New Member
Yes, she is 3 years old now and I breed her for the first time. As I wrote earlier, my Saluki live outside a year around here, in Virginia climate. No problem with this, only benefits. They are ready to jump out of their pens and run at any moment, when I am ready. Adel gave birth to pups on July 3 and I know who will buy my puppies. Even while nursing the pups, she does not mind to run for five-ten minutes and even flash a rabbit! She eats 2-3 pounds of ground beef per day and the pups grow rapidly.
Prior to giving birth, she cleaned inside the doghouse, leaving just bare plywood floor. Everything is going on naturally. No vets involved and I do not intervene, except handling the pups.
Prior to giving birth, she cleaned inside the doghouse, leaving just bare plywood floor. Everything is going on naturally. No vets involved and I do not intervene, except handling the pups.