The musing thread

Wanted to go to the bank today. Realized at the last second it was the 4th.

Could take Zane and Child to the park. They could use some run around time and it's an excuse to go play with the camera. Sorta hot today though.

Rhio wants to go see fireworks. I'm meh about it.

Today is just a wanting to do ALL THE THINGS. But not really.
I started washing dogs today a little before 10AM.
I finished grooming after 2:15PM.

Boo, boo, boo.

And the one who shed the most? AUGGIE. WTF??
Okay, so gave Zane a bath. Now he is all super clean and yummy smelling. Buddy wash FTW! Glad I grabbed it under everyone's advice.

But then I took him out and about to help dry him out. And, as we are coming down the back stairs to our apartment, he sees a squirrel. No biggie, I have him on the long lead and I don't fall down the stairs. But then there is a HUGE, steep hill after that and the squirrel decided that he didn't feel so safe in one of those trees. So it takes off right under Zander's nose and breaks for the treeline at the bottom of the hill. Thought process:

Oh, here we go. Just let him, he's on the long line. He'll give up. (HUGE MISTAKE)
Oh ****, he's really taking off.
Srs dog is srs about this. Uhhh....
I can't run downhill in flipflops. I'm at the end of the line. He's still going full out.
****. If I let go, he's gone. *flops down, last chance to save my wrist, hopes he stops when he feels the weight*

NOPE. Zander dragged me (twice his bodyweight) for another 10-15 feet and STILL almost caught that **** squirrel.


Speaking of my ass, I have the worst friction/grass burns all up my leg, side, and arm.

One hand, I totally deserved it thinking he wouldn't run full out and seriously chase. Totally deserved it.

On the other hand, my puppy still has it in him at 8!
This is the first fourth of July living in a place fireworks are banned (even sparklers) and it's sooo weird! Where I use to live I heard fireworks a week before and after the 4th. Here, it's the 4th and I havent heard or seen a single one. It's kinda unnerving O_o
On my way home from work I saw a guy shoppingcartjouring with his dog.
I'm feeling...restless. I don't know why. I'm also feeling slightly dissatisfied. *sigh*
I don't know what to do with the rest of my life. Why do I have to grow up? this sucks.
It occurred to me today that because of Fred's recovery we haven't actually just gone out and PLAYED together much. Just rough housed and interacted and tugged and chased.

So I just took him out with a tug and we played. And it was brilliant. And he was actually a bit... Non-committal at first, but started to realise what he needed to do, and got revved up and bounced after the tug and chased it. And I thought, we've missed out on so much!!!!!! My poor brown boy :( there's so much we should have done together by now. He loved it :) when he's finished dozing I might do it all again this afternoon too.
Going to see the draft horse show today with a good friend.

This friend is having a hard time right now. Her dad was recently diagnosed with Stage 3c colon cancer. This is after the man has had 3 heart attacks and several years ago her mom had lymphoma, which she is now in remission from. It just isn't fair--no one family should have to deal with that much sickness. :(
I accidentally ordered a crapton of jalapenos on my sub sandwich, and I don't usually get any because they're spicy. Turns out they're actually pretty good.
I cooked BBQ... We did sausages, bacon, steak, lamb steaks, mint kebabs, chicken kebabs (jerk, nandos and peri peri), flat mushrooms, salad and asparagus. Oh and bread buns...... And coleslaw.

There's only us two :D

I ate a nibble of everything and I'm stuffed. And we have more than we ate leftover. Oops.
I was cleaning out my closet and found a small Furby. (The kind found in a Happy Meal or something.) I threw it to the side and Gwen pounced on it.

She has been carrying it around and hoarding it all day. She especially loves when she squeezes it and it says things. Good thing the ferrets don't talk.
I was cleaning out my closet and found a small Furby. (The kind found in a Happy Meal or something.) I threw it to the side and Gwen pounced on it.

She has been carrying it around and hoarding it all day. She especially loves when she squeezes it and it says things. Good thing the ferrets don't talk.

Lol I had one of the first generation furbys and my moms dog (shih tzu/pug) fell in love with it. She carried it everywhere lol
Just randomly remembered when The Fire Hydrant moved down to the bottom of the forum and everyone freaked out.
I wonder why Wesley thought it was a good idea to take a flying leap into the hammock. That is all.
I have a musing today. How come you can get so attached to people or animals you've never met before and only know via the internet? Seems weird.

Also, Harlow's eye is swollen. She's still being a brat. Not sure if it is worth a vet trip or not. Guess we will see if it goes down at all overnight.

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