Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

This holds true for anyone - cravings for sweets often mean you need protein. I've been experimenting with the concept and grabbing some Krave jerky any time I get the craving for sweets and it cures the craving about 70% of the time. :)

That's really interesting! I wonder how much protein I get regularly, or how much extra you need when pregnant, because I very rarely crave sweet stuff normally.
Does anyone else babywear? I'm loving it!


Our SSC, the Tula. Super comfy and easy for fast babywearing (plus it's the only one Matt will wear).
8.31.2014 - MinPeople-5605 by taqroy, on Flickr

An Oscha Ooki, my most recent acquisition.
CameraZOOM-20140829145112469 by taqroy, on Flickr

This is actually a tablecloth (the other half is going to stardogs if I ever actually sew it into a ring sling :p)
TCWrap by taqroy, on Flickr

And our hiking pack, pretty comfy and it makes Falon much less of a furnace.
8.29.2014-20140829093046171 by taqroy, on Flickr

Ok I'm cutting myself off. Baby carrying is a slippery slope though, I'm warning you. :p

Just kidding, I found this one last photo - two days out of the hospital. I want another squishy baby.
Untitled by taqroy, on Flickr

ETA: What carrier is that in your picture? I've been trying to figure it out since you posted it on FB. :p
Definitely did lots of babywearing when my guys were little....sometimes even both at the same time lol

Back carries in a mei tai were my favorite for long term or distances but of course lots of front wearing for nursing. I did the hip carry more and more with a ring sling as they got older for the quick in and out trips. Then for the very new newborn stage I loved a soft stretchy wrap
I've already gotten addicted lol. That's a Tula in Spotted Love. I have a Tula Foxy coming in the mail :p I also have a ringsling and eventually want to try a wrap.

Your carriers and wraps are awesome!
Sometimes I wish I had done more babywearing as I probably
Would have gotten more accomplished! Even though hannah was never a
Fussy baby. I just
Couldn't do it. SO HOT!!!! I seriously
Could not handle it. It looks so cute and
Convenient but I never
Found a way to make it work for me. Brian
WORe her
More than I ever did
I have an Ergo Sport, am expecting a hemp blend Natibaby wrap arriving tomorrow, and the aforementioned ring sling in the wings. And no baby expected until 2016...hmmmm. lol
I have an Ergo Sport, am expecting a hemp blend Natibaby wrap arriving tomorrow, and the aforementioned ring sling in the wings. And no baby expected until 2016...hmmmm. lol

You win. Haha :lol-sign:

I started out with an Ergo and it killed my back and shoulders after wearing it for 10 minutes. I ended up returning and and ordered a Tula, which doesn't hurt at all. It makes life so much easier... it's nice being able to go out without lugging a stroller every time!
You win. Haha :lol-sign:

I started out with an Ergo and it killed my back and shoulders after wearing it for 10 minutes. I ended up returning and and ordered a Tula, which doesn't hurt at all. It makes life so much easier... it's nice being able to go out without lugging a stroller every time!

I got the Ergo and Natibaby both on nice sales: Ergo was $60, Nati was $96. :D That's my excuse. I'm using the not having to lug a stroller reason to get DH interested. LOL
Ah I will try and eat more protein then!! It's a catch 22 as I'm probably eating less because of my sweet tooth!!! I've not gained much weight yet (probably 8lb or so), but I'm expecting it to jump in the last few weeks. I don't mind it, I just don't want to gain more because I'm being greedy!!

We are actually having a baby wearing consultation :D there's nothing fun round here but there is a lady who promotes baby wearing and she does a super cheap consultation with 3 months sling hire and a follow up session after baby is born, so we've jumped at it. She also talks about sling use in birth (the mind boggles!).

I love the idea for so many reasons.

Ring sling!


Beco Gemini!


Back carry!
I wish I got to baby wear more!!! I used the sling a TON in the first 3 months but then Lilly wanted none of it! I occasionally used my moby style carriers (both knockoffs, one I made) and infantino. She has and still refuses to be back carried and was always much keener to forward face (in a carrier or being held) but I didn't want to do that to her joints and stuff, plus it didn't feel as secure.

I hip carried in the ring sling a handful of times to do laundry or something. She was so mobile and independent so early, though.

I'm hoping #2 enjoys wearing a bit more.
I have a whole day to myself... Until five anyway... Now that I've cleaned I don't know what to do with myself. This is alien to me and I don't like it. I miss my munchkin!!!
I've already gotten addicted lol. That's a Tula in Spotted Love. I have a Tula Foxy coming in the mail :p I also have a ringsling and eventually want to try a wrap.

Your carriers and wraps are awesome!

The best part of wraps and (some) carriers is that they hold their value pretty well. I think that I'm really only out the cost of our Tula and one wrap all told - and I've had well over ten wraps in and out of the house. The babywearing swap on fb is an incredibly dangerous place.
Glucose was positive, 200 A1C after a ten hour fast. I'm very upset. They referred me to a perinatal specialist and told me I should be prepared for early delivery, just in case. I hate that we're going through this yet again. I hate that my baby's health is at risk because my body can't get right. I've spent most of the day crying like an idiot, and all day I've been one sideways look from bursting into tears today, but the GD was just the icing on the cake, today sucked all around. I just want to go to bed, but I can't shut my mind up enough to sleep.
Oh yuck, sorry you got a positive. But at least you know! And can manage it :)

I've woken up around 4am the last 2 nights again.... Sucks! But at least it's Saturday tomorrow. I'm obsessing over baby movement lol. I don't know why because I can feel it squirming around and wriggling!

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