Like a bat outa' hell
I was diagnosed about a month and a half ago. And it sucks big time. I get a mouth thing in a few weeks. I really hope that makes a big difference, the the dr. Thinks it won't 

I have it, but TMJ is an umbrella term for anything that is wrong with that joint.
Mine can only be corrected by surgery(and I got more than one opinion) as mine is due to trauma... My disc is disintegrated and the bone is grinding on bone, small pieces are left which occasionally jams it and causes more pain and inflammation.
Mine was actually really helped by removing my wisdom teeth, the way they were impacted was apparently adding even more pressure to the joint. My jaw used to actually get stuck shut for weeks at a time due to inflammation.
I have considered getting the surgery done, but I'm not a big fan of having pieces of me cut into. Right now I manage it by not opening my mouth too wide and watching how "chewy" things are that I eat. Some days it's sore, but most of the time it's ok. If I want to open my mouth wide I do still have to manually click my jaw into place. LOL.
Yup, got measured and approved by insurance for a device in December. Got molds taken, had it made, all in December.
Went to pick it up after the new year and told insurance would only cover the cost last year (they didn't tell me that). Want like $650 for it, and won't allow me to make payments.
It's not too bad for me most of the time though, thankfully. The chiro helps, eating a soft diet when it flares up, massage. I have steroid nasal spray because I get bad sinus/ear pain with it. Also lose my voice completely because of the muscle constriction in my vocal chords, thankfully that's not too often.
My teeth are shifting now and it's pissing me off. I had very near perfectly straight teeth and with the TMJ they're getting all messed up![]()
Lord, what kind if device? A splint?
Has anyone dealt with swollen painful gums from TMJD? My gums are all puffy from my shifting teeth and so soreI tried rinsing with saltwater and ibuprofen but it hasn't helped. Short of straight up icing my mouth any tips?