Okay, so gave Zane a bath. Now he is all super clean and yummy smelling. Buddy wash FTW! Glad I grabbed it under everyone's advice.
But then I took him out and about to help dry him out. And, as we are coming down the back stairs to our apartment, he sees a squirrel. No biggie, I have him on the long lead and I don't fall down the stairs. But then there is a HUGE, steep hill after that and the squirrel decided that he didn't feel so safe in one of those trees. So it takes off right under Zander's nose and breaks for the treeline at the bottom of the hill. Thought process:
Oh, here we go. Just let him, he's on the long line. He'll give up. (HUGE MISTAKE)
Oh ****, he's really taking off.
Srs dog is srs about this. Uhhh....
I can't run downhill in flipflops. I'm at the end of the line. He's still going full out.
****. If I let go, he's gone. *flops down, last chance to save my wrist, hopes he stops when he feels the weight*
NOPE. Zander dragged me (twice his bodyweight) for another 10-15 feet and STILL almost caught that **** squirrel.
Speaking of my ass, I have the worst friction/grass burns all up my leg, side, and arm.
One hand, I totally deserved it thinking he wouldn't run full out and seriously chase. Totally deserved it.
On the other hand, my puppy still has it in him at 8!