Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

My reasoning for trying when we did was...

Averages are only OK if you are the average or below it!!

I wanted kids before I was 35. If we struggled to get pregnant the NHS won't see you before you've been trying for 12 months. So that's a year. Then add on how long it can take to work out what's going on... You could be looking at 2, 3, maybe more years to conceive.

There IS NEVER A RIGHT TIME. Whose to say to you won't be in a worse off place in a year or 2?!

Your fertility tends to decline as you age, I'd been diagnosed with a cyst....

Ultimately it took us 10 months of sort of trying.

My advice would be if you want it, things are ok/you'd survive (no major devastating issues) then do it!!
My advice would be if you want it, things are ok/you'd survive (no major devastating issues) then do it!!

This. Having been through infertility, and seeing my sister go through it... it's never too early to get started IMO.
Infertility is definitely a real fear- I know I had that fear until we conceived. If we didn't get pregnant on our own by the time I turned 30, we planned on going to a specialist. Luckily, it only took us 4 months. I'm also afraid of secondary infertility now! We don't want another baby for at least 2-3 years (and now I'm thinking it may be better to space them out even further- maybe 6 or 7 years apart), and I hope I won't have any issues getting pregnant.
I had my glucose test this morning and haven't been able to shake the nausea since. Ugh. I had gestational diabetes with Winnie and TBT I'm terrified of having to deal with it again... Was bad enough the three months when I was in Illinois after a misdiagnosis dealing with testing, I hate it and don't want to do it ever again. I know it's a stupid thing to be afraid of, but I am. :(
Ugh my neice has a ten month old and she has him front facing in her car. The
Law says over 20 lbs and that's it so she thinks it is fine to have him FF. I tried to talk sense into her and she says "oh he has perfect head and neck control. He is advanced for his age"

Ugh my neice has a ten month old and she has him front facing in her car. The
Law says over 20 lbs and that's it so she thinks it is fine to have him FF. I tried to talk sense into her and she says "oh he has perfect head and neck control. He is advanced for his age"


That's so frustrating! We're keeping Nora rear facing for as long as we can!

Just wanted to share a few pictures from yesterday. Nora turned 7 weeks old on Saturday! She is way too cute.

_DSC8390.jpg by Chihuahuaesque, on Flickr

_DSC8423.jpg by Chihuahuaesque, on Flickr

_DSC8389.jpg by Chihuahuaesque, on Flickr
It's been a while since I've posted here - I've got an opinionated toddler too! How did that happen?? She's pretty cute though and I'm liking this age a lot :)



It took me for freakin ever to come up with her name (Clarissa) but, once I did, I never looked back or questioned it. It just seemed to fit!

Erin, that's exciting! Feb will be here before you know it :)

Loving all the photos and congrats to everyone who is expecting / just had babies! I do lurk around, just never seem to have the time to post!

I can't believe how big Clarissa is getting! Really all the babies. Matt and I walked by recess at a school today and he was like "That'll be Falon soon enough!"

Ugh my neice has a ten month old and she has him front facing in her car. The
Law says over 20 lbs and that's it so she thinks it is fine to have him FF. I tried to talk sense into her and she says "oh he has perfect head and neck control. He is advanced for his age"


Ugh that would drive me nuts. My kids were rear facing until 3.5, lol. Heck they are still in 5pt harnesses at 6.5...
Gorgeous babies!!!

I keep eating cake :( I ate 5 donuts the other day, and half a red velvet cake on Wednesday..... I've never had a huge sweet tooth before!!! And it's like once I start I don't want to stop lol

And I'm so uninterested in veggies. Although I will eat a salad still, but cooked green veg are totally unappealing. I used to eat them with nearly every evening meal.

I'm super paranoid I'm going to turn into a heifer. So I am TRYING to not go mad... But...

I had to call the midwife yesterday as karate kid stopped wriggling. Tried the ice cold orange juice trick and we got movement, but super low. Think baby has moved from sideways to breech. Little monkey.
My big craving was celery LOL alternating between dipping it in peanut butter and cheese lol.

The thing I couldn't stand was chicken!
I keep eating cake :( I ate 5 donuts the other day, and half a red velvet cake on Wednesday..... I've never had a huge sweet tooth before!!! And it's like once I start I don't want to stop lol

I had the same thing happen (I ate SO MUCH ice cream when I was prego). I was told that this actually means you need protein. So if you can force some protein down it might help a bit.

I had a really hard time with the weight gain aspect - it was much harder than I expected to come to terms with weight gain being a healthy thing. However - I dropped all my pregnancy weight plus 5 pounds within 12 weeks. You gain what you're meant to gain and really, unless you're chowing down every free second, you're probably going to be fine. Try not to obsess over is what I'm trying to say.
I had the same thing happen (I ate SO MUCH ice cream when I was prego). I was told that this actually means you need protein. So if you can force some protein down it might help a bit.

This holds true for anyone - cravings for sweets often mean you need protein. I've been experimenting with the concept and grabbing some Krave jerky any time I get the craving for sweets and it cures the craving about 70% of the time. :)

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