Potty training problem


New Member
Jul 7, 2010
We just got our Golden retriever puppy 1 1/2 weeks ago and she is 17 weeks. We have been keeping her in a crate at night and when we are gone and that is going well. The problem I am having is that she seems to pee on the carpet in a certain area even though we let her out every hour or so. We tried using Nature's miracle to get rid of the scent but I think she is just going because she still smells the scent. When we are home we leave her roam the house but we keep a close I on her. Does anyone have any suggestions on what we can do?


Active Member
Nov 29, 2006
She is far too young to roam around the house, even with supervision it's too easy for her to use the bathroom unless you are RIGHT THERE. I would have her on a leash at all times unless she is asleep so she cannot have any opportunity to use the bathroom in the house. If she squats to go scoop her up and take her out. Ideally you'll notice when she has to go before she starts, she'll pace, sniff, be unable to settle down and then you should take her out. Even if it's just a tiny bit of this behavior take her out, better to be safe than sorry.

You are doing well using the nature's miracle, either it needs to be cleaned multiple times or she's going there out of habit, not scent. She's just decided that's where the place is to potty.

Continue taking her out frequently and make sure you reward with something great when she goes outside.

Keep up the good work, housebreaking takes time, she's young and very new so don't expect her to catch on right away, just prevent as much as you possibly can and she should start forming good habits.


New Member
Jul 7, 2010
Thanks for your encouragement. Last time I had a puppy it was 15 years ago and I was working at the time. That dog spent alot more time in the crate. Now that I am home all day with the kids it is alot harder. Our house really has no way to section off the carpet area. I will try to keep the leash on her unless she is in the crate. Do you think I should get the carpet cleaned and try to start over? I am not sure if all the odor is out. We did get the carpets cleaned after my last dog died so there should be no old scents. This part seems so much harder than last time.


Active Member
Nov 9, 2007
Central Texas
Don't feel bad about putting her in the crate some during the day, even when you're home. IMO it's a good idea for dogs to get used to being in the crate separated from you, for those times when you have company over and need to put her away, or she's injured and has to be on crate rest, or any number of other reasons. Plus you will enjoy her more if you get breaks from her. :)

As far as pottying in the same spot, I'd suggest feeding her at that spot. Dogs don't like to potty where they eat, so this is an easy trick that usually stops it pretty quickly. Of course you'll have to do it in conjunction with Maxy's potty training advice.


Hey this might help...it helped me a lot!!

If you don't catch your puppy doing it - then don't punish him for it!

Praise your puppy when things go right. Don't let this be a situation where your only action is saying "No" when they are caught in the midst of using the wrong area. If they do it right – let them know!

Methods of house training

Starting Inside: There are several ways to housebreak a puppy. With the first, you can put down papers or pretreated pads, encouraging them to use these areas for going to the bathroom. The pads are scented with a chemical that attracts the puppy to use them. Whenever you see them starting into their "pre-potty pattern," such as walking around and sniffing the floor, you gently pick them up without talking and carry them over to the papers/pad and then praise them when they go to the bathroom (Rule 2).

When all goes well and they are using the papers consistently, the papers are either moved closer to the door and/or another set is placed outside. The transition is made from concentrating the toilet habits to one spot inside the home to one spot outside the home. Finally, the papers inside are eliminated. The only problem with this method is that for a period of time it encourages the animal to eliminate inside the home. In our experience, house training may take longer when this method is used.

Crate Training: The second popular method of house training involves the use of a crate or cage. The often-stated reasoning is that the animal is placed in a cage that is just large enough to be a bed. Dogs do not like to soil their beds because they would be forced to lay in the mess. It works, and while in these confines, most pups will control their bladder and bowels for a longer time than we would expect. Young puppies, at 8 or 9 weeks of age can often last for 7 or 8 hours, however, we would never recommend leaving them unattended in a crate for that long in most circumstances.

During housebreaking, whenever the puppy is inside the home but cannot be watched, he is placed in the crate. This might be while you are cooking, reading to the children, or even away from the home. The last thing you do before you put the puppy in the crate is take him outside to his favorite spot. The first thing you do when you take the animal out of the crate is another trip outside. No food or water goes in the crate, just a blanket and maybe a chew toy to occupy his time. Overnight is definitely crate time. As your faith in the puppy grows, leave him out for longer and longer periods of time.

Constant Supervision: The last method involves no papers, pads, or crates. Rather, you chose to spend all the time necessary with the puppy. This works very well for people who live and work in their homes, retired persons, or in situations where the owners are always with the animal. Whenever they see the puppy doing his "pre-potty pattern" they hustle him outside. It is important that the dog is watched at all times and that no mistakes are allowed to occur. This method has less room for error, as there is nothing like a cage to restrict the animal's urges, nor is there a place for him to relieve himself such as on the papers or pad. When he is taken outside, watch the puppy closely and as soon as all goes as planned, he should be praised and then brought back inside immediately. You want the dog to understand that the purpose for going outside was to go to the bathroom. Do not start playing, make it a trip for a reason. Verbal communications help this method and we will discuss them soon. For those with the time, this is a good method. We still recommend having a crate available as a backup when the owners have to be away from the animal.
Aug 19, 2010
Try this!

Dogs tend to like to pee in the same area so try cleaning the spot with a degreaser and baking soda! I had the same problem with my little chihuahua!


Fila the love
Aug 5, 2005
Patience and consistency on your part are the two things that will get you thru potty training.

The rest is in the cut and paste post above.


New Member
Sep 8, 2010
Dogs tend to like to pee in the same area so try cleaning the spot with a degreaser and baking soda! I had the same problem with my little chihuahua!
That's a very good suggestion, I had a friend who used the same method to get over it. It is very important to study their behavior as this helps to know their needs better and thus respond accordingly. After this I'm sure that you will indeed have even better time.


New Member
Dec 1, 2010
Jan 21, 2011
I have the same problem... my shih tzu is still 2 months old... i have no idea how to potty train him... better start reading then... lol


Owned by Rottweilers
Jan 14, 2011
South Africa
I haven't gone and read the links but I have decided to give my 2cents.
My dogs are not crate trained. I don't even own a crate, the reason for this is because I knew none the better and I am not worse of because of it either. My dogs have lived inside the house since I got them and were allowed to roam free. My dogs are house trained. Bella learnt not to number 2 in the house in 4 days but Leo took a little longer (I'm not sure if this is because I got him at an older age than Bella and he had been allowed to pee and poo inside the house I got him from and the owner would just pick it up without correction). The method I used was simple. I was home all the time and puppies are usually lazy so they sleep most of the day (well at least this is true for Rottie pups, I can't speak for all breeds or even a single breed in that case just my dogs) usually I will go and sit in the same area as where the pup has fallen asleep, or because the pup likes human attention, he/she usually came and slept near me. As soon as the puppy woke up I would pick him/her up and take them outside in the area I want them to always go to the toilet. I would wait outside until SOMETHING was done, whether it was number 1 or 2. As soon as they started going I would say "toilet" and praise when they are done. In other instances I would take the pup out right after they stopped playing, right after they finished eating, right after they drank something, basically after every activity. It's now come to the stage where if I am outside and I tell Bella "toilet" she will immediately do her business. I however don't use this command unless we are travelling a far distance as she has now learnt to go toilet outside in her own time, and so has Leo however he doesn't toilet on command, yet.

ETA: When there was an accident in the house, which there was when I was incredibly tired and couldn't wake up every 2 hours I would neutralize the smell with a mixture of vinegar, water and bicarbonate soda. It ALWAYS worked like a charm


Owned by Fidget
May 12, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Use OUT! enzyme spray for urine. It works great. Don't lose hope!!! You have to have patience. I almost lost my mind trying to housetrain Fidget. They will be more trustworthy around 6 or 7 months but cannot be fully trusted IMO until they are over a year old.

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