Pet store puppies?


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Feb 25, 2006
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I was just curious, are pet stores a bad place to buy puppies? I think I heard that before, but I can't remember. If they are, why? I know it probubly supports puppy mills, but are the puppies unhealthy or something too? Again, I'm just curious, I'm not planning on getting a dog soon or anything.
I have a question regarding "pet store puppies". I live in a very small town where there is only one pet store (in the towns only mall) That sells dogs/cats etc.

Now the conditionsin the pet store are not very large or accomamadating, but most of the time the puppies are very young, and don't stay very long. Now my question is, when we got Smokey, (our Norweigan Elkhound) we first saw him in the pet store. The breeder had taken him back and we bought him from the breeder. Smokey and his brother were this man's only litter of the year. Both of Smokey Bear's parents had been shown and had apparently very good pedigrees. (After looking on the internet, I disovered Vegabond, was a very well known dog).

Now is it possible that some pet stores only sell pups from breeders that are trying to get rid of the few pups that aren't confirmation material? I'm not saying that this is right, but at the same time the circumstances surrounding their birth and the first few weeks of their life aren't the "norm", like in the link Jess posted.

I've been thinking about going to the pet store and asking, it's just I know how we got Smokey, from a reputable breeder. Both Smokey and his brother (the only ones in the pet store for 2 weeks) ended up being to large for confirmation dogs anyways. And as I mentioned, my town isn't particularly large... it's the only pet store that sells dog IN it.... Can this be possible?
Great website, Jess. I've not seen it before. Makes me kind of sick to my stomach, but informational nonetheless.
Let's look at this issue from a different perspective.

If YOU had a beloved bitch, who was actually WORTHY of being bred, and if you bred this darling girl, and took care of her, watched her girth swell, waiting that marvelous miracle day that birth would take place...

And if you helped her give birth to her puppies, holding each puppy in your hand as it took it's first breath, helping her to clean and stimulate it and welcome it into the big wide world....

and if you carefully raised these puppies, socializing them and making sure they learned all the things that puppies need to know before they go to their new homes....

Would you THEN sell these puppies knowing FULL WELL that they were going to be resold, displayed so that impulse buyers would want one, and each or any would be sold to any person who had the money to buy it????


How could ANY breeder do this??

I swear on my Grandmother's grave, I would drown my puppies myself before I would EVER EVER allow ANYONE else to pick the homes for them.


Stay AWAY from petstores!!!!
What Red said. No good breeder would ever sell there pups to a pet store.
I agree with Red also.

Well, everything except for the drowning puppies part. :eek: :(
I see... hmmm. I don't know about all of the breeders, but the one that sold us Smokey I think was in a jam to get rid of them. He removed them from the pet store and we had to call him to inquire. He came to our house and inspected our house and everything. I think he had a mind lapse.

That does make a lot of sense though. I would never let someone else choose a home for any puppies of mine. I wanted to go inthere and make a fuss about the fact that they had 5 puppies in a 4ft by 3ft show display case yesterday but my bf said it would make no difference. It upsets him anways, I tried to show him Jess's thread and he said that kind of stuff made him sick and he didn't want to look at it...

I don't think I could drown my puppies...
Echo .... ( know that Redy would never drown though !).
There's a Petland store where I live and they sell dogs, cats, birds, rabbits.. etc.. Their dogs are so over priced its insane. I like Petsmart and Petco better.
Petsmart uses humane society or animal shelter dogs/cats. All potential owners have to fill out the necessary paperwork, home visits, etc. before being approved...the same as at the HS or AS.
Petland is actually selling overpriced mutts as "designer dogs" as well. :rolleyes:
I totally agree with Red. One of the biggest deciding factors as to whether a breeder is "reputable" or not, is how much they care for the puppies that they chose to bring into the world. If they will pawn them off to a pet store to make quick cash, a pet store that doesn't care who you are or what you'll be doing with the pup as long as you pay, there are not only irreputable - they're a very sick, careless, uneducated human being!

Keeping that in mind - what are the chances that the puppy you get from a pet store will be mentally healthy (not even getting into the disease, malnourishment, dehydration, etc, that runs rampant in even "nice" looking pet stores)? What are the chances that they do not carry crippling genetic disorders? Very, very low. You're considerably lucky if they don't. Any breeder who sells puppies to a pet store obviously does not care about where those pups are going... so it's clear that they didn't care about giving those puppies the best care & socialization in their first few essential weeks of life... and therefore it can be assumed that they didn't care about tending to the mother during pregnancy, or before pregnancy, or choosing a great stud, or health screening, OR that they will give a crap about the next litter they pump out. So, this vicious cycle rages on. Some breeders who sell to pet stores might be slightly more ethical than others, but it's all a bunch of irresponsible people who do not care about the puppies they produce nor do they care enough to meet the new owners. Buying from a pet store is a complete and total risk and shows extreme disregard for the dog population & the unknown negligence toward that puppies parents/siblings/relatives in general.
Holy cow,
I had no idea puppy mills were like that. Thanks for the link. I didn't really like pet stores to sell puppies before because there are always so many, but now it seems really horrible. Those poor dogs.

oh ya, about petsmart. My mom bought our cat from a nearby petsmart and they only made us fill out a paper. They skimmed it and gave us our cat that day. We didn't ever get the health papers either. Maybe it's more responsible with dogs though.
I have actually never heard of "kitten mills" so I'm sure buying a kitty from a pet store is fairly "safe"... BUT i'm sure they exist.. for some unknown reason.

Red stated it perfectly.

What kind fo breeder would just get rid of all their "precious darlings" like that to be under hot lamps on consistant display with NO mental stimulation??

Also Roxy - if your breeder was in a "jam to get rid of said puppy" he shouldn't have bred in the first place. Horrible as it sounds. I dont think he was a good breeder to start with.
I know breeders that are respectable take it unto their mind that - yes maybe now all these puppies WILL sell - maybe I need to keep one.

Its just another thing that breeders think about. The ones that don't really care and are in it for the money are the ones that will not want to keep a "left over" puppy.
SummerRiot said:
I have actually never heard of "kitten mills" so I'm sure buying a kitty from a pet store is fairly "safe"... BUT i'm sure they exist.. for some unknown reason.

I don't know about Kitten Mills, but I DO know that there are TONS of cats in rescue that are being euthanised everyday. So, the people selling their kitties to a pet store are probably more like byb who either are too lazy to spay/neuter or think kids will benefit from seeing a cat give birth.

~Tucker&Me~ said:
I don't know about Kitten Mills, but I DO know that there are TONS of cats in rescue that are being euthanised everyday. So, the people selling their kitties to a pet store are probably more like byb who either are too lazy to spay/neuter or think kids will benefit from seeing a cat give birth.

I agree!!!

With Pet Stores there's always a chance that they're telling you the puppy is older than it acutally is because they want you to think their small breeds are going to stay small. A lot of the puppies are taken away from their Mom's to early, and depedning on how they are shipped, some are fearful and tramatized.
They do look cute, and tempting in the stores, sleeping or playing happily. Once you get them into a real world enviorment they get stressed, many get sick, and you have to socialize an already fearful dog. They don't know much of anything outside of their cage!

I echo what everyone else said, esp Red

just don't do it, and tell everyone you know too ;) lol
I make the drowning puppies analogy to let you know how absolutely CERTAIN I am that I would NEVER under ANY circumstances WHATSOEVER sell my puppies for resale.

I WOULD drown them first, before I would EVER do that. EVER. ANY purebred puppy in a petstore comes from a breeder who puts cash before the wellbeing of the puppies and their breed. I cannot think of any negatives strong enough to convey my extreme contempt and disregard for anyone who would ever do such a thing.

Education is the key, and many many people just don't realize how SERIOUS breeding animals is. Creating life, IMO, is WAY serious business, and homes for puppies should be carefully selected.

and no, you all are right. I would never drown puppies. I have numerous breeer friends I could call on in ANY situation who would help me in any way I needed it, no questions asked.


Vote with your feet and your dollar. Buy NOTHING in any store that sells purebred dogs or cats. Money talks.

All I know is that I worked at PetsMart and they made sure everything was filled out to the humane society or shelters standards before letting any animal go. When you finally got your dog/cat it had it's shots, was spayed/neutered and you had filled out all the questions and (usually) had a home visit (especially with dogs). I don't know where you live that would just "give" a cat the same day, but certainly not the one in Louisiana that I worked at.:)

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