Tricks and Training

Ha! That mental picture made me LOL.

I want to see the back up/growl though, that sounds cute.

How is Aura to train compared to Riley?

Ahhh poor Riley I shouldn't be making fun of him :D I'll try and get it on video - he does it sometimes for a 'stand' too if he's really worked up.

Technically I'm not supposed to be training Aura, but I do occassionally since my other half has trouble fitting it into his schedule right now :p She's very similar to Riley in obedience stuff, catches on very quickly if given a chance. However she does have second child syndrome and won't catch on to random things (like my example of Riley learning the back up) as quickly. She's more interested in having fun, whereas Riley is more serious and focused.
Aura we're working on down-stay and relaxing in stimulating enviroments. I also inadvertently taught her that throwing herself down in the middle of the kitchen and holding while I work makes the yummies come out. Very useful when we're busy so everyone rewards that one. For the first time in the history of ever my family is all working together!! With Fudge I'm working on focus around stimulus, settling in the house, not killing Diesel for being alive and maintaining heel position around distractions. Scamp- nothing at the moment but since I realised that Auras sits and downs are better than his we are going to start doing some serious work on that. He learns tricks unbelieveably quickly and stay in his head for months but because I used corrections in the beginning to teach sits and downs he's never been as reliable as them as I'd like. So I gave them up for a few months and I'm going to shape them from the beginning like I'm doing with Aura.
Ahhh Another "wrong moment" growler??

Denis and I laugh that Backup doesn't understand what growling exists for. He growls at all the wrong/weird moments when he's worked up. He growls when being pet but he pushes in and asks to be pet more. He growls when diving into his food bowl. He growls when being let out of a room. Every time he's excited he growls. He's such a mook.

Sloan is working on jumping skills, independent weave entrances, and perfecting her running contacts. Backup is trying to learn to listen to my words, not my body, and build his focus in social environments. He's uncomfortable in them, not out of fear or aggression but seems to lack a clear head when faced with a group of people like a show or a mall.

I know, not really tricks but this is what we're working on. :)
Kiba I just finished teaching her "turn" - to spin clockwise. She knew Spin - to turn counter clockwise. I hope to use it for something agility related, but I have no idea but think it would at some point come in useful. LOL. Been polishing up her targeting, and will start teaching her to go "around" stuff soon.

Stryder I am polishing up nose touches (his best "trick) and working on more distance target (with his paws). Soon to add some obstacles.

Tsuki I am teaching her how to shake/high five/wave. She can do a fist bump but want her familiar with commands. Then she too with go into the targeting group.

Lincoln more targetting. Teaching that now punching me in the face is not okay. And teaching him to jump into my arms.

Charlie.. le sigh. Working on her sits again, girlie wants to down. Also will start teaching her how to shake/high five/target, etc. And learning you are not a mix of bulldozer and kangaroo!

As a group, they are learning more impulse control. Working on quick fire sits so they can start doing group work together (think circus dogs) and perfecting the "round robin"

End of Chapter 1 (lol I have too many dogs) - A cookie if you read all of it!!
Quinn is back to basics - upping her obediance so its mainly recall, down stays and leash manners.

And a couple of complex tasks for my training course. Heres a video of the fiurst couple of sessions on our assistance task. We have it copleted now and we are proofing it but I need to find my camera chord so I can upload that vid.

Now I can send her from a few metres away - she opens the door, takes the cooler out, closes the door and brings it to me.
Mrose, that was so great!! I can not wait to see how it looks completed so you gotta find your camera cord.

And Adrianne, I really just wanted it to be anything you were working on but couldn't come up with a good enough title!

So this is where we are stopping for the night with Traveler's hands stand progression. I love my boy

Hand Stand Part 2
Ahhh Another "wrong moment" growler??

Denis and I laugh that Backup doesn't understand what growling exists for. He growls at all the wrong/weird moments when he's worked up. He growls when being pet but he pushes in and asks to be pet more. He growls when diving into his food bowl. He growls when being let out of a room. Every time he's excited he growls. He's such a mook.

:rofl1: Oh Backup!

For some reason walking backwards and standing are exciting and yet frustrating for Riley at the same time. So it comes out as a weird growling noise while he's doing it. I think he gets mad at his back legs because they are so awkward lol.
Mrose, that was so great!! I can not wait to see how it looks completed so you gotta find your camera cord.

And Adrianne, I really just wanted it to be anything you were working on but couldn't come up with a good enough title!

So this is where we are stopping for the night with Traveler's hands stand progression. I love my boy

Hand Stand Part 2

He's doing awesome - what a smart guy!
Gusto gets a bit of a lot of stuff, between class and playing at home.

He gets lots of work on his Crate Games in both places. I can't believe how easy it is making other behaviors. I have never put any effort into teaching a stay, and he's got a very, very solid one, because the Crate Games taught him such good self control. This was the first time we worked on sending to the crate from a less obvious angle - making him find the opening. Also the first time I've worked on it with Meg loose around him. He wasn't phased in the least!

Lots of baby contact work in class as well. He just got to run over his first full (very low) a-frame last week, and I loved seeing his board work on his contact behavior carry over. We were even able to start proofing it a bit, with me moving away while he continued to hold position.

At home, I've started to work on teaching him to "set up" at heel position (really no room inside to work on heeling, but I figure it will be good pre-heeling work). We've also started to work on a handstand, just for fun.

Meg gets to mostly chill at home. We are working our hardest on distance work in class/practices, because gambles continue to elude us. She's such a reliable girl in everything else at this point, that it is mostly just a matter of running some sequences and such for fun and to keep her active.
I'm trying to wean Elsie off lures and trying to stop be such a lazy trainer. We're both learning more about shaping. Sessions one and two had her so frustrated she was chattering at me, but during session three it clicked (pun), and she 'got' the game.

The trick I'm shaping is closing the cupboard door. :3

Edit: Another session done, and she's totally getting the idea. I did 'slip' and click her licking the door, so we had a minute of frantic cupboard licking before she figured out that was a dead end. :rofl1:
Relaxation protocol, it's your choice, and obedience exercises. I haven't taught any fun tricks in a while!
Foundation agility training with a 5 or so year old Pug that's had no prior training experience...


It's just for shits and giggles really and to challenge my skills.
This year I'm wanting to advance Cohen's OB and Rally titles, so we're going to polish up her heeling and cued focus (she's good, but I want her nigh perfect when it comes to competition).

Trick-wise, she has a handstand, but she's not great at holding it, and her form gets messy when she's away from a wall. How do you guys tend to add duration to a handstand? I was waiting for her to offer increased duration and C/T it, but I think I'm going to turn to continuous feeding while in proper position.

Here's one of the videos I put together recently:

You can see some of our handstand work in there -- it's regressed a bit since then. We do a lot of rear end awareness/backing up tricks & exercises.

I also want to improve her jump into my arms for more vertical movement.
My list is huuuuuge. Mostly because I've neglected training my own dogs in any formal way outside of classes/club training until recently. :p

- polish attention heel
- pivot work
- polish schH about turn (for Rally)
- stand-stay
- proof weave entries (she was flubbing her off-side entries at the trial this weekend)
- maintain kick ass running contacts
- more distance work to help her get her two final Masters Gamblers legs

- polish attention heel, especially in the group
- polish sits and downs out of motion
- stand out of motion
- formal retrieve
- proof all behaviors with my ring nerves
- pivot work
- polish fronts
- retrain finishes
- proof article search
- continue tracking work increasing length, distraction, fading food, adding articles
- continue work on bark and hold
- revier
- transport
- continued grip work
- continued work on weave poles using the 2x2 method (we're at 6 poles in a line with a sliiiight offset right now)
- polish/proof contacts
- continue distance work
- generalize and improve Extreme Vertical skills
- play around with start position for Big Air and Speed Retrieve
- weight pull training

- increase heel duration, distraction
- pivot work
- platforms
- fronts
- finishes
- polish down, stays
- out of motion exercises
- continue tracking work increasing length, distraction, fading food
- continue work on bark and hold
- continue grip work
- continue jump work

- stay
- down on cue vs offered
- leash manners
- handstand work
- Big Air skills
Right now I'm being boring and Mia's main work right now is working on extending her heel. She's really got a nice flashy heel- she hackneys in the heel and keeps really focused, which caused a lot of giggles at class last week. We need to make it last longer though, so working on building it up.

I've also been working on object identification with Mia some. I'm just curious about how well she'd do. We've done just 2 sessions and she's reliably targeting 4 things so far. `

Summer I've been slacking... mostly just practicing old tricks.
I've been working on teaching Boone to crawl. It's only in the beginning stages, but he usually picks things up pretty quickly.
Video from tonight's work on Snipe's handstand. Don't mind the first 3 minutes of flailing from both of us - she's a treat hound made of jello and I was also trying to lure a bit. Once I stopped that and hid the treats we had better progress and you can see her "get it" around the 6th minute. :)
Erin - what method of RCs are you using? I really want to train RCs with Savvy but I'm at a point now where I need to do it if I'm going to.

I'm mostly working Savvy and Whimsy right now and playing around with Jagger and Ziggy. The adult dogs all need work on their weave entries, so we'll be starting that soon (just got a new set of metal based poles YAY!). Whimsy is working on Novice obedience skills for our National in April. Savvy is working on heel position plus lots of agility foundation stuff. And tricks...well, we love tricks!

Savvy is in the early stage of handstand training and Whim is learning the two legged tricks (and yes I did get the idea from ST :) ). Both are working on hugging a toy, Whim has it but needs duration...Savvy has a hard time not wanting to play with the toy LOL I've worked on this with Jagger and Ziggy too. Zig's actually really good, despite his little, crooked legs. Lately I have been amusing myself with having Jagger retrieve oversized items like clothes baskets and big plastic totes. He's impossible to do prop related tricks with because it always ends up as a retrieve LOL Also on putting toys into a basket/box. Savvy is learning to do his box trick in all variety of containers, especially very small ones. I started Whim on jumping into my arms but have only worked on it sporadically. Savvy is learning walk on his back legs (without bouncing LOL) and sit pretty, which he pretty much has but needs duration. The older dogs have long since learned those. Whim is excellent at the back leg walking, best out of everyone although Zig is pretty good too. I think that's about it for now, although I'm probably missing some stuff.

This is the most recent video I have of a few of Savvy's tricks plus his impulse control/stay work:
Nikki we really haven't been following a formal RC method tbh. We initially started with jump bumps for striding help and some boxwork (on the A-frame only), used hoops several times, and now we're maintaining with random surprise treats hidden at the end of the board. I unfortunately don't have contact obstacles at home so all of our practice is restricted to class or lessons. I'm very lucky that her natural striding seems to support RCs well.

This past trial the RCs really seemed to click and she was speeding up and even crouching as she hit them (not creeping, just getting very low and she's not a BC lol), even with some lateral distance from me. :D

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