manner, simply because it is NOT helping the puppies by insulting and belittling the people breeding them. Instead you should help to EDUCATE these people to help them make the right decision. If you want them to be like you and think like you, you have to be someone they would WANT to be and think like. But if you go in, guns a blazing, insulting them and saying terrible things to them, why would they want to be like you? She responded with (paraphrasing, leaving out her choice words), "Why should I bow down to these terrible people. All I care about are the puppies." I asked her how she's helping the puppies by doing this, and she never responded.
So, you see what I mean - if we WANT to help reduce the numbers of puppies produced by BYB then we need to help to educate them. And we do not educate them by insulting them, beating them down with words, and throwing out large, random statistics with no basis in anything but your own mind (and again, you should clarify that in the original post - there's a handy edit button, I believe).