My list is huuuuuge. Mostly because I've neglected training my own dogs in any formal way outside of classes/club training until recently.
- polish attention heel
- pivot work
- polish schH about turn (for Rally)
- stand-stay
- proof weave entries (she was flubbing her off-side entries at the trial this weekend)
- maintain kick ass running contacts
- more distance work to help her get her two final Masters Gamblers legs
- polish attention heel, especially in the group
- polish sits and downs out of motion
- stand out of motion
- formal retrieve
- proof all behaviors with my ring nerves
- pivot work
- polish fronts
- retrain finishes
- proof article search
- continue tracking work increasing length, distraction, fading food, adding articles
- continue work on bark and hold
- revier
- transport
- continued grip work
- continued work on weave poles using the 2x2 method (we're at 6 poles in a line with a sliiiight offset right now)
- polish/proof contacts
- continue distance work
- generalize and improve Extreme Vertical skills
- play around with start position for Big Air and Speed Retrieve
- weight pull training
- increase heel duration, distraction
- pivot work
- platforms
- fronts
- finishes
- polish down, stays
- out of motion exercises
- continue tracking work increasing length, distraction, fading food
- continue work on bark and hold
- continue grip work
- continue jump work
- stay
- down on cue vs offered
- leash manners
- handstand work
- Big Air skills