The really awesome picture thread






Parex3, that's a great shot! I haven't started messing around much with water drops yet, but I love the look. Good job!

Sale, wow, your photography has really improved lately! That top one is really striking.
Those are all at least a year old, I just decided to edit them ;) :p Thanks though! :D
These are crappy cell phone pics, but I like the content.

What happens when your chickens outgrow the brooder?


I was parked next to this car in a parking garage and it made me lol


WE SELL CONCRETE BLOCKS!!11!!1!1!!11 WE'RE SO AWESOME!!1!!1!11!1!!

Very nice thread. So many great photos. Looking forward to see some more. Good job guys! :)
some of my pictures, taken with a nikon D7000 and various lenses that i have collected in the past years

Missouri farmland (18-55mm kit lens)

Slug (55mm micro f2.8 with a 35mm extension tube)

this was the single most difficult shot i have ever taken... was in flight, i had a 70-300mm 3.5-4.5 lens zoomed in to 300mm and was manually focusing... every time i would get near getting it in to focus it would move and i'de have to find it in the viewfinder again try to focus, again, only to have it move... again... must have taken 40-50 pictures and this is the only one that turned out

patch of flowers in my yard... seems the bumble bee is a re-occurring theme in my pics (50mm 1.8)

_NKN3780 by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

taken with my 80-200mm 4.5 macro

600556_481928558489816_255471106_n by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

the 80-200mm 4.5 macro again, was taking a picture of the sunflower when this honeybee is all like PHOTOBOMB!!!

575692_481928325156506_1801803445_n by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

found this old fellar while fishing one day

225519_227606250588716_2068532_n by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

Clear for takeoff mr heron

181705_199663396716335_71752_n - Copy by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

crazy sky (18-105 3.5 high end kit lens)

_NKN2453 by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

70-300mm 3.5, first osprey i had seen, got him with the big lens... was fortuitous cause i was taking some mediocre shots of a heron sitting on the bank then this guy flew by

_NKN2587 by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr
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lake of the ozarks missouri (18-105mm kit lens

_NKN2680 by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

Mid-Quack (18-105mm kit lens)

_NKN2692 by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

chickens! (50mm 1.8)

_NKN0902 by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

Field of view sunset (70-300mm)

_NKN1498 by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

long exposure 2 seconds with the 18-55mm kit lens

_NKN1684 by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

50mm 1.8

_NKN1992 by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

Thumbs up for fire! (50mm 1.8)

_NKN3308 by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

50mm 1.8

_NKN3639 by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

My glass (the Nikon d40x camera is for scale)
counter-clockwise from bottom left
28mm 2.8(Vintage 1970's), 50mm 1.8 (vintage 70's), 50mm 1.4(vintage 70's, needs repair), stack of filters, stack of extension tubes + a 2x teleconverter(vintage 70's),80-200mm 4.5 macro(vintage 70's) 135mm 3.5(vintage 70's), 70-300mm 3.5-4.5,Not shown is the 18-55mm 3.5 and my Nikon D7000, just got it and i love it!

942662_654836904532313_68298079_n by SeeingEyeHuman, on Flickr

thats it for the photo dump... let me know what you think!
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