Soldiers throw a puppy off a cliff. *Video showing it*


Arbitrary and Capricious
Sep 3, 2007
Alexandria, VA
this is what the soilder said......

I don't know why people are so pissed. It was a %#&!*% STRAY!!! Get the %#&!*% over it! You know how many people I see get blown away on a regular basis?!?! %#&!*% Man Not only the towle heads out here but my own friends!" Sorry you guys saw that, but it wasn't supposed to ever been shown. Usually what happens is we shoot them. I was being "creative" that day and decided to throw the dog instead. If i could take it back, I would. Either way, I did the dog a favor. Sorry if you can't understand that.

Can you show me where you got that info? I've been looking for updates on this case?


Active Member
May 13, 2005
Milwaukee WI
peta kills hundreds of dogs every year and i dont see people crying about it......and the dog was going to die anyways
That is such lame and backward logic. So because some misguided organization led by a power tripping idiot, kills dogs then it should be ok for everyone world wide to torture and kill puppies.....Does logic mean anything to you?

The dog was going to die anyway...well we all die sooner or later, thus murder of all and anyone is ok...right? :rolleyes:

Its not the death it is the method. It was brutal and unnecessary and was used to provide entertainment for a representative of the USA.

Even if you hate dogs and lack any empathy, this is still a PR nightmare for the US military....why can't people see that. We are fighting a hot war with bullets but we are also involved in a war for hearts and minds.


We are Home.
Oct 22, 2004
Tallahassee Florida
this is what the soilder said......

I don't know why people are so pissed. It was a %#&!*% STRAY!!! Get the %#&!*% over it! You know how many people I see get blown away on a regular basis?!?! %#&!*% Man Not only the towle heads out here but my own friends!" Sorry you guys saw that, but it wasn't supposed to ever been shown. Usually what happens is we shoot them. I was being "creative" that day and decided to throw the dog instead. If i could take it back, I would. Either way, I did the dog a favor. Sorry if you can't understand that.
Wherer is the proof?

As to what that says that shows a lack of immaturity. X is ok becuase I see/do/hear about Y on a daily basis. Along with the term towel head. I know many soldiers and Marines and most I know and that they know dont use that term they use the term IRAQIS so I know it is not prevelant. Along with the fact oh it wasnt suppossed to be shown shows that he knew it was wrong or would cause a uproar. Some people are just so brilliant. :rolleyes:


Kaleidoscopic Eye
Jun 9, 2006
Originally Posted by frank87
this is what the soilder said......

I don't know why people are so pissed. It was a %#&!*% STRAY!!! Get the %#&!*% over it! You know how many people I see get blown away on a regular basis?!?! %#&!*% Man Not only the towle heads out here but my own friends!" Sorry you guys saw that, but it wasn't supposed to ever been shown. Usually what happens is we shoot them. I was being "creative" that day and decided to throw the dog instead. If i could take it back, I would. Either way, I did the dog a favor. Sorry if you can't understand that.
Er, can you come up with some sort of link or proof of where you got that? You don't know the state of the puppy by watching that video. And even if the puppy WAS going to die, you think it's ok to kill it like that? So when I go in to volunteer at the shelter tomorrow, there are some ill or aggressive dogs that may be euthanized. So if I have that knowledge I can pick up one of those dogs and throw it as far as I can?
As for the term "towelhead," that's incredibly ignorant.



Magic, motherf@%$*#!
Jan 13, 2006
That is so disgusting. Although Im not surprised that soldiers would do this, Im so sad for the dog and for all the other animals that go through atrocities.
Someone said they cant believe that a U.S. soldier would do this. When some people go to war morality goes out the window. Not to offend anyone, but many of the people who usually want to become soldiers and go to war are militarized essentialist idiots. They want to shoot guns and be cool. Not all, but far too many. Many of our own soldiers rape local women wherever they happen to be occupying, and kill civilians for fun. I dont like the military. I dont like war. I dont like anyone who wants to go out and kill people or animals. I hope those two get what they deserve, more hopefully in Iraq or wherever they are. Someone like that deserves to get sent to war and not come back.
Okay... why don't we go back to stereotyping just a little bit more, huh? If you really think that every service member just wants to "shoot guns and be cool", then I'd gladly invite you over here to have a little one on one chat with my husband. How rude and disrespectful! I am far from saying that all service members are heroes and good... but to go that far... :mad: Well... I'm not going around saying that I don't like Americans because all Americans are ignorant sh!tbags just because of people like you, do I? That would be exactly the same thing. Grow a brain before making statements like that. While every once of me wishes that that guy gets what he deserves- as every other service member who draws negative attention to his branch of service- wishing that he dies through combat is horrible.. because you know that he has a family, too. Ugh. I am sorry I am getting so emotional about idiotic comments like this... but I am so done with comments like this, which, yes I get thrown in my face... when all I do is supporting my husband- who has excellent morals and sacrifices so much for what he does. Do I like war? No. Does my husband like war? NO. Get in your brain that he is doing his job. Nothing more and nothing less. So think twice before you throw all service members in one bag just because of the dipsh!ts you hear about on the news.

this is what the soilder said......

I don't know why people are so pissed. It was a %#&!*% STRAY!!! Get the %#&!*% over it! You know how many people I see get blown away on a regular basis?!?! %#&!*% Man Not only the towle heads out here but my own friends!" Sorry you guys saw that, but it wasn't supposed to ever been shown. Usually what happens is we shoot them. I was being "creative" that day and decided to throw the dog instead. If i could take it back, I would. Either way, I did the dog a favor. Sorry if you can't understand that.
I highly doubt that this is an official statement from the Marine (! BTW). If they tracked him down...which they would have since he's giving statements... I can guarantee you that his CO has his @ss shredded right now. The last thing he would do, or the MC would let him do, is to give dumb@ss statements like that. Towel heads? :mad: Frank, why don't you just go ahead and post some more pictures of dogs on steroids... because that is the most constructive things I have seen you do on this board. I guess that says a lot *shrug*


I'd rather be at Disney
Jul 7, 2005
Lancaster, PA
Apparently he posted that "statement" on his myspace and then made his myspace private because of all the hate mail.

and Jules... I agree with you 100%

People that say stupid sh!t like that are spreading more hatred than the people they are claiming don't care about anyone and just want to kill people.


New Member
Nov 27, 2006
thanks to war we are able to be here sitting on our asses and talking about dogs..thanks to war all the antiwar hippies have freedom of speach
here is the link to his myspace and thats what he wrote 896236

"The Sergeant Major called me in today and it looks like they found out about the dog thing. I don't know who it was who put it on %#&!*% youtube, but man they are not happy... They were even talking about court martialing me, but they better not. It wouldn't be fair because they didn't court martial the last guy they caught %#&!*% with a dog.

%#&!*%, atleast i was humane about it. That guy from motor transport shot a dog in the stomach in front of the Major and everyone thought it was funny. I %#&!*% up and it gets on TV and all of a sudden it's wrong. This is some BS. POS media, always sticking its nose where it doesn't belong.

want to say first of all that I am really sorry for the whole puppy thing. I don't know why people are so pissed. It was a %#&!*% STRAY!!! Get the %#&!*% over it! You know how many people I see get blown away on a regular basis?!?! %#&!*% Man Not only the towle heads out here but my own friends!" Sorry you guys saw that, but it wasn't supposed to ever been shown. Usually what happens is we shoot them. I was being "creative" that day and decided to throw the dog instead. If i could take it back, I would. Either way, I did the dog a favor. Sorry if you can't understand that."
Response below written by a friend of David Motari's who served with him:
"The dog, along with other dogs, was killed because it could have given away their position to the enemy. It was also likely disease-ridden, maybe had rabies. You guy s don't know , you weren't there , you have no right to second guess what he did. We should just be grateful that we have young men like him who are willing to risk their young lives to protect our great nation and our freedoms. You sit on your asses living in comfort and whine and criticize those who are in harm's way.It stops right now. I just wish I could shake this young man's hand and say "thank you for your service and sacrifice." He's served in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan ... what have YOU done?"
Feb 10, 2008
I believe I actually said "many", not "all". And I do have a brain, a pretty good one, too.

Obviously there are some good people in the military, but there are also many who are not. And unfortunately it is true that as a country we need to change certain things about our ideology of "might is right", thats all Im saying, and thats why I do not like the military- to me its an agent of violence, and I don't like violence. I also do not subscribe to the idea that all people are basically good. There's way too much sadness in the world.
As for your husband, well if he is one of the few moral people
then I commend him, and Im sorry if I offended you or him.

It was not people like him I was speaking about, but people like those in the video.

Also, yes I do believe something bad should happen to people like that, BECAUSE I believe that all life is deserving of respect, and that my friend, was far from it.

If you want to talk to someone without a brain try the person a few posts up talking about anti-war hippies. Apparently he's glad we go to war because it keeps the U.S. "free". Hmm, interesting.


New Member
Nov 27, 2006
If you want to talk to someone without a brain try the person a few posts up talking about anti-war hippies. Apparently he's glad we go to war because it keeps the U.S. "free". Hmm, interesting.
lol.....guess what soon the u.s will go to war with iran, russia, north korian, and maybe china......what do you think the u.s should do? let them walk all over us?
Apr 25, 2006
Obviously there are some good people in the military, but there are also many who are not.
I stopped stereotyping years ago when I realized I hurt peoples feelings by lumping them all together.

My friend just came home from Iraq yesterday. He's not even old enough to legally drink, but he's already put himself in danger for his country, even the selfish ungrateful rude stereotyping asshats that don't appreciate him and make absurd generalizations about him and his fellow soldiers. I'm sure it would break his heart to hear that people think that soldiers join the military because they are "militarized essentialist idiots" and want to be cool. :rolleyes:
Aug 14, 2007
I stopped stereotyping years ago when I realized I hurt peoples feelings by lumping them all together.

My friend just came home from Iraq yesterday. He's not even old enough to legally drink, but he's already put himself in danger for his country, even the selfish ungrateful rude stereotyping asshats that don't appreciate him and make absurd generalizations about him and his fellow soldiers. I'm sure it would break his heart to hear that people think that soldiers join the military because they are "militarized essentialist idiots" and want to be cool. :rolleyes:

Well said!!!
Feb 10, 2008
I never said all soldiers do that. Many do, and thats a fact, and its because of a number of factors that I dont want to go into right now. It ranges from pop culture to collective memories of certain parts of the U.S., all the way back to the Vietnam war. The psychology behind this stuff is not easy to just lay out.

I don't claim to know all the motives of the U.S. government, but if anyone believes we are going into Iraq, or any other country solely to spread goodwill or liberate, than that person is sorely mistaken, unfortunately. We do things for a combination of reasons, for money, to secure our place as world power (the thought of anyone else rising to our status terrifies the U.S.), and other things, sometimes goodwill. But its Always very intermingled in politics and various interest groups. Usually these interest groups hold large sums of money, which is why they have sway. The Bush administration has demonstrated this too well.

If anyone believes that going to war in all these countries is the answer, they've got a very narrow mind, because it is SO dangerous for us to be playing like this in this part of the world.
This region has been wrought with conflict for SO long, both between themselves and neighboring countries and various ideological groups and local factions, etc. There is no centralized government in some of these places, like Afghanistan, and so its largely a sort of anarchy, or works on a level of local groups that try to gain a monopoly on violence (which is a basis for creating a state, even ours). For us to just come in and try to create a democracy is very shortsighted and plain stupid.

Frank87, what exactly is "walking all over us"? The U.S. makes too many presumptions of its status and that of other countries. As much as a country may be "walking all over us" we have done it many time over in the past to others. Yes, politics is messy, and it will continue to be messy, unfortunately. Yes, we should protect ourselves, but there are many ways to do it diplomatically. The world is watching us. Do you know how incredibly bad it was for the U.S. to completely disregard the UN when it told us we could not go ahead with the whole Middle East business?? We pushed the only organization that the world has to maintain some level of morality and peace to the side and said "We're in charge". The implications of that are terrible.

Listen, Im not trying to create enemies here. Im just saying what you see on the news is not even a fraction of the truth of whats going on. Im also saying some people in the military are bad (remember friends, some are good, too) and its not just because they happen to be like that on an individual level; our military institutions can create them.

Now we're all part of this dog forum so we all probably like dogs, and we probably came here to discuss something or other about dogs, or maybe remember our dogs who have passed, etc etc. So lets remember that part that unifies us here, and not get personal.
Apr 25, 2006
I really don't care to discuss the whys vs. the why nots of war. My point was (is) that you made a really broadsweeping claim about our soldiers that I found offensive and quite rude, considering my family is a military family and a huge majority of my friends are serving/have served. These are people I care about and to hear someone label them as "militarized essentialist idiots" really pissed me off. Especially when I have the sense you don't have a clue what you're talking about.


I'd rather be at Disney
Jul 7, 2005
Lancaster, PA
Also, yes I do believe something bad should happen to people like that, BECAUSE I believe that all life is deserving of respect, and that my friend, was far from it.
How can you say THIS right after saying this....

I hope those two get what they deserve, more hopefully in Iraq or wherever they are. Someone like that deserves to get sent to war and not come back.
YOu obviously think all live is deserving of respect until they do something you dont like and then they aren't deserving anymore. Very contradictory. Either you think all life is deserving of respect or you don't. can't have it both ways.


New Member
Dec 27, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I never said all soldiers do that. Many do, and thats a fact, and its because of a number of factors that I dont want to go into right now. It ranges from pop culture to collective memories of certain parts of the U.S., all the way back to the Vietnam war. The psychology behind this stuff is not easy to just lay out.

I don't claim to know all the motives of the U.S. government, but if anyone believes we are going into Iraq, or any other country solely to spread goodwill or liberate, than that person is sorely mistaken, unfortunately. We do things for a combination of reasons, for money, to secure our place as world power (the thought of anyone else rising to our status terrifies the U.S.), and other things, sometimes goodwill. But its Always very intermingled in politics and various interest groups. Usually these interest groups hold large sums of money, which is why they have sway. The Bush administration has demonstrated this too well.

If anyone believes that going to war in all these countries is the answer, they've got a very narrow mind, because it is SO dangerous for us to be playing like this in this part of the world.
This region has been wrought with conflict for SO long, both between themselves and neighboring countries and various ideological groups and local factions, etc. There is no centralized government in some of these places, like Afghanistan, and so its largely a sort of anarchy, or works on a level of local groups that try to gain a monopoly on violence (which is a basis for creating a state, even ours). For us to just come in and try to create a democracy is very shortsighted and plain stupid.

Frank87, what exactly is "walking all over us"? The U.S. makes too many presumptions of its status and that of other countries. As much as a country may be "walking all over us" we have done it many time over in the past to others. Yes, politics is messy, and it will continue to be messy, unfortunately. Yes, we should protect ourselves, but there are many ways to do it diplomatically. The world is watching us. Do you know how incredibly bad it was for the U.S. to completely disregard the UN when it told us we could not go ahead with the whole Middle East business?? We pushed the only organization that the world has to maintain some level of morality and peace to the side and said "We're in charge". The implications of that are terrible.

Listen, Im not trying to create enemies here. Im just saying what you see on the news is not even a fraction of the truth of whats going on. Im also saying some people in the military are bad (remember friends, some are good, too) and its not just because they happen to be like that on an individual level; .

Now we're all part of this dog forum so we all probably like dogs, and we probably came here to discuss something or other about dogs, or maybe remember our dogs who have passed, etc etc. So lets remember that part that unifies us here, and not get personal.
MOST people when they sign up for the military are willing to put their lives on the line to propect their country and the free world. They don't enlist due to politics or enlist in the hopes that the next gov in power will send them to war. They are just doing their job, they can't call in sick and they can't say no. If the powers to be were really looking to 'our military institutions can create them' a good place to recruit would be the prison system in any country.
I am personally thankful of the military that protects our rights. I love living in a free country, where the food is readily available, where I can enjoy having animals, where I can freely move about, where I can voice my opinion without fear and where as a woman I can own property!!! Oh yeah and where I can chat about something like dogs on the internet........
Feb 10, 2008
I believe all life deserves respect, yes. I believe that people who do things like the two who threw the dog don't, no. So I can make those two statements. In my opinion, human beings do not deserve respect when they commit atrocities. Is that fair enough?

And I do know what Im talking about, I've studied it for awhile and I could tell you things about our beloved government and military you wouldn't believe. I respect most of the men and women who fight for our country, but you have to keep in mind that not all of them do it for noble reasons. Thats all Im saying.


I'd rather be at Disney
Jul 7, 2005
Lancaster, PA
I believe all life deserves respect, yes. I believe that people who do things like the two who threw the dog don't, no. So I can make those two statements. In my opinion, human beings do not deserve respect when they commit atrocities. Is that fair enough?

And I do know what Im talking about, I've studied it for awhile and I could tell you things about our beloved government and military you wouldn't believe. I respect most of the men and women who fight for our country, but you have to keep in mind that not all of them do it for noble reasons. Thats all Im saying.
HAHAHAHA you know what you are talking about becuase you have studied it... so you know more than the people who have LIVED it?

I really resent the statements you make because of things you read in a book.

My husband has been deployed three times in the past. he is the most loving and caring man I have ever known. He see's the world with his own eyes and lives it... not reads it in some book or sees it on TV.

How can you say you respect them when you said that you do not support the military? Just as contradicting as your statement that ALLLLLLLLLLLLL life deserves respect yet people should DIE and leave their families bereft because YOU don't like something. Well I'll tell you WHAT... you don't like violence but I will be D@mned if you think I will accept that you believe my husband should be dead because he had to kill another. Would you really deny my beautiful daughter her wonderful loving father and me a wonderful husband just becuase YOu don't like violence?

KILL Or BE killed. If you haven't been in the position then I don't care what you read in books.... you cannot say what soldiers should and shouldn't die for.

I do not agree with what this guy did in anyway shape or form... but I believe he will see justice... not that he should be blown up.


New Member
Dec 27, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I believe that only a fool would be believe that there are not rotten apples in the basket, whether it be in policing, goverment, in the military or even in education etc. And I would like to believe that they are the minority instead of the majority.


I'd rather be at Disney
Jul 7, 2005
Lancaster, PA
I believe that only a fool would be believe that there are not rotten apples in the basket, whether it be in policing, goverment, in the military or even in education etc. And I would like to believe that they are the minority instead of the majority.

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