The person below me ...

LoL Squid I know- I just said True- I need a bath as bad as my dog- EVERYDAY.
lol It was supposed to be for the hug one. lol
False, I am a teenage daughter!!!

TPBM loves the fall and winter time.
True and false, I love winter because of SNOW, and I don't ike Fall because school is starting and it's just boring...
but the one thing I love best about all the seasons is in Fall - when the first frost comes around, all the buggies die, yay! I'm SOO done with them after going through a whole summer with misquito bites galore and copper beatles in my hair every night.

TPBM likes rats.
The ones that are cute that people on this forum have = True
The field rats that are as big as cats then FALSE

TPBM needs to take a nap
False: I was a couch potatoe all day today... don't work until tomorrow and all through the weekend :(

TPBM holds a grudge for a long time
Ummm I dont know... I'd like to say Im a forgive and forget type person but if you really hurt me I tend to not forget.. so I guess yes.

TPBM is eating... lol
False but I just got dome drinking water!!!

TPBM LOVES LOVES it here at chaz!!! :p
Most of the time so I would probably say, true!

TPBM is wearing a pink shirt.
Been on lots of very long plane rides..

TPBM should be doing something else right now..
TRUE! Studying for my Bio test tomorrow :( Or writing my paper for Psych that's also due tomorrow *sigh*

TPBM likes hashbrowns!
True, love them with cheese, or I also have a great hashbrown casserole recipe.

TPBM goes on myspace at least once a day.
True...Its how I keep in touch with a lot of people.

TPBM watched the new CSI tonight... *yes im obsessed w/ it*