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  • Hey Baxter :)
    I've not been around forever and for some weird reason decided to check out Chaz again and saw your message. While I do not miss some peoplw here, you are definately one of the one's that I do miss. :)
    I'm not on FB, i'm against anything that can bring drama into my life, lol
    Why? :)
    Well, shoot. If I'd had a little more lead time I could have made you guys a piece for your silent auction, like I did for CHAKO and Mastiff Hope. You be sure to remind me this fall, okay?
    I can't come, but if there's enough lead time, maybe I can send you something for the auction?
    Hi Ivy,
    I have been on here honey. Just not in mood since Girle is so sick to bother the forums. I am so worried she is going to die, I will also. Take care sweetie.
    Hi Ivy, how are you.? Yes, I am all over the internet to find the best place. This is a nice forum. Glad to see your here also. Take care honey..
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