I just went with a smattering of breeds the distributor had available that are known to be fairly easy going, good eggs layers, with somewhat heavier body types. I've only really had a lot of first-hand experience with silkies, RIR, and Barred Rock. The RIR seem to be more aggressive but maybe it's just the ones we had. Silkies are not what I was looking for in terms of size, etc., and Barred Rocks...well I just wanted something different lol.
I also tried to stay away from white birds since there are theories that they are more susceptible to hawks and such, being very easy to see from the sky. We have a lot of hawks here. One of the Brahmas is turning out to be more white than I expected, though, so I may have failed there.
Breeds I passed over at the distributor were leghorns, orpingtons, old english game, and several bantam breeds. I didn't want to get anything so lightweight that they are harder to keep contained. I will probably get Orps at some point but there's a breeder near here with really nice ones so I can always gets some from them.