Unfortunately, though, at least according to Donaldson's "Mine!" (certainly a more knowledgeable expert than me), giving a dog "all the toys he wants" isn't really going to help with resource guarding. He'll still get something that you have to get back from him at some point, and in that moment, THAT's the only object he'll care about.
I think it's wonderful that he doesn't guard bones or other objects, just soft objects. You can start practicing taking things away from him using the bones or whatever he doesn't guard, and then as he gets confident with you, you can move to higher valued objects.
So, you could start by giving your dog a bone - hand it to him, let him put his mouth on it, but don't let go of it. As soon as he puts his mouth on it, take it back and then give him several REALLY good treats and praise. Do that several times, until he starts getting excited about you taking the bone back. Then do the same thing, but let go of the bone for just one second, then take it back and give lots of treats. Repeat several times. Then gradually work up to letting him have the bone for 5-10 seconds, then take it away and give lots of treats. Then start to give him the bone and walk away - just about 6' at first - then come back, take the bone, and give lots of treats. Then start adding distance and duration that you're gone.
All you're doing here is teaching your dog that when you take something away from him, he'll get HUGE rewards. After only a few trials, he'll probably completely loose interest in the object, and that's fine. You still need to repeat taking things from him so that will become ingrained in his mind. As he gets very comfortable with you being around lower-value items, you can move to higher-value items - just take the steps slower.
You can see that this does take a lot of time, effort, and patience. I still don't believe that you, Fran, have the time to do all of this, and that's ok. But I will say that it's certainly not a lost cause, and in the right home I think he could definately get better.