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  • I've been reading "at" a book titled, "Sex Before Dawn." (Not getting very far very fast because my attention is focused more on what I'm writing than what I'm reading, but . . .) What's really fascinating is the discussion about how shifting from a hunter/gatherer society to an agrarian one also shifted societal mores. Not necessarily for the better. Anyway, the "dark matters" thread reminded me and thought it might be a book that would interest you :)
    So all I've seen out here are coyotes... and we don't have any trees? Elaborate on this grey fox thing, sounds fun!
    Good point ;) Not a big joiner myself either. I do like their stand though, at least what I've seen of it so far.
    she is doing awesome. she only needs to be told 3 times now before she sits, which is a requirement for everything from leashing up for walks to eating. she won't jump into the truck yet either. she bullies Sonic until he gets tired of it and snaps at her, so that is my main focus right now. she is such a wigglebutt and adores the kids.
    thanks. still getting sorted out here w/ the new house & all. so won't be here alot but checking in.
    Thanks :) I thought that kind of attitude was standard with a good Houla! I'll never understand why people are so antsy about dogs not letting strangers in. That's NORMAL -- for a good dog, anyway :D
    you can start at these forums. w/o a specific direction i'm not sure where to point you. BigGameHoundsmen.com • Index page
    New york state hound hunting - Home
    Ozziedoggers (Powered by Invision Power Board)
    UKC Message Boards - powered by vBulletin
    North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Home Page
    Real Working Airedales - Home
    NOFCA - National Open Field Coursing Association
    The Hunting Life
    Working Lurchers and Terriers - Hunting Worldwide.
    Deer Search Inc. tracking wounded game with tracking dogs
    Hey, I've got some articles to write on hunting dogs and hunting with dogs. Can you steer me to some good, REAL info? If you don't mind, e-mail it to me at [email protected]. That's IF you don't mind. I don't want to impose :)
    Now, if you want to hunt cats, you should look into a good, hard temperament, working Fila ;) Fila Brasileiro and Neopolitan Mastiff

    I'm not familiar w/ his line but i can ask around on the hogdog boards. i am most familiar w/ the weatherford ben and lines from him. i also know a little about the jd howard, carnathan's bruno & ladner lines.
    You might be able to give me some info . . . Ever run across any Nolan Curs? Pete Nolan's line of Black Mouth Curs?
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