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Which age group? (Not which one you act like ;) )

  • 13-15

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 16-20

    Votes: 20 23.5%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 44 51.8%
  • Thirty-something

    Votes: 15 17.6%
  • Forty-ish (the new 29)

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • Fifties (you don't look a day over 35!)

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Somewhere in the Sixties

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 69+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd tell you but I'd have to kill you.

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • Wine and cheese (here's to you, Grammy)

    Votes: 7 8.2%

  • Total voters


Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Where the selas blooms
The age thing . . .

There are always a few who really surprise me, people I thought were older because of the maturity of their posts -- and sometimes I find out they're still in high school, or younger :)

*gets sappy, thinking about all the kids who have grown up here*
I am sure I might be one of them. Even though this is my second username (forgot password of last one), I've been on here for like 5-ish years. I've "grew" up with a lot of yall. Chaz is like a second family to me. I'll be 21 next month, and I've on here since I was like 15, I think.
Its been a while lol

ETA: ok totally read your post wrong, its 1am here and I need sleep lol
I am sure I might be one of them. Even though this is my second username (forgot password of last one), I've been on here for like 5-ish years. I've "grew" up with a lot of yall. Chaz is like a second family to me. I'll be 21 next month, and I've on here since I was like 15, I think.
Its been a while lol

ETA: ok totally read your post wrong, its 1am here and I need sleep lol

You're younger than me?! :lol-sign:
Ok... I chose 2 :p I'm 20... but I'll be 21 on Saturday LOL

ETA: Putting the age group as 21-30 made me cry a little...
When I joined here I think I was only 13 XD Or maybe 12... I had to lie and pretend I was older than I was, so whatever that age is :p

I am almost 20 now though :)
Oh goodness, I remember when some of you were knee-high to an internet troll! *rocks in armchair*

I'm 29 going on 18 going on 85.
I'm 21 and three quarters, turn 22 in March.
i thought MandyPug was older than me, the more you know.
I can't believe I'm older than some of you :p

I'm 23. I'll be 24 in July. :yikes:

Also, knee high to an internet troll made me freaking rofl hard
I'm turning 21 in April. :yikes: So I put my vote on the 21-30 :p

I joined here when I was 15. :yikes:
I'm going to be 20 next month! I joined shortly before my 15th birthday, and people wonder what I like so much about this place, it's my second home!

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