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  • M
    Renee, I think that was the best idea I have ever heard. You totally rock.
    I finally found out as to how to talk back, LOL. :D And thank you, I've enjoyed it here!!
    I find it interesting. Have any of these people actually read the law on copyright? I find it very interesting that the law is very clear about a 2 year grace period to file for copyright in the design section. After that, they are SOL. Wonder who that might affect. I was also surprised that design needs to be appropriately registered (unlike photos and such that are considered implied upon creation).
    i feel horrible about it, we didn't expect it and my parents ended up helping out yet again. even my dad wanted to help, but i told him to knock that off because he's only just gotten out of rehab and has no money for that.

    i've always wanted to get a kiln! boyfriend is getting into sculpey, changing his illustrated characters into 3d renderings and mounting them on wooden plaques. makes me miss working with clay a lot.
    Thanks Renee! Haven't had a chance to party 'til I'm pooped yet, but will tonight.
    Yeah. lol :D It's not nice to boast(?) but I crack up when people say they have such and such credentials and recommend such and such computers or programs or whatever and I just shake my head. if they only knew the circles of nerd I'm surrounded by constantly. :eek: So, yeah , it is good to have a whole flock of gurus and one exceptionally good one, at home. :)
    Yeah, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense considering it's age. I wonder how people find computer people without being married to them. :o I know lots of computer people here in Cali! lol I'm no help, sorry. :( I'll rack my brain and see if I can come up with anything good.
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