Thought On Trainer


New Member
Feb 19, 2009
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Brad Pattison. I don't have cable so I haven't seen any of his shows.
I was reading his website and came across this:
With that, he started to implement strong body movement along with little verbal communication to the dogs.

What could that mean, he uses excessive force? Those that have seen his show, maybe you could elaborate what you see him do.

I'm looking for a trainer to help me work with Ivan. A local trainer got her certification through him.
OMG, Brad Pattinson is HORRIBLE. Horrible horrible.

People get on Cesar Millan's case, but this guy takes the cake by 10000%. He doesn't even seem to LIKE dogs. Or people. He's not personable at all. I don't see how on earth he has/had a show, or is even a trainer, and how people continue to use him.

I've seen vids of him hitting dogs, hanging dogs and basically just being an ahole to the people AND the dogs. Unfortunately, he's been pretty good about getting a lot of these videos removed, so they're hard to find on YouTube, etc. One he HIT a golden retriever on the face when it went to jump on him and the other he teased a dachshund with a blanket til the dog grabbed it and started growling, then said the dog was aggressive and then smacked the dog to get the blanket away from him.

I heard that in his book, he talks of how using food to train makes dogs food aggressive. He's a loser, who is completely uneducated, and knows nothing about dogs or how punishment works.
He's a bully and believes treat training kills dogs. Run far, far away.

well that depends on what kind of treats you're using :)

Seriously though, I've never heard of the guy except on here. have never seen what he does, but he sounds like a piece of work
He's known to be one of the worst trainers out there. Run, don't walk. His methods are outdated, ineffective and often cruel.
Unfortunately so many drink his koolaid out here as he's from Calgary and kelowna. Lots of housewives seem to want a hobby to make money from home so instead of doing Avon they take his course and then proceed to "train" dogs... Lots of BP students out here. One holds barnyard agility classes and uses no equipment, just hay bales and rakes and tractors and stuff and you basically drag your dog over it on a 6 foot leash and special martingale collar that you MUST buy from the trainers.
Well, if you want to ruin your dog he or those that are 'certified' (coughing and choking here) would be an excellent choice.

Where are you in Ontario? I am in Ontario and can provide contact information for countless proven, seasoned, educated and successfull trainers.
Give a central location and how far you are willing to travel :)
Where in Ontario are you? I have a friend who is a trainer in Toronto...and she has many contacts.

Well, if you want to ruin your dog he or those that are 'certified' (coughing and choking here) would be an excellent choice.

Where are you in Ontario? I am in Ontario and can provide contact information for countless proven, seasoned, educated and successfull trainers.
Give a central location and how far you are willing to travel :)

Thank you all so much for letting me know. I keep forgetting about youtube.

Greenmagick & Adjorts , i'm in between Hamilton and Niagara Falls. If you can recommend someone that would be great.
What are you looking for? Basic obedinence, reactivity? Private sessions or group? In home or you go to them?
His background is:
Ivan is a year old Akbash/Kuvasz mix (neutered) and was abused as a puppy. He was surrendered to a shelter and was adopted out to a family and was brought back shortly for growling and snarling at the husband. He was sitting in a shelter for almost 4 months when we pulled him. Needless to say, he hasn't had the best life so far and the essential time of puppy hood and training has been missed.

He has trust issues and does not like to be told what to do. When I take him out for walks he often begins to nip at my heels and thrash around on the lead. When I try to control him be begins to nip at my hands and arm. He is a big dog and can easily overpower me if he really wants too. He seems to not have the best bite inhibition either. At the moment I have to walk him with a gentle leader since it's easier for me to control his head but it's not efficient in correcting. He is slowly beginning to trust me but we're nowhere near that he completely trusts. Other issues are that he lunges at cars and won't walk on laminate or tiled floor. At the moment I have a carpet runner and some dog beds set up in the kitchen. At the vet he would not get off the mat at the entrance. The vet had to pick him up to get weighed and taken to the back for the exam. He surprisingly walked on the floor in the back of the clinic (which is the same flooring through out the whole place) but when we walked back to the front he wouldn't move. The car lunging and floors are the last of my worries. I need to get him to stop nipping before it turns into a full bite.
Well, if you want to ruin your dog he or those that are 'certified' (coughing and choking here) would be an excellent choice.

Where are you in Ontario? I am in Ontario and can provide contact information for countless proven, seasoned, educated and successfull trainers.
Give a central location and how far you are willing to travel :)

Yeah not bring from canada i didnt know anything about this guy til someone mentioned him in a thread like this one, i still want to know how he manages to get the you tube vids offed ... its not breaking any law & on the US side he doesnt have the powers to sue i dont think.

i also heard he intimidates those on forums & FB who speak ill of him.