Just because we aren't in agreement to close ranks doesn't mean the point isn't understood.
<snip>And no, people like Richling are unlikely to ever be swayed, but maybe one or two people reading might take heed and look to find better trainers by being exposed to the debate - or they might be completely turned off by a clicquish group who summarily silences and bans anyone who dares to disagree with them.
But, regardless, this IS a forum - and an open one. And that IS the point.
It's interesting reading through this thread. I hadn't been back since I posted originally and I was surprised to see that there was such a debate.
I agree with Renee on the above - just because people don't agree doesn't mean they're missing the point. The concept of what should be allowed and what shouldn't is very subjective. Yes, I think that people who believe in using drowning as a training aid are wrong, and I believe that puppy mill type breeding is wrong, but I also believe that cropping ears and tails primarily for appearance-sake is inhumane and cruel, too. And yet others who loudly proclaim how wrong it is to allow someone to talk about over-breeding or abusive training techniques DO believe in cropping or docking because they want their dog to have a certain "look". So where, exactly, do we draw the line? Do we ban those who crop/dock just because some of us think it's cruel? Or do we just state our opinion and let others reading make their own conclusions? When it comes to threads that we feel strongly about, if we're logical and make a good argument we can possibly change some people's minds who may be on the border between two concepts. That's the value of a forum that allows a high level of freedom.
There just isn't a solid line between the good and bad. Some people really don't see that what they're doing is wrong. Maybe they grew up in a "spare the rod, spoil the child" household and punishment has always been a way of life to them. Maybe they grew up seeing dogs as being nothing more than livestock, to be raised and sold as a business. And in all honesty, when you look at Chazhound, the vast majority of threads are NOT about things that get people all worked up. We keep hearing about the same few "bad" threads over and over and over. Yes, there were things in those threads that I felt were abusive (and obviously others did too). Did it help when people got emotional and ranted or posted incoherently because they were upset? No, not really. Did it make a difference when logical and reasonable arguments were presented? Sometimes. And if someone comes to Chaz and reads those posts, they may learn something that they didn't know - and may make a good decision instead of a bad one.
Education is absolutely the key. If we all think back to what we thought we knew when we first got a dog - some of the things we did back then we wouldn't even DREAM of doing now. I let my dog ride in the back of the pick-up. Everybody did back then. I trained with a choke chain. Everybody did back then. I fed the cheap food. It was what I knew and what those around me knew. And as I grew as a dog owner and learned, I changed my ways. Who are we to say that trying to offer education to others, regardless of where they are in dogs at this point, is ever WRONG?? Maybe we won't change that particular person, but we may change others who read the thread. And that can't be anything but good.
When it comes right down to it, there's no one here who has a right to say what happens to this forum except for the person who pays the bills. We're not forced to stay here, certainly, and if a person is really upset then stepping away is probably the most healthy thing to do. There's no shame in taking a break.
Melanie and the gang in Alaska