There has been alot of disscusion on this forum as to how are breeders classified and what makes them what they are anyways I found a website yesterday explaining how breeders are classified
Hobby Breeder : A breed fancier who usually has only one breed but may have two follows a breeding plan in efforts to preserve and protect the breed they are raising produces from none to five litters per year breeds only when a litter will enchance the breed and breeding program raises the puppies with pleanty of enviromental and human contact has a contract that protects the breeder, dog, and buyer runs a small clean kennel screens breeding stock to eliminate heredity defects from the breed works with a breed club or kennel club to promote and protect the breed and cares that each and every puppy is placed in the best home possible
Back Yard Breeder (BYB) : Dog owner whos pet either gets bred by accident or who breeds on purpose for a variety of reasons usually ingnorant of the breed standard, genetics, behavior, and good health practices byb's can easily become a commercial breeder or a puppymill
Commercial Breeder : Usually has several breeds of dogs with profit as a primary motive dogs may be healty or not and kennel may be clean or not dogs probably not selected for resembalance to the breed standard or for good temperment most sell to pet shops or brokers who sell to pet stores
Brooker : Buys puppies from a commercial kennel and sells to retail outlets ship pups by the crate load on arilines or by truckload throughout the country must be licensed by USDA and must abide by the shipping regulations in the animal welfare act even though they are required to be licensed some are not and that is against the law
Bunchers : Collect dogs of unknown origin for sale to labratories or other buncers considered much lower on the evolutinary scale because of much suspiscion that they buy stolen pets, collect "free" pets, and adopt unwanted pets from animal shelters for research at veternarian colleges and industrial research labs
Puppymill (pm) : Breeder who produces pups hand over fist with no breeding program little attention to puppy placement and poor health and socillization practices may or may not be dirty but is usually overcrowded and dogs may be neglected or abused because the breeder can't properly handle the amount of dogs they have often put down hobby breeders to make a sale
This website would be helpful to prospective puppy owners in deciding who they should buy their puppy from and how to tell who they are buying there pup from I am also going to list the website it would be great to check it out and it has some great information on buying from petstores and why it is not a good idea
Hobby Breeder : A breed fancier who usually has only one breed but may have two follows a breeding plan in efforts to preserve and protect the breed they are raising produces from none to five litters per year breeds only when a litter will enchance the breed and breeding program raises the puppies with pleanty of enviromental and human contact has a contract that protects the breeder, dog, and buyer runs a small clean kennel screens breeding stock to eliminate heredity defects from the breed works with a breed club or kennel club to promote and protect the breed and cares that each and every puppy is placed in the best home possible
Back Yard Breeder (BYB) : Dog owner whos pet either gets bred by accident or who breeds on purpose for a variety of reasons usually ingnorant of the breed standard, genetics, behavior, and good health practices byb's can easily become a commercial breeder or a puppymill
Commercial Breeder : Usually has several breeds of dogs with profit as a primary motive dogs may be healty or not and kennel may be clean or not dogs probably not selected for resembalance to the breed standard or for good temperment most sell to pet shops or brokers who sell to pet stores
Brooker : Buys puppies from a commercial kennel and sells to retail outlets ship pups by the crate load on arilines or by truckload throughout the country must be licensed by USDA and must abide by the shipping regulations in the animal welfare act even though they are required to be licensed some are not and that is against the law
Bunchers : Collect dogs of unknown origin for sale to labratories or other buncers considered much lower on the evolutinary scale because of much suspiscion that they buy stolen pets, collect "free" pets, and adopt unwanted pets from animal shelters for research at veternarian colleges and industrial research labs
Puppymill (pm) : Breeder who produces pups hand over fist with no breeding program little attention to puppy placement and poor health and socillization practices may or may not be dirty but is usually overcrowded and dogs may be neglected or abused because the breeder can't properly handle the amount of dogs they have often put down hobby breeders to make a sale
This website would be helpful to prospective puppy owners in deciding who they should buy their puppy from and how to tell who they are buying there pup from I am also going to list the website it would be great to check it out and it has some great information on buying from petstores and why it is not a good idea
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