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  • Miss you around here, but also glad you have a happier stress free environment going on :) <3
    The deal with you saying "Oh God it's you!" Just giving you a hard time right back :)
    And it doesn't bother me one bit! hahaha........I truly do appreciate people for their different view points, and really don't want everyone to agree with me! I am me, you are you and we are both FULL OF AWESOME! LOL
    Excuse me.

    Every time I see your fairy I bust out laughing and get looks from my dogs like I am a total retard.

    You are NOT helping me get my cool card back.
    Pffffft, we haven't even messed with it. I'm so sick of it being an issue, crashing, other people's getting hacked, constant LOOOOOOOOOONG updates. I don't think I'm even going to bother with it anymore!
    Just killing a few minutes until I start cooking dinner :) Kids had a snow day from school today, we got pounded HARD again with snow! What are YOU doing?
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