I'm bored, and I feel like doing this again, lol!
Nickname/Preferred name: Lauren
Occupation: Unemployed
Age: 20
About your dog(s): Chloe is a Chihuahua/Dachshund rescue mutt, supposedly 6 years old, my heart dog, my best friend, she's everything. <3
Violet is a Siberian Husky. A little over a year old, crazy & frustrating, but also adorable, and a sweetheart. I love her to death, couldn't imagine life without her (well, I can, but it wouldn't be quite as fun), and I can't wait to start back up with training and see all the amazing things I know she can do. She's super smart, sometimes too much for her own good.
Interests: Music, Photography, Animals
Favorite music: Justin Bieber. Lol. I love pop, r&b, rock, and very little country (like Taylor Swift and Rascal Flatts, that's it lol).
Favorite book: Twilight Saga or Wuthering Heights
Favorite quote: “You were born to be somebody, maybe a vet, maybe a hero, maybe a care giver. What ever it is you were born to be some thing special and if you believe you can achieve.” ― Justin Bieber
"There are gonna be times in your life when people say you can't do something. And there are gonna be times in your life when people say that you can't live your dreams. And there are gonna be times in your life when people say that you can't sell out Madison Square Garden. This is what I tell them... Never say never." ― Justin Bieber
Me and my sister <3 I'm on the right.