Hey, do you remember me? We talked a bit on cornsnakes.com quite a while ago, about clarinet and Erich Whitacre... I go by "Emily1188" on there. Congrats on your son, he's beautiful.
Hey there. Ya... sorry... I haven't been around much mainly because I've been so busy and so much going on. I'm going to hop on and post more soon. Prob wont be as active as I used to be in the past because I'm so busy all the time... but definitely going to try and be a little bit more active on Chaz.
I was going through my inbox and found an oooooldd message from you with a link to pics of the Kitty Boy Brothers so that I didn't miss the thread and had an "OMG YOU'RE SO AWESOME I MUST TELL YOU IMMEDIATELY" moment, haha.
Noly was absent from chaz for about a month and has only been here on and off since she started posting again. =/
I'm glad things are good with you. How about Morgan? Things are okay here. They've been up and down. I got off my BC which seems to have stopped most of the downs, though. THANK GOD. (It was getting bad. ) But other than that, things are pretty good!