Public Flogging


Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Where the selas blooms
Since we're being inundated with spammers and they don't seem to "get it" -- and because Eddie's on vacation and can't be here to do The Deed as regularly as he'd like (he LOOOOVES to ban spam) -- we talked about it and thought we'd start collecting them for public pillorying, tar and feathers, lynching, whatever.

Feel free to vent your spleen (within some bounds, please ;) ) on the spammers. Let them know how you feel about them, the likelihood of every clicking on their links for any non-spiteful purpose, etc.
Wedding dresses and Uggs? I don't even have to mock that - it does it all on its own.

PS. Spammers, please have spam that's actually worth mocking. Love, Saurus!
Would be funny if this thread discourages spammers, lmao.

Not that I really believe anything COULD, but it's been several hours since we got another one :D

Maybe we should give out cookies to whoever reports the spam first :popcorn:


And every time a new spammer posts, can we just add their post in?

It would be great, truly great.

To spammers, chazhound is a DOG FORUM. We aren't interested in your **** Nikes or Uggs or wedding dresses or any other BS. MOST OF US KNOW NOT TO CLICK ON EVEN DOG RELATED SPAM.

To whoever is employing spammers (or, if you the spammer is self employed) YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME AND MONEY.


I am NOT going to click on your link or send you my credit card number. YOU ARE ****ING KIDDING YOURSELVES if you think I would buy your spam products. You could offer me FREE SHOES and I WOULDN'T EVEN SEND YOU MY MAILING ADDRESS out of pure spite. (and the fear that you would send me even more of this **** in hardcopy)

You do understand that the accounts created by spammers are not monitored, right? They are created by automated programs that collect data from these sites. That's not a person that created that post. And the entity that created the program that created the account that created the post will never see what we've done with it.

Further, there's no such thing as "bad publicity". Keeping them collected and up top will not discourage them. It will only encourage them. The few entities that actually have living people creating these sites will just see that we're annoyed, then get their pleasure from further annoying us.

A better method is to require manual account moderation, but that is a large inconvenience in most cases. The second best thing is to ban global email address registrations. A lot of these spammers operate from ghost email servers with .ru extensions or from shill sites like (most people don't even catch that one). Ban the use of ".ru" or "", for example.

If you want to display the spammers to the world for mock, of if you would like to do something useful, post your banned mail list.
You do understand that the accounts created by spammers are not monitored, right? They are created by automated programs that collect data from these sites. That's not a person that created that post. And the entity that created the program that created the account that created the post will never see what we've done with it.

Oh well, I don't have the opportunity to use caps nearly enough lol.

I kinda thought that may be the case because I'm forever filling in those hard-to-read little... number/letter combo boxes which are obviously to thwart AI.

A banned mail list would be :cool: we should do that.
Some are bots, but some are breathing. The bots we can pretty well tell from the registration information, and we do add them to some of the spammer lists -- which we also use.

The breathing ones, though . . . let them and/or their bosses get a dose.

Besides, whether they ever see it or not, or other spammers see it or not, it's kind of like getting to cuss out that phone solicitor that calls in the middle of your favorite show. Sometimes it just feels GOOD.
They're getting cleverer! I almost clicked but it wasn't someone I recognized.

That, and low post count.
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I have an idea, why don't you sell the gift that keeps on giving...Syphillis! You're already a plague on our board, so it seems fitting.
Wait did they just spam inside another spam thread? Now they're just messing with us!
I have an idea, why don't you sell the gift that keeps on giving...Syphillis! You're already a plague on our board, so it seems fitting.

I thought that was herpes.

Hey spammers, I know a couple people who could share that with you. And possibly some other great gifts, too!

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