Siege's Snow Day (and something else, too?)


Active Member
May 10, 2010
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So I know Chaz is pretty much empty these days, but I'm still kinda refusing to acknowledge that the forum is dead lol

SO anyway, Siege got to enjoy the snow day too (as did Trent, but the snow is extremely overstimulating for him and because I can't hold my balance, his leash, and a camera, I opted out of taking those photos lol).



As it turns out, Siege does not care for the snow.



Luckily I bribed her with a ball and got her to look pretty (and she forgot all about the snow once the ball came out)


Beautiful girl

Everything the light touches is her kingdom lol

This dog is perfect


And she means so much to me





She's the prettiest dog in all of ever, really


Siege with the new puppy, Kirin
Oh wait, what's that?

Kirin is a racing line Siberian Husky that I got talked into co-owning with my roommate. Sibes aren't my breed at all, but I vastly prefer the temperament and drives of racing bred Sibes over the other options, so we'll see how she turns out! Here are some more photos of just Kirin. She's sassy and adorable and bratty and thus far, pretty perfect!








I love your pictures!!!! I am in denial about the forum being dead too lol

Cute puppy, too
We should all make an effort to post more here. I've loved being a part of this community, and I don't want it to go away. The FB group is pretty active, so it's not like all the Chazzers just vanished off the face of the earth.

Congrats on puppy! Your photos are so gorgeous, as are both Siege and Kirin. Usually I think of tiny puppies as cute, but Kirin really is beautiful.
I definitely don't want this forum to die. Noooo.

These pictures are gorgeoussss. Might be some of my favorite of yours.
Siege actually is the most beautiful dog ever. Like... ever. I love how much dark dark brown and black she has on her face/neck/chest. The scenery is pretty gorgeous as well.

Also OMG Kirin. You're you and your roommate own her together? Or you and your roommate own her with your breeder? She's crazy pretty and I feel like she has interested markings on her face. I wonder how they'll change as she ages. I'm excited to see her grow up!

I actually saw a picture of her somewhere in facebook dog group world and thought I recognized your name and dogs and I wondered if she was yours and if you'd post her here!
Kirin is adorable, but I <3 Siege.

Right? She's truly the best. The best dog I'll ever have <3

I love your pictures!!!! I am in denial about the forum being dead too lol

Cute puppy, too

Thank you so much!! Hahaha glad I'm not the only one! Still nice to post here sometimes and hear from those we don't have added on FB!

We should all make an effort to post more here. I've loved being a part of this community, and I don't want it to go away. The FB group is pretty active, so it's not like all the Chazzers just vanished off the face of the earth.

Congrats on puppy! Your photos are so gorgeous, as are both Siege and Kirin. Usually I think of tiny puppies as cute, but Kirin really is beautiful.

Haha I think like, once a year we all make a collective effort to post more, which works for about a week and then...dead again. The FB group is active-ish? But more so than the forum that's for sure.

I mean, one of the reasons I don't post as frequently either is because I have almost all the Chaz members added on Facebook too so it's not that I'm wondering where everyone is - I just sometimes prefer the forum format and discussion threads to Facebook.

And thank you so much!! I think she's going to grow up really nicely!

I definitely don't want this forum to die. Noooo.

These pictures are gorgeoussss. Might be some of my favorite of yours.

Yeah it's a huge bummer, Chaz used to be my favorite forum : (

Thank you so much though!! I've been in suuuch a photo rut lately, but having a puppy around reminds me to take more photos! And the snow was a really nice surprise.

Siege actually is the most beautiful dog ever. Like... ever. I love how much dark dark brown and black she has on her face/neck/chest. The scenery is pretty gorgeous as well.

Also OMG Kirin. You're you and your roommate own her together? Or you and your roommate own her with your breeder? She's crazy pretty and I feel like she has interested markings on her face. I wonder how they'll change as she ages. I'm excited to see her grow up!

I actually saw a picture of her somewhere in facebook dog group world and thought I recognized your name and dogs and I wondered if she was yours and if you'd post her here!

Aw, thank you so much!! I'm super biased but I totally agree haha. I love her rich coloring, and the snow makes her coat and eyes stand out so well <3

Kirin is owned between my roommate and me : ) Roommate pays all finances but I do all the training and socializing. Everything else is split between us! I picked out the breeder and talked with him on choosing the puppy, and I'm really happy with the him (the breeder). I'm very excited to see how Kirin grows up too and how she turns out!! She was much darker when she was born and has a black-ish undercoat of sorts?? So I'm not sure if she'll get darker as she gets her adult coat!

And yeah! I posted her to a few groups just to see what everyone else thought of her! Not a lot of people are used to seeing Sibes like her so I thought that'd be fun!

Whaaaaaaat omg dogbaby! <3

Hahaha right?? PUPPY.
These picture are all amaaaaaaazing. :hail: Just have to love Siege with that nice, dark color - for sure my favorite for the breed.
I love all these photos so much! See, that's why the forum is good, I had seen a couple of these photos already on facebook but not ALL of them!!

Siege is just amazing as always and Kirin is a ridiculously cute puppy, omg!
Stunning photos as always (can you come to my house and take pictures, please?!?).

Congrats on the adorable little Sibe girl. I cannot get over her eyes.

I don't post a ton on here anymore either, but I don't want the forum to be dead either. It is great to see a picture thread with more than two responses!
Your photos are still as stunning as ever! And... and... PUPPY!!!!

I love Siege, though. She's just gorgeous.

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