Bahaha! I didn't know I was so loved! Thanks guys!
I love everyone here, and I can't name you all because I'm just NOT that talented:
Ryan - I haven't been talking to you long... Just since the whole blow up with Aaron, but you're so comforting and just awesome. Thanks for being such an awesome listener.
Renee - You have been here for me since my first day on this forum, and I love you for it. You always know what to say and when to say it, and unlike most people, when to shut up. LOL Thanks for being there. <3
Stef - I never, ever, ever thought I'd meet someone as fun and funny and as much like me as you are. Its incredible. You crack me up, but you know how to be serious, too. I can't wait to hear about the look on your dad's face when you get my letter! >.<
Brian - You're like my forum Dad. I love it! Thanks for all the info on the Army, and for pushing me in the right direction when I just wasn't sure. you've played a big part in helping me grow up and making my life better. You're awesome.
Tanya - You and Hannah just crack me up. I always know when I get on Chaz if I'm having a bad day, there'll be Hannah pics, and it makes me smile. Thanks for keeping me supplied with them!!! <3
Dakotah - You're just fun to talk to. You were the first person here that I talked to out side of Chaz. You're like a sister, and you've been a lot of help telling me about Charla's Basic experiences. <3
Jess - Girl you crack me up. The amount of Snarkiness that comes out of you amazes me and I just love it. You're never afraid to say what you're thinking, and so what if someone doesn't like it? Fcuk them. It makes me happy to know that the world isn't made ENTIRELY of kissasses.
Coop - Joe. Need I say more? You make me laugh about a thousand times a day and your pictures of Phoebe, Orson and Sekai just brighten my day like you wouldn't believe.
AC - You're just fun. I love being in Chat with you because there's always something else coming out of your mouth (finger tips) that makes me laugh.
Dr. Mom - You have been so much help to me and my whole family. From
mom's cancer to my diabetes, and even Adam's sinus surgery you've kept me calm and given me facts when nobody else would. Thanks. <3
Anyone I forgot, I'm sorry. You all, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, rock! <3