I could use a hug, and Hyia could use some vibes


Dec 16, 2004
Too long of a story to even know whee to begin, but with pepper's leg, babie adjustments, for them and for me, and Hyia having to go back to the hospital (will not disclose for medical privacy) I am worn slick. Worried to the point of exhaustion. Trying to keep my eye on all of them, is beyond hard. I need to be two people, I need someone else to worry with me. I need to grow extra eyes, and arms, and the tole of lifting has caused my own phsyiccal problems, been doing way too much that I have no business doing. Then there is money, and the worry of burning through what I don't have. It is really hard right now.

Rewarding in the respect that my grandson who I was close to, is even more so, that I received a hug today, that I will never ever forget, and I am so glad that every day he is thrilled to come. Baylee is still getting use to me, I think she really is too young to have to leave her Mama for 1o hours a day, but at least here, she is loved, and cherished, and encouraged. She can do so many things that surprise me for being one year old. I am trying my ever living best to treat them with all the love I gave my own. No matter how good the daycare, it just isnt' the same as someone who thinks your precious.

I just need more energy, a better immune system, and to be about 10 years younger. AT least the horrid horrid neighbor's are gone, and the harrassment has stopped. I received a paper from the prosecuting attorney for her slapping me in the face, and when I turned my back, her continuing to hit me in the head. I am suppose to fill it out, and I don't know what to say. I dont' want her money, I don't want anything that is from her for I believe it would keep her in my mind, and I don't want her there. I dont' think any of the anger management classes would fix a thing, a psych evaluation, and being committed would be a great place to start. That and the ruling that she never ever own another animal. Somehow I will try to put that in words tomorrow, if it isnt' too late. WIth pepepr's leg, and Hyia's crisis, I just haven't had time to even consider what it is I am suppose to say. I do want to say that their harassment of Hyia, stalking her to the bus stop, flipping her off, calling her stupid, and worse, have a lot to do with her troubles now.

Every time I walk out my door now I can breath a sigh of relief. It is so nice not to be woke up a half dozen times in the night too. THat much is better, but the fallout, I guess will just take time to heal. I doubt we are the first people she has treated this way, I hope the Judge throws the book at her. How do you put a monetary value to the fact that she hit me right across the place where I have had 3 surgeries, and is now damaged with flattened bone ends with splinters. She also broke open my nose which has taken months to heal from a leaking blood vessel. I was so afraid she had done perm damage. I have already been told my insurance won't cover it, what can't be fixed because the last surgery was a last ditch effort. The pain was unreal. It's taken 2 weeks but things have gradually subsided. IF I hadn't gone the legal way in having that cat put down, she would never have known. I didnt' let her have her fun in seeing it tortured to the bitter end.

She did go to jail for 24 hours because of what she did, adn I have a full protection order that has been extended to one year.I thought at the time that was at least some justice for Victoria, (the cat) who suffered until it became fatal from her neglect. She literally threw the cat out to die. I called the sheriff and this is the no good deed goes unpunished. How do you even explain that. I hope I don't have to go to her hearing. I never ever want to see her again. I still can't get her soulless eyes out of my mind. No more broken beer bottles littering the sidewalk, no more spilling out garabage, no more drunks hanging out. I can go out and weed and let the babies play in the sunshine without worry. It has been a horridly long year with her, and the last two months, are just being description.
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