Yeah, IMO there are few natural disasters scarier than a flood. Not only do you have the water damage and total destruction... but you have mold and mildew that sticks around for weeks and months, making it dangerous or even deadly to go in and clean up.
There are still sections of the city that are completely abandoned. There was nothing in place to help the citizens, and the government expects citizens to clean up the houses themselves, with their own money, before they can even sell/abandon the house and try to put their lives back together. It's horrible, and it's still horrible. I drove through the worst parts of town when the roads finally opened... and it was one of the saddest things I've ever witnessed. The sense of loss and helplessness is overwhelming.
Imagine losing your home, your car, ALL of your possessions... and the government tells you that you must clean your house, hire a company to make it not a health hazard (i.e. remove mold and mildew), and make it safe BEFORE you abandon it or have it torn down, or sell it. Meanwhile you're living in a tent town, or a relief shelter. Your pets are at a disaster relief shelter across town. You don't have flood insurance, because your house is/was on a patch of ground that hasn't flooded in 500 years... What the *heck* do you do...