Chicken update. They are living in an outdoor moveable pen with a shelter nowadays. I moved them into an expen today in an area of overgrown grass where we can't get a mower, in the hope that they would tear it down for me. So far, so good
They are about 3 months old.
Light Brahma in front, Australorp to the left and Gold-Laced Wyandotte to the right.
Buff Brahma tail feathers, with one of the Australorps
L-R There's one of the Gold-Laced Wyandotte, the Speckled Sussex, Black Australorp, Buff Brahma in front (she's my friendliest hen), the other GL Wyandotte behind, and Partridge rock there on the far right.
Buff Brahma, showing off again. Feet feathering visible this time.
Partridge Rock, making noise.
One of the GL Wyandottes. They have such a striking feather pattern.
Partridge Rock again. I really like her feather patterning too.