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  • Alright, this is just getting mean :( You've been withholding puppy pictures one too many days. :P

    I'm serious though, I need collie pictures!
    I just wanted to thank you. The tip you gave me about ignoring Corky when he's pulling on the leash and ignoring my commands was exactly what we needed. We were at the park this afternoon and it was full of other people and dogs. Instead of worrying about him getting over-stimulated I simply stopped walking and ignored him when he tugged too much. EVERY TIME he walked back and stood right next to me in heel position. This was the first time we tried it and its the best method we've used yet. That said, there were no dogs in his face, but we had our best walk ever. Many thanks!
    hi again, well ive listened to your advice about getting two puppies and i spoke to my dad about it and he did agree with what you said so, best to keep the housekeeper happy ( my dad ) LOL. well i am looking forward to getting this puppy so much, i can see myself loosing sleep over it LOL. i was wondering would you be able to kind of give me like a basic routine you would consider that would work because you sound very intelligent concerning these matters with puppies and i want to be the best dad i can be to my puppy, can my puppy get over protective of me, such as when someone speaks to me the dog will go mad? and do you have any tips on bonding with your dog? thanks very much you have been very helpfull with your posts.
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